Friday, June 29, 2012

Having Trouble Getting Your Ducks In A Row?

This was on facebook from my friend Pamela Madsen it was so great I wanted to share it and my response below.
Everyday, I talk to people about their lives. It's what I do. We talk about their desires, and what they want in their lives. I coach them about getting from here to there.

Where people get stuck is around expecting all of their ducks to line up in a row before they get started. The fact is, the folks who want neat lines of ducks - never get to go in the water. They are too busy trying to convince the ducks to form a perfect line, while they spend their time talking about their dreams and wondering why they never seem to come true.

The fact is, most of the time in life - it's never a good time for most things. We never really have time, or money - and we don't know how to work with the boundaries in our lives. So we stay home worrying about the ducks.

It's time for some "Pammy Advice"!

Stop worrying about your ducks. They will find their way to the water if you let them. Just let go. Nothing is holding you back from your dreams. Just start. Don't worry too much about the outcome. It will "outcome" all by itself! Boundaries in your life can shift. They are not absolute even if you thought they once were. Be generous. It's the number one rule of the universe. Be generous to those around you - and be generous to yourself. When you busy exploring how you can be generous to the world, it's hard to keep track of ducks.

Oh my God! I just saw a bunch of ducks scramble in all directions! Are they yours? Congratulations!

Loving you from here....

Thanks Pamela, I love this. Thank you so much for making humor out of the drama so many make about life. I learned a long time ago that it was not the most talented people who succeed. It is those with some talent and a lot of determination who succeed. 

The process of success is about trying and failing. Making an adjustment and trying over and over making small adjustments all the time. My father had a phrase, "Don't let the B******ds get you down!" 

What he meant by that was that the universe will always create challenges and resistance to a good idea. But if you are also resisting yourself then you will not get anywhere. Your only choice is to go for your dream regardless of how many say it can't be done or that you can't do it. When you believe in yourself then anything is possible.

I decided a long time ago to aim for the stars. Rarely did I get what I thought I was going for but wow did I hit some high clouds and have some spectacular views along the way. It is those moments that give me juice when the going gets tough. After all it is not about how much you can dish out to others but actually about how many hits you can take and keep going. 

Thank you for the share. I will forward it on to my facebook group.


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