Friday, June 29, 2012

Having Trouble Getting Your Ducks In A Row?

This was on facebook from my friend Pamela Madsen it was so great I wanted to share it and my response below.
Everyday, I talk to people about their lives. It's what I do. We talk about their desires, and what they want in their lives. I coach them about getting from here to there.

Where people get stuck is around expecting all of their ducks to line up in a row before they get started. The fact is, the folks who want neat lines of ducks - never get to go in the water. They are too busy trying to convince the ducks to form a perfect line, while they spend their time talking about their dreams and wondering why they never seem to come true.

The fact is, most of the time in life - it's never a good time for most things. We never really have time, or money - and we don't know how to work with the boundaries in our lives. So we stay home worrying about the ducks.

It's time for some "Pammy Advice"!

Stop worrying about your ducks. They will find their way to the water if you let them. Just let go. Nothing is holding you back from your dreams. Just start. Don't worry too much about the outcome. It will "outcome" all by itself! Boundaries in your life can shift. They are not absolute even if you thought they once were. Be generous. It's the number one rule of the universe. Be generous to those around you - and be generous to yourself. When you busy exploring how you can be generous to the world, it's hard to keep track of ducks.

Oh my God! I just saw a bunch of ducks scramble in all directions! Are they yours? Congratulations!

Loving you from here....

Thanks Pamela, I love this. Thank you so much for making humor out of the drama so many make about life. I learned a long time ago that it was not the most talented people who succeed. It is those with some talent and a lot of determination who succeed. 

The process of success is about trying and failing. Making an adjustment and trying over and over making small adjustments all the time. My father had a phrase, "Don't let the B******ds get you down!" 

What he meant by that was that the universe will always create challenges and resistance to a good idea. But if you are also resisting yourself then you will not get anywhere. Your only choice is to go for your dream regardless of how many say it can't be done or that you can't do it. When you believe in yourself then anything is possible.

I decided a long time ago to aim for the stars. Rarely did I get what I thought I was going for but wow did I hit some high clouds and have some spectacular views along the way. It is those moments that give me juice when the going gets tough. After all it is not about how much you can dish out to others but actually about how many hits you can take and keep going. 

Thank you for the share. I will forward it on to my facebook group.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Here we go with the Uranus Pluto Square

Well, we are all finally here to this moment in time in which Uranus and Pluto will square off for the next 3 years. This should prove to be interesting internally and externally in all of us. What I keep telling myself is that regardless of how tightly I might want to hang on to the past I must let it go.  

I tell myself that the past is just a memory and is not really alive. It feels alive in my mind but thoughts are actually dead. They might be pleasant to remember but I must learn to pull myself out of my musings of times gone by and remember where I am now.

I remind myself that I am more present, more vulnerable, more alive, more aware, and on the whole a much better person. But that old illusion of ego is not there. That is what is uncomfortable. Moving from the place of trust in something greater than myself in this moment is the key to sanity. 

I am hearing from so many how they have done patterns this whole life that were working well and suddenly in the last 3 plus years nothing is working the same. 

Yea, no kidding! We are all in this same boat looking for ways to guide this ship forward. The old standbys are just not there and we are all grappling with the meaning of life and attempting to find a center when it feels as if the floor is not underneath us anymore. When we are afraid we will try to go back to what used to work. It seems logical but in this time it is not working. What this time is calling for within each of us are new ideas and new ways of seeing and experiencing the world. 

I know for myself that I do not want to be one of those old women who are lost in the past and playing out the old tapes because I am afraid to look this reality solidly in the eye with acceptance, love, trust, and joy. I want to remember that this moment can be as beautiful as any other moment. It is what I do with it that matters.

I remind myself that all we have is this moment. None of us can guarantee that tomorrow we will be here. I believe that harsh reality seems to be surfacing within each person in different ways. People feel lost, confused, not knowing, fearful, angry, despondent, and sad. They wish things were simple and back in the frame of our old habits and patterns. 

Sometimes all of us want that but the reality is that time marches forward regardless of what we think or want and we have to learn to march with it. 

When I am in a place of total and complete unknowing I attempt to let my mind's chatter go and just practice being present and compassionate to others. That often helps me become less constricted. We are all here to give our gifts to each other. I find that I do not always realize what my gifts are until someone else needs them.

