Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Numerology Class, December 8-9, 2012 in Orem Utah

I will be once again teaching my Numerology Class at the Season's Salon and Day Spa in Orem Utah.

Jackie Brinkerhoff has been so helpful in assisting me in bringing these classes into the Provo/Orem area for the past year. It is wonderful to teach a new an exciting group of people to the wonders and magic of the intuitive arts.

Numerology is an incredible way to begin to understand the subtle patterns that shape and enhance who you are in this life. Come to this class and you will begin to unravel the history, karma, gifts, and destiny of your life. You will begin to see the patterns that shape each year from your birthday to the next. Numerology helps you understand the deeper wisdom that you carry and the challenges that your soul faces in this time. I believe that when we understand what we came into learn and experience, it eliminates the resentment and frustrations that often accompany change.

I hope to see some of you there. Just click on the link below to go to the homepage and registration. Or you can call me personally at 707 354-1019, or Jackie Brinkerhoff at 801 318-4500.


Osho Zen Tarot: Comparison, Transformation, Schizophrenia
Medicine Cards: Bat, Wolf
Mayan Oracle: Greater Cycles, New Myth
Ancient Egyptian Tarot: Queen of Wander, The Emperor
Aleister Crowley Deck: The Magus, Peace, Queen of Wands
Healing Earth Tarot:  Shaman, Six of Feathers, Seven of Shields
Words of Truth: Brilliance, Individuation, Meditation, Integration

The themes for November are power, peace, and magic. That sounds a lot better than how things have been for most of 2012. Slowly we are inching our way into understanding how to navigate these tumultuous waters of the astrological transformations that have been plaguing us since the end of 2008 and the Grand Cardinal Cross. 

It is as if the harsh winds of change have made the trunks of our personal tree stronger from the constant bending and adjusting to the ever-changing zephyrs. It is also as if we have learned to have better grounding by adding more and more ballast in the bottoms of our inner boats. So as the waves of Neptune in Pisces keep hitting us we are finally not feeling as if we might topple over and flip our boats. All of us have learned new skills to stay afloat and aligned with this shifting of energies. For some things we should be very grateful. If we take a brief look back to the way that we saw the world before 2008, we should now see such a larger more expansive picture that is life. Can you feel how much more understanding and compassionate you are to others? Can you see the parts of yourself that you did not know were there and can you see that you have learned to love yourself much deeper because of it?

In this pause that is the season of autumn, allow the coolness to allow a moment of refection and appreciate all that you have learned and expanded internally and externally.

These lessons have forced us all to step out of comparing our reality to others. We have had to realize that we cannot, “Keep up with the Jones.” We have to live our life and that is all we can really do. Worrying about what others think is no longer as important as it used to be. We have had to take an honest look at who and what we are and find the acceptance and trust in our own divine flow. There is magic in our life and our choices. There is mystery in the unraveling of our egos to discover the greater design that is within each of us. And the more I allow that within myself the more I see that in others. I see beauty where I saw discomfort. I see grace where I saw despair. I see love in the eyes of all those I meet. I connect in a much more real and honest way. I see the spark of the divine everywhere. 

It is as if the leaves of our egos have fallen off the limbs of the tree and now the stark beauty of our core is revealed just like the tree trunk unadorned by color and movement of the leaves. There is amazing beauty right here. Just look in the mirror. That beauty is you. The lines on your face reflect the challenges and obstacles that you have faced, the laughter that you have shared and the love you have felt. Time is the teacher. Age is the pattern that forces us into the place of grace. Stillness is the place where we finally see what has always been right in front of us.

From that place awareness arises that we all feel the same emotions, have similar experiences, feel the same pain, love deeply, and suffer the loss when change is inevitable. 

So in this month of November, stop, breath, and see that there really is no “other” out there. The divide that I feel within me is reflected in my inability to connect to those in my external world who show me the parts within that I do not want to believe are a part of me. This is a month to heal the splits within our consciousness that create enemies where there are only others trying in their own way to find truth also. When we deny that we are all connected in an amazing plan then we continue to create separation, fear, and suffering. 

This is a very difficult thing to do consciously and consistently. This does not mean to fall into a La-La place of denial and to want to be a fluff puppy, love child from the 60’s. It means to openly and honestly look at others and see beyond your projection, attachment, and beliefs of how you want others to act. Then to choose to look deeper into this person’s needs, dreams, desires, and hopes. Feel into the heart that beats within the soul of this person. See the soul that wants to understand and open. Feel the desire and fears of this person’s personal drama that has been their life. Open you heart and understand them in a way that allows for connection and find the place where you can connect from a very real and authentic heart. In that moment the words will no longer matter. We are connected in our humanness, our dreams, our hopes, our desires, and our hearts. Only then can an honest conversation really happen.

