Ralfee Finn - Weekly FrequencyJune 20-26, 2012
Uranus/Pluto Square: Part Four
The planets align with increasing complexity this week, and as the routines of daily life mirror the sky, many of us are likely to feel overwhelmed by the attention required to handle the details with skill. Finding a way through the week without getting lost requires figuring out how to defy the gravity of conventional wisdom but not lose the solid ground of common sense. This challenge is not for anyone devoted to the “tried and true.” Much of what’s worked before isn’t working anymore (and actually hasn’t worked for a while), so the old excuse “this is the way it’s always done” doesn’t hold. But we’ve yet to create innovative, viable solutions to a seemingly endless stream of emergencies – and that’s a problem, especially as nervous systems struggle to stay steady. Don’t be surprised if you or someone close to you just can’t cope with a “normal” task. Be careful not to push yourself or those you love too hard – almost everyone is stretched to the limit, and honoring those limits will help to soothe the stress.
Several configurations contribute the complexity. Today, the summer solstice signals the start of a new season, and as the Sun enters Cancer, the focus shifts ever so slightly away from the intellectual pursuits of Gemini to the intuitive concerns Cancer. But it’s not a complete change of heart – Jupiter and Venus are still in Gemini pursuing information and conversation.
Saturn, retrograde in Libra since February 7 goes direct on Monday. For the next several months, as it moves through the last degrees of Libra, the Sign of relating, there will be ample opportunities to experience greater clarity about what we are hoping to give to and receive from significant others.
That clarity is strengthened when Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, goes direct the morning of June 27. Venus Retrograde focused on relationships, old and new, and as her review comes to a close, you might feel the impulse to make decisions about certain interactions. Be patient. Venus “turns around” in a sextile to Uranus, the planet of surprising plot twists, making a sudden change of heart probable. Allow this last week of her retrograde and the first week of her forward motion to unfold before you make any important decisions.
The core of this week’s intensity is the first exact square between Uranus and Pluto occurring on June 24. Uranus represents the freedom fighter; it’s currently in Aries, the Sign of the warrior, a position that amplifies its tendency toward aggression. Pluto represents death and rebirth; it’s currently in Capricorn, the Sign of authority, a position that amplifies its tendency toward control. As they clash through the forceful friction of a square, we’re in for an increasingly volatile process of transformation.
Interactions between Uranus and Pluto facilitate progress toward social justice, but they also stir resistance toward that evolution. How we handle the push and pull of this potent struggle is yet to be seen. Will the Occupy movement gather enough momentum to challenge a system that only serves the very few – and finally persuade it to shift? Will reactionary members of the right continue to buy enough sound bites to turn fiction into fact? Will others on the left find a strong enough voice to galvanize positive action?
As the coming weeks unfold, try to keep in mind that each of us plays a role in creating solutions to the multitude of complex situations we’re currently facing. Every personal choice contributes to the collective outcome. Every heart has the power to make a difference.
If you know your Ascendant and/or your Moon Sign, read that, too.
Aries March 21-April 19
A strong center will keep you steady. Allow yourself to go deep and internal to gather your strength before you aim your external efforts far and wide.
Taurus April 20-May 20
Powerful conversations deliver new information about old situations. The only thing you’re required to do is to listen carefully, without jumping to conclusions.
Gemini May 21-June 21
Despite the external tumult, you’re optimistic and excited to embark on the next adventure. Seize this positive moment and immerse yourself in joy.
Cancer June 22-July 22
You can’t help but wear your heart on your sleeve, so rather than pretending you don’t care, put pride aside and own your feelings.
Leo July 23-August 22
Practice patience, and you’ll assume the perfect position for handling unexpected developments. It’s not about pushing the river; it’s about allowing it to flow.
Virgo August 23-September 22
Yes, a lot has changed – and continues to change. Adjusting to the shifts and acclimating to the new environment – psychic and physical – will simply take a little time.
Libra September 23-October 22
Try not to confuse surrender with failure – you’re not being asked to capitulate. The solution involves continuing to release patterns that no longer serve you or those you love.
Scorpio October 23-November 21
There are opportunities to manifest what you most desire, but your success depends on being clear about what drives your motives and intentions.
Sagittarius November 22-December 21
Stay open to the possibility of new, beneficial alliances that have the power to enhance your efforts. You’ll be required to follow through but that shouldn’t be too hard.
Capricorn December 22-January 19
It’s your choice and it could be a difficult decision: Frame the situation as burdensome, or recognize that you’re being asked to help where help is genuinely needed.
Aquarius January 20-February 18
Give yourself permission to play. Yes, there are serious situations in need of your attention, and allowing yourself to relax will help you to make balanced and appropriate choices.
Pisces February 19-March 20
You have a chance to fortify your internal sense of wellbeing by expanding your resources for self-care. Whether it’s meditation, exercise, or sleeping in, make the most of this opportunity.