A gift is something that you do automatically without thinking. We often do not see it as valuable because it is somewhat easy. But that awareness within can be a great help and insight to others.

I also find that I have gifts that do not show up unless I am stretched in my life circumstances. Situations require more of me than I knew I had internally. But when I choose to open I find a jewel of clarity and a new gift that I did not know I had.

Right now, I am trusting in the process that is stretching me. I am choosing to just let go and not know where I am going or what my life is going to look like. I choose to follow my soul's potential and coaxing even when I am frightened and do not know where I will end up. What else is there to do? 

We think we know who we are but that is the greatest lie of all. If we knew we would already be there. Besides we are all a work in progress.

I saw a beautiful facebook sharing. It was an image of a cracked Japanese teacup. But the Japanese believe that just because something is broken does not mean something beautiful can come out of it. So this teacup was fixed with gold filling in the cracks. It made the cup into a work of art.

The time we are in is no different. We are all broken teacups right now. In our American "throw away" society we think that means we have no value. Perhaps the lesson might be that we have to make ourselves into a work of art.

Take this breaking moment and fill your cracks with gold. You just might become something exquisite. 

Ralfee's Fourth Part to the Uranus/Pluto Square

Ralfee Finn - Weekly FrequencyJune 20-26, 2012

Uranus/Pluto Square: Part Four

The planets align with increasing complexity this week, and as the routines of daily life mirror the sky, many of us are likely to feel overwhelmed by the attention required to handle the details with skill. Finding a way through the week without getting lost requires figuring out how to defy the gravity of conventional wisdom but not lose the solid ground of common sense. This challenge is not for anyone devoted to the “tried and true.” Much of what’s worked before isn’t working anymore (and actually hasn’t worked for a while), so the old excuse “this is the way it’s always done” doesn’t hold. But we’ve yet to create innovative, viable solutions to a seemingly endless stream of emergencies – and that’s a problem, especially as nervous systems struggle to stay steady. Don’t be surprised if you or someone close to you just can’t cope with a “normal” task. Be careful not to push yourself or those you love too hard – almost everyone is stretched to the limit, and honoring those limits will help to soothe the stress.

Several configurations contribute the complexity. Today, the summer solstice signals the start of a new season, and as the Sun enters Cancer, the focus shifts ever so slightly away from the intellectual pursuits of Gemini to the intuitive concerns Cancer. But it’s not a complete change of heart – Jupiter and Venus are still in Gemini pursuing information and conversation.

Saturn, retrograde in Libra since February 7 goes direct on Monday. For the next several months, as it moves through the last degrees of Libra, the Sign of relating, there will be ample opportunities to experience greater clarity about what we are hoping to give to and receive from significant others.

That clarity is strengthened when Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, goes direct the morning of June 27. Venus Retrograde focused on relationships, old and new, and as her review comes to a close, you might feel the impulse to make decisions about certain interactions. Be patient. Venus “turns around” in a sextile to Uranus, the planet of surprising plot twists, making a sudden change of heart probable. Allow this last week of her retrograde and the first week of her forward motion to unfold before you make any important decisions.

The core of this week’s intensity is the first exact square between Uranus and Pluto occurring on June 24. Uranus represents the freedom fighter; it’s currently in Aries, the Sign of the warrior, a position that amplifies its tendency toward aggression. Pluto represents death and rebirth; it’s currently in Capricorn, the Sign of authority, a position that amplifies its tendency toward control. As they clash through the forceful friction of a square, we’re in for an increasingly volatile process of transformation.

Interactions between Uranus and Pluto facilitate progress toward social justice, but they also stir resistance toward that evolution. How we handle the push and pull of this potent struggle is yet to be seen. Will the Occupy movement gather enough momentum to challenge a system that only serves the very few – and finally persuade it to shift? Will reactionary members of the right continue to buy enough sound bites to turn fiction into fact? Will others on the left find a strong enough voice to galvanize positive action?

As the coming weeks unfold, try to keep in mind that each of us plays a role in creating solutions to the multitude of complex situations we’re currently facing. Every personal choice contributes to the collective outcome. Every heart has the power to make a difference.

If you know your Ascendant and/or your Moon Sign, read that, too.

Aries March 21-April 19
A strong center will keep you steady. Allow yourself to go deep and internal to gather your strength before you aim your external efforts far and wide.