Allow for November to be a moment that is beyond politics, beyond rhetoric, beyond fear. It is by understanding each other that change happens with grace rather than conflict. At this point we are all pretty tired of conflicts in our personal and professional lives. We have to find another way to interact. Because of this astrology, the circumstances that we think might be so important might not be. We are all challenged for the next 3 years as this storm transcends the old and brings in something new. 

Remember that we cannot do it alone. We all need each other to help create this expansion. It is time to see the love that we share, the deep caring that we all have for this county, and the change that we need to manifest together.

Indian Adventure of Light and Consciousness

I am off to Diwali, the festival of lights in India the month of November 2012. I am very excited to see such an amazing event. Evidently the Indians really know how to have a 3 day party. There will be 360 degree fireworks in Delhi each of the nights of the festival.

I plan on taking lots of pictures to share along the way. Then I am off to the Golden Temple in Amritsar, which is northern India. I can't wait to tell everyone about it.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Ralfee Finn's Weekly Frequency for Oct 10-16, 2012

Once again, I am giving you all my friend Ralfee's great insights into the weekly astrological update for October 2012. I hope everyone is feeling better and is ready for the up leveling that is occurring now that Saturn is in Scorpio. Personally I do feel a bit of a calming down and a flow into acceptance and trust once again. I will be in Salt Lake City, Oct 17-31 and then again, Nov 30-Dec 15, 2012.

I hope to see all of you soon.

Have a wonderful holiday season that is coming up and keep in touch as I will be in India from Nov 8-24. I will be telling you all about my adventures and I will attempt to do a few sessions while I am there but there is a 13 1/2 hour difference in time. So I will be doing morning sessions in India which will be evening sessions in America.

Thank you for understanding.

Weekly Frequency By Ralfee Finn, Astrologer
October 10-16, 2012

Astral winds shift direction this week, and while it’s not quite a lessening of intensity, it’s a big enough break in the weather to inspire a new perspective. Even as I write this, I can hear you thinking, “What? No gloom and doom forecast? Could this be real?” And the answer would be “Yes – just don’t expect miracle cures.” The planets are providing chances to recalibrate attitudes, but making those adjustments, even the subtle or welcome ones, could be difficult, especially if you’re anxious about the future. But even in the face of uncertainty, significant shifts are possible. The best way through this process is to stay present in the moment, doing whatever it takes to maintain your center, and of course, whenever possible helping others to do the same.

The big news – and the unsettling news – continues to be Saturn’s entry into Scorpio. This transit began on October 5. The last time Saturn entered Scorpio was November 29, 1982. It’s often said that history repeats itself, something that can be seen through the repetition of planetary cycles that are based on the orbits of the planets around the Sun. It’s interesting to reflect on Saturn’s last entry into Scorpio. While much has changed in the last thirty years, a look at the events of that time reveals that much has also remained the same. For example, on December 3, 1982, the United States unemployment rate was 10.8 percent (some sources have it for the year at 9.7); Afghanistan was a war zone, but it was a war with the Russians; the climate issue then was El Niño and its influence on extreme weather; TimeMagazine named the computer “Man of the Year” – could they have even been imagining Google or the iPhone?
Scorpio has a distinct rhythm; it’s textural, guided by a unique filtration system that calibrates nuance and inflection. Yes…Scorpio can be rigid – it’s a Fixed Sign, after all, which means it’s not going to budge until it’s sure where it wants to go. But it is also a Water Sign, with the capacity to embody a wide range of identities from frozen ice, to rushing waterfall, to a roaring river, to constantly breaking waves, and to placid lake. Yet beneath all its guises, lie deep emotional currents that are active, even if they cannot be seen.

As Saturn transits Scorpio, many of us will experience those deep currents rise to the surface of daily life. Saturn is both the student and the teacher, and when it moves through a Sign, it educates us about that Sign by delving into its essence. Expect to feel called to previously unexplored emotional territory, internal as well as external. Because a Saturn/Neptune trine currently skews at least some of that exploration into the realms of consciousness, many of us are sure to increase self-awareness.

A Mars/Uranus trine also supports this week’s astral change of air. Mars is in Sagittarius. Uranus is in Aries. And when these two unite in a fiery, harmonious partnership, they inspire adventure of every variety. Use this passionate interaction to spark your enthusiasm.

