Sunday, January 13, 2019

Numerology/Astrology for 1/14/19

Numerology/Astrology for 1/14/19

1/14/19 is the number 9. I am sure you are happy to be through yesterday’s turmoil. Today, you find that you have more clarity and instinct. Emotions moving and allowed to express themselves begin to heal. You cannot heal by denying what you have experienced in life. You cannot claim your life back by attempting to avoid the truth. Everyone has wounds. Everyone must learn how to heal themselves and use the wisdom that is learned from those moments to inspire them to take actions that give back in ways to those that also hurt. That is just the natural cycle. Avoidance is inaction. Completions do not come from inaction. Completions come through effort. Completions are learned and earned. Find the connections that are presently lacking in your life. Places where you feel lost and disconnected are the places to look and work to awaken. You do not have to do everything alone. Forgiveness to self can come from that deep introspection. But it is often an easier path to find forgiveness through the journey of expressing who you are and having others understand, accept, and offer their forgiveness first. Then you know you are not alone. That is why we are all here with each other. To learn that more can be accomplished, healed, and transformed together. But you do have to be willing to look at the places that you have hidden away your heart. Only a fully revealed heart can be powerful enough to repel intense darkness.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

Pay attention to dreams or meditate on Monday morning as spiritual Neptune opens your intuitive side.
Hopefully the astrology yesterday, gave you the push you needed to shift your consciousness into a more positively productive way. I know for myself it did.
Today, the Moon is in Aries just until 1:31 pm EST. And then it enters Taurus, bringing you into a slower and more deliberate place to move from.
We are in the First Quarter Moon, bringing us to the place where we want to take action and be more aware of how our actions impact others. This Quarter Moon squares the Sun in Capricorn. This attempts to direct your energies in to more manful ways.
Mercury sextile to Neptune and it brings your imagination into heightened awareness. Let your dreams stir you into new actions. Notice what is below the surface and pay attention to the more subtle signs. You are very psychically open at this time.
You may notice that you understand things on a deeper level and your inner knowing is strong. Completions are the integration of wisdom on such a profound level that your soul is forever changed.
~Suzanne Wagner~


Avoidance is inaction.
Completions do not come from inaction.
Completions come through effort.
Completions are learned and earned.
Completions are the integration
of wisdom on such a profound level
that your soul is forever changed.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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