Taurus April 20-May 20

Powerful conversations deliver new information about old situations. The only thing you’re required to do is to listen carefully, without jumping to conclusions.

Gemini May 21-June 21
Despite the external tumult, you’re optimistic and excited to embark on the next adventure. Seize this positive moment and immerse yourself in joy.

Cancer June 22-July 22
You can’t help but wear your heart on your sleeve, so rather than pretending you don’t care, put pride aside and own your feelings.

Leo July 23-August 22

Practice patience, and you’ll assume the perfect position for handling unexpected developments. It’s not about pushing the river; it’s about allowing it to flow.

Virgo August 23-September 22
Yes, a lot has changed – and continues to change. Adjusting to the shifts and acclimating to the new environment – psychic and physical – will simply take a little time.

Libra September 23-October 22

Try not to confuse surrender with failure – you’re not being asked to capitulate. The solution involves continuing to release patterns that no longer serve you or those you love.

Scorpio October 23-November 21

There are opportunities to manifest what you most desire, but your success depends on being clear about what drives your motives and intentions.

Sagittarius November 22-December 21

Stay open to the possibility of new, beneficial alliances that have the power to enhance your efforts. You’ll be required to follow through but that shouldn’t be too hard.

Capricorn December 22-January 19

It’s your choice and it could be a difficult decision: Frame the situation as burdensome, or recognize that you’re being asked to help where help is genuinely needed.

Aquarius January 20-February 18

Give yourself permission to play. Yes, there are serious situations in need of your attention, and allowing yourself to relax will help you to make balanced and appropriate choices.

Pisces February 19-March 20

You have a chance to fortify your internal sense of wellbeing by expanding your resources for self-care. Whether it’s meditation, exercise, or sleeping in, make the most of this opportunity.

Thursday, June 07, 2012

Weekly Updates with Suzanne and Ralfee

I am back from a quick break at the Hot Springs. Yea! I am so grateful for water. We are all expanding and opening up to the new experiences that June is bringing to us. I am anxious to get back to my writing project soon. I have ideas exploding in my mind with all the Gemini energy right now and no time to get them down on paper. So I am creating lots of notes so I can find my way back to my many thoughts later. I hope that everyone is practicing beautiful communication skills and allowing the lightness of being to expand from your heart and touch others in miraculous ways as this months energies unfold. I am including a beautiful image a friend sent me of an albino hummingbird. It is the reminder that miracles happen. We are all light. And the signs of spirit are everywhere if you just remember to look.

Below is Ralfee's Weekly Frequency for June 6-12, 2012.