If you know your Ascendant and/or your Moon Sign, read that, too.

March 21-April 19  
The old pattern is finally dissipating, and while it may take a little more time to assemble the new one, if you follow your intuition, you will discover positive options.

April 20-May 20
The I-Ching states: “Truth and strength must dwell in the heart” in order for there to be real joy. Contemplate what’s necessary to build your internal stamina, and relations with others will reflect that growth.

May 21-June 21 
Embrace a gentle attitude toward yourself and your well-being. You are not in any danger, but pushing yourself too hard through this transition could exacerbate your weariness.

June 22-July 22 
There is no reason to hold back your ambitions. If you stick to what you know you do well, your integrity will act like a lightning rod for opportunity and, ultimately, for success.

July 23-August 22
It’s not an either or situation: Dedicate your accomplishments to the greater good, and an extreme lightness of being will illuminate your personal success.

August 23-September 22 
There is no need to hold on to what’s no longer essential. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself letting go of old ties – family, friends, attitudes, activities, clothes, furniture, shoes or cars.

September 23-October 22
One of the ways to handle loss is to invest in the future through the realization that everything is interdependent. The present creates the future, as the past created the present moment. The secret is staying open to the possibilities.

October 23-November 21
What’s required is the dissolution of selfish concerns so that a genuine generosity of spirit can help to heal your interactions. This might sound stern, but it’s not meant to admonish. It’s simply to remind you of karma yoga: consciousness in action.

November 22-December 21
Try not to confuse overwhelm and overextension with failure. Rather, see these states as indications of what needs to happen next: Rest – lots and lots of it, so that you can return refreshed, renewed, and reinvigorated.

December 22-January 19
The solution you’re seeking could appear as an encounter with someone wiser and more experienced. Accepting an offer of help will not be construed as an indication of weakness; you’ll be demonstrating strength.

January 20-February 18
Even though you are ready to go, there are certain “obstacles” to your forward momentum. Pay no attention to this interference, and instead, concentrate on building confidence in your inner guidance.

February 19-March 20
Yes…you’re at a turning point, but that isn’t necessarily negative. Be vigilant in envisioning your deepest truth, and you’ll find the support you’re looking for from friends and family, but also from within.

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

More about Saturn in Scorpio from Solarisastro

Here is another interesting blog about the Saturn in Scorpio that start Oct 5th. Thought some of you might find it interesting.

You can click on the blog below or read the copy and paste that I did from the article. Again, these are not my words but I found them very insightful. I hope you do as well.

On October 5th 2012, Saturn shifts signs from Libra, the sign of relationships to Scorpio the sign of sharing, merging and of power. It will stay in the sign of the Scorpion until the end of 2014. For many of you out there this change is going to prove a huge relief, as Saturn moving through Libra has been a wearing experience. So what did you learn while Saturn was passing through Libra? For many, I will wager that in the past two years, your relationships be them personal or professional came under huge strain.

Saturn in Libra is learning to deal with other people in your life and those people putting restrictions on yours; Saturn always puts the barriers up before allowing you to progress onwards. Under Saturn in Libra, new relationships were formed and outworn relationships were broken, many would have been solidified. Now as Saturn has completed it’s work on our relationships in showing the outside world of the commitments to others we have made, it now turns it’s gaze to the internal politics within them. It’s time to get deep, down and dirty.

The first thing to note is that we have some mutual bonding (although with Scorpio’s reputation it could be bondage!!) going on here, as Pluto is in Saturn’s sign of Capricorn and Saturn is moving into Pluto’s sign of Scorpio. This is mutual reception going on and one senses that there is a lot of harmony associated with Saturn’s movement through Scorpio this time, it may not be as difficult as it could be. Now I am not saying that Saturn’s journey through the underworld domain of Scorpio is going to be easy. The land of Scorpio is one of transformation, of learning how to deal with power and how to use control. This is a place where great wealth can be accumulated and ecstatic joy can be experienced, but also where one has to deal with loss and with pain, a never ending cycle that Sun sign Scorpios know so well. Scorpio rules sex and intimacy, and here we explore merging and sharing not only each other’s possessions, but also though our innermost secrets and desires. When the curtains close and passions rise, Scorpio goes to work.

