Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 2/1/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 2/1/17
2/1/17 is the number 4. The number 4 helps us go backwards in order to gather up the pieces that we missed in the last few days so we can move forward into February. This is an intense month with all the eclipses and with Venus in Mars which magnifies the volatility and combativeness. Therefore, finding the balance that the number 4 desires becomes a personal mission under these extreme times. Yes, it will be difficult to find that middle ground. I know that when I am aligned and in the flow of my soul, my truth, and my spirit then handling the external drama is easier. You too can find your center. You cannot count on the external to give you the balance any longer, you will have to find that balance for yourself. Peace comes in when you know that all the choices you make and all the words you speak come from the deepest core truth within. We all die. We all will have to let the attachment to this world go. But what will be your legacy? Did you do things that supported life, freedom, and the minimizing of suffering of others? Will you be proud of your choices and actions? Would your choices right now help your soul’s evolution or will they pull you back into the density of karma. Every choice you make either helps your progression or keeps you trapped in the circle of karma. Take an honest look at it all and makes choices that serve your highest good.

The Moon in Aries harmonizes with the Sun in Aquarius today, stimulating confidence, a strong sense of humor, and a spirit of independence. Mercury forms a sextile to Chiron, providing an opportunity period for opening up healthy dialogues. You can interpret the intention or meaning behind the words communicated, and you can effectively use words to heal and comfort others. You are approaching problems in a holistic manner, and problem-solving skills are high. This influence brings subtle but enhancing energy for communications. It's a good time to speak of matters that are important to your heart and soul.
~Suzanne Wagner~

“Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.”

“Any society that will give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.”
~Benjamin Franklin~

What does it take to just accept all people in love and compassion?
What kind of world would it be if we chose love over hate?
What would it take to have officials that did not choose politics and partisanship over people?
Why does humanity continually choose war games and the waste of massive amounts of money rather than use that money to actually do things that actively change lives for the better?
Take a look inside your heart.
Notice where you are in conflict and in denial of that conflict.
Realize that your denial contributes to the negativity and distortion.
I do not know what it will take for humanity to come together but I do know that we have a long way to go.
Do the inner work for without that the external will continue to do this dance of distortion and power games.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Monday, January 30, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 1/31/117 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 1/31/17
1/31/17 is the number 6. The number 6 allows you to recognize that your domestic responsibility is greater than just your home. Each person contributes to the society in which we live and it is the protective, honest, charitable, and unselfish acts that make this country great. The Number 6 is a “Mother” number and essentially wants to build you up to take responsible actions which is about love, nurturing, and protection. It is those who do not feel loved that harbor hate and resentment. It is those that feel disconnected from the greater good of a society that pull it into discord. It is time to find how to unify and come together in ways that are constructive and do not continue to allow the separation and the divide to become wider. There are clear lines as to what is right and what is wrong. This number brings you to honestly look at yourself and your actions to see if you have been moving in alignment with love or not. It is wrong to intentionally cause more suffering to those already suffering. It is wrong to lie. It is wrong to blame others for your inadequacies. It is wrong to hate. It is wrong to propagate laws that are designed to intentionally cause harm. Today, I will quote Saint Teresa of Avila who is the empitimy of the number 6. She said, “To reach something good it is very useful to have gone astray and thus acquire experience.”