Weekly Frequency

A steady hum of constant conversation underscores almost every activity of daily life this week – and you won’t even have to listen closely to notice it. But because so much is being said by so many, you’ll have to listen carefully to catch the important information. It’s not that these conversations are generally disruptive, although some of them could be seen that way; it’s that they are packed with so much information that even the most fearless of data-gatherers and processors are apt to get dizzy from simply trying to keep track. Some of us may feel bombarded by a deluge of the trivial, while others of us will find themselves listening with sensitive ears that are able to pick up the deeper subtext. Wherever you find your ears along this frequency, do your best to find a neutral internal stance that allows you to hear without necessarily reacting to or judging what’s being said. Some of these conversations are nervous interactions meant to fill time. In some instances, you or those close to you could simply be discharging, oblivious to the power of words. At other times, some of us might simply be thinking out loud, which could be disconcerting for both the speaker and the listener if either one takes what’s said too seriously. And of course there will also be cases of serious heart-to-heart exchanges that will move the soul to a new, expansive understanding of just how complex it is to be a spirit in the material world.
The source of this celestial emphasis on conversation is a concentration of planets in Gemini, the Sign of communication. Although the astronomical “transit of Venus” is behind us, from an astrological perspective we’re still in the midst of a Sun/Venus conjunction that lasts until June 11. When the Sun and Venus share the same space, their perfect marriage blends the illumination of spirit with individual values. Anticipate lots of talk about what matters most, and why. Also expect that many of those conversations will veer into discussions on a wide range of subjects from the financial to the spiritual and everything in between. Anticipate plenty of opinions whether or not the “opinionator” is qualified to assess the situation. Of course, that seems to be the standard these days; do your best to be patient as you attempt to correct the facts.
Jupiter is the other contributor to the chatter, idle or otherwise. It enters Gemini on June 11, and its presence in the Sign of contact and connection is certain to set tongues wagging on every subject imaginable. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, and even though that will scatter the topics of conversation over a broad spectrum, because it also symbolizes the search for truth, many communiqués are also sure to be thoughtful.
Much of what’s said will also be funny. Among its many meanings, Jupiter also signifies humor, so be prepared for the laughs to be plentiful. And that’s a good thing, given the serious undertone of the Uranus/Pluto square – but more about that next week.
If you know your Ascendant and/or your Moon Sign, read that, too.
Aries March 21-April 19  
Jupiter is moving into your Solar House of communication, making words even more powerful this week than they were last week. Strong urges to say more than necessary could cause problems, so stay circumspect.
Taurus April 20-May 20
When Jupiter enters Gemini, you enter an entirely new financial cycle. This happens every twelve years. Contemplate what’s shifted since then, and integrate that information into future choices.
Gemini May 21-June 21 
Get ready to get talking, and don’t worry about talking too much – Jupiter is taking the lead and there’s simply no way to hold back. Not everyone will listen, but that doesn’t matter – you’re gonna say it anyway.
Cancer June 22-July 22 
Jupiter enters your Solar House of psyche, opening a wide portal to your imagination. Rather than allowing that opening to stimulate your anxieties, use its presence to spark your spiritual search.
Leo July 23-August 22
Jupiter is opening new doors that could make you feel increasingly optimistic about making more of a contribution to your community. Follow this lead, and you won’t be disappointed in the results.
Virgo August 23-September 22 
As Jupiter moves to the your Solar House of career, opportunities for expansion and success should increase. Be prepared for positive opportunities that speak to your heart’s desire.
Libra September 23-October 22
Jupiter reinforces what you’re already experiencing as a strong desire to explore. Again, it doesn’t matter whether those horizons are internal or external; what matters is that you seize the moment.
Scorpio October 23-November 21
Jupiter enters your Solar House of transformation, and its presence is sure to put you through a few changes. Rather than resent the shifts, welcome them with a smile --Jupiter tends to provoke growth through humor.
Sagittarius November 22-December 21
The relationship beat goes on as Jupiter moves into your Solar House of partnership. Although the beginning of this transit could be bumpy, you just might find yourself enjoying the ride.
Capricorn December 22-January 19
Jupiter moves into your Solar House of service, so don’t be surprised if you feel a strong desire to contribute your time and energy to a noble cause. Just be sure to choose and endeavor that brings you joy.
Aquarius January 20-February 18
Lucky you: Jupiter enters your Solar House of creativity, self-expression, and romance. There’s no need to limit its influence to one area, which means you can use its expansive reach to have as much fun as possible.
Pisces February 19-March 20
Jupiter enters your Solar House of the home, and whether you experience its presence internally or externally, where you live is sure to be the place where you want to hunker down and get cozy.