Saturn entering this realm of darkness immediately challenges Scorpio’s control. There may well be areas of your life, and this will equate to the house that Saturn is moving through where Saturn will wrestle control from you. Now this may cause panic, because Scorpio’s effectiveness is based all around control. Have you ever noticed Scorpios going into disintegration mode when they lose something valuable to them, something over which they had control? Saturn is teaching you lessons here, and the only way that you will be able to deal with it’s presence will be to adjust your thinking and ideas and accept that in order to proceed and make progress, you will have to give up something first. Opposing Saturn’s will is akin to banging your head against a brick wall, the only thing is that this wall is made of solid concrete and is several inches (or centimetres) thick. You’ll only be wasting your time and quite frankly you won’t win no matter how hard you try.

The key during this period is to accept the restrictions placed in front of you. It may be that you will have to share responsibilities, allow someone to take over part of what you own, that you don’t fight against giving up some power to gain some freedom, you might bring someone into the most secret and intimate areas of your life or just step up to the plate and face your fears head on. If you do, then you can achieve amazing things under this two and a half year transit, the world can be your oyster. Also bare this in mind. Almost unbreakable bonds will be formed under Saturn in Scorpio, so be sure that wherever connections are made you remain committed and loyal, otherwise any battle for power will be a nasty and complicated one. Scorpio is where jealousy, manipulation, destruction, ruin and death is found, and you wouldn’t want to incite those qualities to be posed against you, would you?

In a wider global context, Saturn in Scorpio really complements Pluto in Capricorn and with the Uranus Pluto square operating throughout the next two years, the healing process of the financial crash we have endured for the past 4 years can start to begin, although it is going to be a long haul and will be associated with a lot of pain, hardship and irritability.

Uranus will be inconjunct to Saturn for quite a while in 2013, and those with progressive and radical ideas may find their ideas and messages blocked and will no doubt rebel against Saturn’s iron rule.

Between now and the end of 2014, there will be serious implications and decisions to be made in big business and in corporations. Expect lots of company mergers, collaborations and major investment projects especially in the financial world. This is a naturally fixed and conservative influence, so the issues of taxation and who pays what to whom will be a constant theme. The issue of debt also comes to mind. Scorpio rules debt and money owed, and Saturn is going to get tough on this, but not as abrasive as it could be. As these two planets are in mutual reception throughout this two year transit and will be in an opportunistic sextile aspect through a lot of it, so I think that whatever solutions that Saturn (those in charge) will come up with will be acceptable to those who hold the debt and have to pay it off (Scorpio/Pluto). Financial regulations will be imposed now too - Saturn will see to this alright, and banks better get ready to accept the lack of control in their operations that is coming their way!

Anything to do with natural Scorpio subjects may well enter the news for good or for bad reasons. Mining and the exploration of natural resources like oil or coal, or issues of things found underground will be back in the news often, nuclear safety and heavy industry also. Matters of a sexual nature may crop up too, be it through scandal, through relationships or in the medical arena. It’s a fact that AIDS came to prominence in the last transit of Saturn through Scorpio between 1983 and 1985. Maybe the subject of life and death too may be placed on the agenda of governments?

Euthanasia is a hot topic right now in Europe, as is abortion, the right to life as well as the death penalty in the United States.

So get ready and pack your supplies for the journey through the inner sanctums of life. Along the way we are going to experience some loss and we will face our deepest darkest fears, but if we go into the underworld with an open mind and a willingness to accept our limitations, then when we reach the light and the gateway to the expansive open world of Sagittarius, we will find ourselves in a much better place than we were when we entered in.

Ralfee Finn's Weekly Frequency - October 3-9, 2012

Once again, I am sharing Ralfee's Weekly Update for Astrology. As I read it for myself I am contemplating how many things she stated have already gone into motion for me.

The good news for my clients in Salt Lake City, Utah is that I plan on being more frequently in Utah. I will be in Utah Oct 17-31, then again Nov 30-Dec 9. I might perhaps stay even a bit longer. We will see. Then again,  will be back for a few weeks in Feb (I am still working on the dates).

I have also had requests for another workshop on relationships so keep an eye ahead for that in the coming year.

I hope everyone has a wonderful fall season and I look forward to seeing all of you in Utah in October. I will be at Helen Schumann's house at 1805 Severn Dr, Holladay, UT 84124.



Now here is Ralfee's update. Enjoy!

The powerful hum of planetary motion rumbles through the routines of daily life this week, and because stagnant waters are particularly susceptible to its reverberations, many of us are likely to encounter major or minor disturbances in places we haven’t visited for a while. Pay attention: We are entering into even deeper waters of individual and collective transformation, and some of us could be more than a little resistant to the shift. Defense mechanisms, yours or others’, are certain to auto-set at DEFCON 2, and because resetting those systems requires gargantuan effort, you can anticipate spending plenty of precious time talking about what went wrong and what’s still wrong. But we’re not just in the stagnant waters of the emotional body. We’re also sailing on the seas of psyche, and skillfully navigating the depth of these potent and mysterious waters requires the poignant vulnerability of an open heart.