The Pisces Moon forms a square with Saturn this morning, reminding you to take a good long look at your duties to yourself, your life, your country and planet. It also calls you to take a look at your limits. The Moon aligns with Venus midday, and you want to seek out pleasurable activities but that definition has changed quite a bit at this time. Pleasure is what inspires you into active loving. Pleasure for some right now is about standing up for what is right. Pleasure right now is about making calls that help change this world. The Moon enters Aries at 4:47 PM EST, stimulating a strong desire to start fresh, and its alignment with Mars tonight gives you an energetic jumpstart. Mercury forms a square with Uranus, stimulating your senses, giving you sudden flashes of insight, and bringing in fresh new ideas. However, there can be mental pressures experienced now. It can be difficult organizing your thoughts or dealing with routine matters under this influence. Tasks may be left undone or interrupted. You may be jumping ahead of yourself in some of your communications. This is not the time to be understood, so you may want to hold off presenting your ideas for the time being. New information can surface now that upsets the status quo, but can also act to stimulate your mind into new ways of thinking.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Hate is a state of mental imbalance.
Love is the natural state of balance in this dimension.
Hate is the response to unresolved emotional issues.
Love is the response in a mind that is willing to move through things and resolve the issues of the past.
The more you hate the more you blame others for what you are feeling.
The more you blame others, the more you compound your karmic debt in another life.
Others are not constantly doing things to you.
When you hate, you are holding tight to your pain and allowing it to fester and rot your soul.
Acceptance is the tool to transform blame.
Choosing peace over conflict is the way to step beyond the walls of your creation.
Love is found when you stop defending yourself from the truth.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Today, I send love and compassion to all those suffering in the world.
Today, I choose to love in the face of such hate in the world.
Today, I pray for truth to find its way to the surface of all minds.
Today, I align with the principals of compassion and stand against the voices of hate.
Today, I stand again with those in the dimensions of truth and sanity.
Today, I welcome the powerful change that is creating a blinding light of clarity.
Today, I can see the Universe has insisted on breaking the back of distortion and deception.
Today, I know that only by making the negative so dark can people finally choose the light.
Today, You begin to shift on a global level.
Today, the forces of good are massing.
Today, the darkness is becoming afraid.
For it senses its impending doom.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 1/30/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 1/30/17
1/30/17 is the number 5. With the number 5 challenges you to use common sense and all your actual senses. It is time to be fully present. It is time to create activities that promote change and motivate hearts and minds into healthy, sympathetic, powerful, and compelling voices for what is good in the world. You have to make positive life choices and decisions that have the capability to move you into directions that have clarity and grounded application in your world. Today, you will notice clearly what you dislike and where others are making irresponsible choices that are thoughtless, reckless, and harmful. Yet to make change, you have to have a greater stability than at any other time in your life. At this moment, freedom is action. Being quiet is not an option. Discover the true meaning of life. And that meaning is always to protect life. This world is struggling and those with power can cause more damage and suffering if you turn a blind eye to what is very obvious at this moment. Things are moving fast and because of that you will have to act in ways that for you might be more daring, non-conventional, and outward than you have ever been in your entire life. You are blessed to have a great freedom of thought, actions, and lifestyle. Do not allow others to take that from you. It is time to define the new vision for your life.

The Moon is in Pisces all day, and you may be inclined to daydream and perhaps stray from the normal routines. A Pisces Moon is deeply emotional, responsive to suffering, compassionate, perceptive, and adaptable. Let your more idealistic, spiritually aware, and sensitive side out today. Boundaries are dissolving, and you are disinclined to make definite or firm conclusions and decisions. Even so, the Moon's cooperation with Mercury and Pluto today can promote a new clarity and a stronger form of concentration. This is a time for entertaining dreams and visions that mean something to you and to move actively in those directions. Let the visionary within you out.
~Suzanne Wagner~

“Rebellion is when you look society in the face and say I understand who you want me to be but I’m going to show you who I actually am.”
~Anthony Anaxagorou~

I am grateful for so many people believing in the American Dream and the intent of the Constitution. I am grateful for the voices that rise together to stand up for those being attacked. I am grateful for the strength of character that is what America stands for. I am grateful that I have lived 56 years in a country that showed me a standard to which I so deeply believe in that I would lay down my life to protect. Hateful people want to hurt others but do not stand for anything of real value. Hateful people want to inflict pain on others but would back away from laying their life down for truth and justice. Hateful people only know what they are against, but they do not really stand for anything.

~Suzanne Wagner~