Monday, June 04, 2012

Intuitive Patterns for the Month of July 2012

July begins with the uncertainty of a vastly changing landscape of our life. Questions abound, “Should I stay? Should I go? What is next on my path? What is the way? What am I to do? Why do I not have clarity? What if I make a wrong choice?”
These questions have been there for months and now with the heightened intensity of last month we are desperately searching for a way through the present feelings of discomfort. But it is only uncomfortable because you are neither here nor there. You are not coming or going. We are all in the space in between realities. When you do not know what to do then you just wait and ask for clarity. It is the waiting that really gets to us. We are so used to knowing and having a schedule to stick to. We have had the incredible luxury for many years that we felt certain and right as to where we were going, who we were, and what was around the next corner. Life had become comfortably predictable.
We are not there now.
This is a very disorienting time. For some it feels downright scary. We do not know what to hold on to. We do not clearly see a path in front of us. It may even feel like there is not even a hint from the universe as to which way to go.
Before big changes in our reality there is always a pause. A moment to reflect, to breathe, and to relax. There really is nothing else to do. Treasure this moment because this is the moment of creation. We are in the gap, the void between realities. This is the most powerful place of all, the place of creation itself.
Those of you who have been so consistently working on yourself internally, spiritually, emotionally, monetarily, and physically, please relax into your deepest and most powerful part. We need your wisdom, calmness, presence, and clarity right now. Step out of your own concerns and lend a hand to the manifestation of the greater reality that is being born. You do not need to know the way personally for you to contribute to the greater pattern unfolding. That is because we are stepping out of the personal into something bigger than the individual “I”. We are stepping into the place of a global voice of humanity that values the qualities of humanity, consciousness, and freedom for all.
These are times when we want to believe old illusions, past perspectives, and future possibilities. But perhaps we need to get very real with this moment and see it for what it is. No judgment. Just observation. We cannot change things that we will not look completely at with objective eyes. We must look at the suffering of others and find a way to do something different. This is not about fixing things. It is about changing patterns completely around in our mind. But we need to do it from a place of balance not from a place of fear.
The past is past. We need to let it go. Let go of the anger, the resentment, the rigid holding on to the old feelings of security and safety. Life was never safe. We are not really in charge. Something divine is guiding all of us.
It is in this moment where we experience a deep and profound pause in the flow, listen very closely, you just might hear something else. A voice that is not your ego. A voice that sounds very different than the conversation that has been running in your head for months. It is a voice of the divine speaking softly to the hearts and minds of all of us, asking us to trust, asking us to stretch out of our comfort zone, and to allow a possibility to emerge with grace and dignity.
Acceptance is a great lesson to learn.
Acceptance is not about giving up. It is about getting real and completely present in this moment. Truth is an illusion from the experiences and beliefs of the person seeing and experiencing it. There are many truths. Fighting over who is right or wrong will not get us anywhere. We need to accept the many truths that surround us. We need to lend our truth and perspective to the matrix and allow all the puzzle pieces to be on one table together. Then as one voice and heart, we have to find where our piece fits into this new emerging pattern, or not. If our piece does not fit right now that does not mean it will never fit but we also need to not force our piece to fit where it does not. That again is acceptance. Some of us were here to contribute pieces to the puzzles of the past, some of us are here to contribute pieces to this matrix now, and others of us have pieces for the future puzzles yet to come. It is all beautifully woven and divine.
We do not have to hold all the knowledge and all the wisdom for all the time periods of life. Sometimes we know it is our time and we need to have the courage to jump and step up when called. Other moments we need to let those wiser, stronger, younger, and more capable to be the bridges to the next unfolding moments. And at other times we need to listen to the wisdom of those who have lived longer and see with the objective calm eyes of age.
Do you know where you are in the field? Do you feel called to jump or do you feel as if you are waiting for the clarity to know? Accept what you feel as true in this moment for you. Tomorrow will be different. Change is constant. You will be called upon soon enough. Have patience to feel that sometime when there is nothing changing outside that there is something big changing inside. That internal shift will make your external also shift.
There is no destination anyway. If you got there you would just have to start over again. The final destination of this life is to let go of everything you own, everything you believe you are, and your very body. You will have to surrender up your life and trust a bigger pattern regardless.
That is why we have these moments. To practice graceful surrender, acceptance, and trust. Find a way to contribute your passion and life force into the grid of creation that is attempting to birth this new thing into being. You do that by intending it. When you feel impassioned and centered, close your eyes and choose to give energy to those who you trust and to the patterns that you believe hold the keys to a more balanced and authentic reality.
It does work.
When I am not sure and feeling uncertain that is what I do, I still know I have energy to contribute. When I do not know what to do for myself it often is because I am not supposed to be using the energy for myself but for a greater good. Then I feel into the moment and when I feel compelled and inspired, I move in that direction. Until that moment, I just send pleasure, joy, love, acceptance, and compassion into the big pot of energetic soup in the void of creation and I trust that the divine does have a plan and does appreciate the energetic offering of my heart.
Sometimes through my experience I can feel that I am pulling negative energies off the planet with my love and compassion. As I observe the suffering, accept it, love and hold it in a place of compassion and trust, I feel a doorway opening and a flow begin to happen. It is through being present and accepting of that moment that it then moves through me and off the planet to be transformed into the next thing.
But if you are not present, the suffering can unground you and you can fall into the place of despair that you are trying to release.
So trust yourself. Trust your energy can and does contribute to the whole and bring your presence and awareness solidly into this moment. Your focused presence it a great contribution to the unfolding reality.