Saturn pulls us into the deep as it moves into Scorpio on Friday, October 5, when it leaves Libra, the Sign of relating, a transit that began on October 29, 2009. While I’m not implying that Libra and its vast domain of relationship are superficial, Scorpio is, as they say in Oz, “a horse of a different color.” Scorpio symbolizes the unchanging process of change – birth, death, and rebirth – and thus includes within its vast domain all the areas of life that are out of our control, including life, itself. From a slightly less abstract perspective, Scorpio also represents all the thorny human themes, such as sex, politics, finance, secrecy, privacy, and the process of transformation. Saturn stays in Scorpio until December 2014, which gives us lots of time to examine how we handle those issues.

Saturn signifies structure – wherever it is found, is where we find the bones of things. There is nothing superfluous or evenly mildly superficial about Saturn, unless we characterize its penchant for fault and flaw finding as trivial – mean-spirited on occasion, but never trivial. Saturn is the principle that allows us to distill wisdom from experience, and therefore it is both the student and the teacher. And no matter how friendly you feel toward this emblem of wisdom, eventually any honest definition of Saturn will include the words “inhibition,” “limitation,” and “concentration.” Scorpio is also no slouch when it comes to the deep waters of the soul; it will feel Saturn’s presence keenly, and so will we.

Remember: Each of us has every Sign in our birth chart; each of us will feel Saturn’s shift into Scorpio somewhere in our lives.

Saturn begins its transit of Scorpio in a conjunction with Mercury, and both Saturn and Mercury trine Neptune. We love this signature: A Mercury/Saturn conjunction indicates the potential for deep thinking. The trine with Neptune provides the potential for imagination and intuition to amplify that intellectual concentration.

Do your best to stay calm through this Saturnian transition. Sure, there are relationship threads that still need gathering, but there’s plenty of time to find resolution.

If you know your Ascendant and/or your Moon Sign, read that, too.

March 21-April 19  

Saturn focuses on joint financial concerns, personal and professional. Don’t confuse this two-year intensive with an absence of money. The focus is on how to manage it.

April 20-May 20

Saturn moves into your Solar House of relationship, and as it concentrates on relating, so do you. This phase is about all your relations, significant others, friends, family, and most importantly your relationship with you.

May 21-June 21 

Saturn invites you to learn how to take better care of yourself, as you simultaneously refine how you care for others. Be unstintingly honest with yourself during this phase, and rather than be daunted by this process, you’ll be invigorated.

June 22-July 22 

Consider the next two years an opportunity to restructure your self-expression. Be determined to create a positive and disciplined path for creativity – take piano lessons, join a writing group, or study photography.

July 23-August 22

Saturn stirs the bottom of your psychic pond, muddying the waters with issues of safety and security. Embrace this process simply because it will allow you to recognize that you are enough, a recognition with the potential for deep healing.

August 23-September 22 

Saturn moves into your Solar House of communication, but that doesn’t mean you should stop talking – quite the contrary; you’re in a two-year phase of learning to choose your words wisely.

September 23-October 22

Take a deep breath, and then, continue to breathe deeply for as long as necessary. Just enjoy the end of Saturn in your Sign. There’s no need to worry about what lies ahead. Right now, concentrate on this moment.

October 23-November 21

It’s a two-year identity crisis, as Saturn invites you to probe the structure of your persona. Be determined to refine the gold that’s already there, and you’ll be pleased with process as well as the results.

November 22-December 21

You could be tempted to brood over any number of situations, or you could choose to use Saturn’s depth as a way to understand unconscious patterns keeping you mired in habits you simply no longer enjoy.

December 22-January 19

Saturn’s moves signals changes in your community, particularly how you participate and contribute. Take your time with this change in focus, and you’re sure to transform your social milieu.

January 20-February 18

Saturn moves to the top of your solar chart, inviting you to contemplate what you would like to be recognized for, and why. Welcome this phase, and you’ll make great strides in self-awareness and self-realization.

February 19-March 20

Be willing to examine your belief systems, all of them, especially the ones you’re clinging to. I’m not suggesting you abandon them; I’m advising you to use Saturn’s presence to strengthen those systems with insight and knowledge.

Her Website for the Weekly Frequency is: