Thursday, January 10, 2019

Numerology/Astrology for 1/11/19 - Plus Personal Blog


Numerology/Astrology for 1/11/19

1/11/19 is the number 6. Spirit calls to you to do something good for the world and others. What can you do that aligns with your gifts and abilities to help others in need? There are so many out there than need support. No, you cannot do everything. You have to pick something that really calls to you and then find out how you can comfortably support and uplift others. You are not asked to be a saint, but you are asked to let your heart and humanity lead you to do something that makes a difference. Many small steps make a big difference.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

The Moon is in Pisces intensifying the emotional flow. There are heightened feelings happening.
There is an instinct to want to resist. You might want to find a more productive way around the obvious issues cropping up. You have to decide what is worth fighting for. The desire for change is strong. It takes focus of your personal power to implement the changes needed at this time. Mental and emotional control are going to be necessary for success. This is not a time for risk and laying everything on the line. You need a plan. And then you need to implement that plan in the correct order. Structure is the key to making long lasting patterns shift. Remember many astrological aspects are presently in winter signs and that require planning (Capricorn), and intuition (Pisces).
There is a feeling of needing to wait? If you know that things are in your favor, it is easier to be patient. Do your best to walk away from conflict and competition. It is better to work towards win-win situations.
You need to let the universe unfold in its own way. Opportunities are there and many things are in the flow. The question is, "How can we just all get along?"
~Suzanne Wagner~


I am grateful for my mistakes
Only humbleness can make me great.
Without compassion my soul is lost.
Then everything comes at too great a cost.
~Suzanne Wagner~


I will not apologize for that which I see.
I will not just let hatred be.
I am not made to placate a crowd.
I am made to tell the truth out loud.
You cannot find a place to hide
That truth will not uncover your pride.
There are the good and there are the bad.
There are those who just want to be mad.
They cannot find the love inside.
Because they lost their god-connected side.
They let it go in fear and pain.
They chose anger in a time of strain.
They feel more powerful when anger rules.
They fear to find their inner fools.
There is never one that is to blame.
It takes many fools to harm and disclaim.
One fool is a sad site to see.
But multitudes can feed the banshee.
There are spirits now that you can hear.
Wail and warn that disasters near.
It takes a group of light and love
To know how to dispose of,
The toxic slime of hate and fear.
And bring about a light to steer.
You can follow darkness but where does it go?
Only deeper into the abyss of desires show.
There is a point when a soul can realize
That the mind cannot empathize.
It is the heart that knows the way.
When darkened minds, off the path stray.
Find the light first inside.
Let go of all that pride.
It is of course a deadly sin.
It believes that self can ultimately win.
Over the rules and laws of God.
And that is where it is flawed.
In this time and in this place
The rules are made by God’s grace.
You have not the power nor the sight
To see what’s ahead when you lead with spite.
Hatred grows when truth’s pushed out.
Truth cannot thrive in hatreds doubt.
But one thing I know will always come.
Truth sees through the chaos and scum.
That truth is growing in leaps and bounds.
Pride is seen in the bright light and sounds.
And as the darkness shrinks away
the light of truth dispels hearsay.
And very soon those in darkness will see
all that shines is not eternity.
Light can shine in the dark.
And light will always leave its mark.
~Suzanne Wagner~


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