Energies that Transform and Amplify
I am noticing how so many people are definitely feeling pushed to make changes in their priorities and patterns during this intense astrological time. The Uranus moving into Aries is making energies explosive on the planet. There is an energetic tension and stress that everyone is feeling. How that is manifesting and how that is focusing will depend on your personal astrological pattern and lessons. But globally the changes will be transformative and profound.
No matter what, it requires everyone to reprioritize and take an honest look at what is working and what is stagnant. Being honest with yourself and others is a very challenging thing to do. Because many of us would rather not look at the truth and just keep going in the rut of our creation. After all, ruts are comfortable and we know how to navigate that pattern. But it is important to look to see if that pattern is serving the greater good of everyone. If it is not then it takes a tremendous act of bravery to surrender and let the old go to see what new pattern might emerge.
So I would like to have everyone explore the energy of surrender rather than pushing during this transformational time.
Surrender is a charged word for many people. Most people equate surrender with a loss of free will or personal power. I prefer to look at how Margo Anand defines this word. She says, "Often people confuse the word surrender with submission, which is a passive attitude that implies giving up responsibility for one's behavior - wanting someone else to do things for you. The word "surrender" has significant roots, in which render has the meaning "to melt" and sur means "super" or "highest." In other words, the true meaning of surrender is to melt into that which is higher than yourself. True surrender is a conscious choice made from free will. It means opening your heart and trusting the person you are with whether it is your beloved or your teacher. By surrendering to the practice of opening, regardless of circumstances, you will allow yourself to be deeply touched by a new reality."
As you attempt to surrender, you will encounter others who's egos will not want change. They will become agitated and angry at the fact that you are making their life shift also. As we are all connected, it is impossible to not have an impact on others as we attempt to bring the truth to light. It is all part of the natural process and to be expected. It is important to allow others to work through their blockages as they come up in the way that they need to without judgment or expectation.
When pieces begin to crumble, it is wise to just allow that pattern to naturally unravel and find its own next perfectly balanced place in each person. You do not get to decide how that will look as it is impossible to know every one's karmic pattern or lessons in each and every moment. It is next to impossible to follow your own current when your ego and will want to make things certain, so we can have the illusion of control and safety. So do not expect to be able to predict or understand the pattern or growth of another. Trust that their soul knows the way and the intricate in's and out's will manifest perfect balance for them. As growth happens, trust that understanding will soften the ego allowing the love and gifts you offered to be understood and appreciated at a later date. After all, there are moments when all of us must let go and empower others' souls to step into their place of power and clarity.
Labels: Surrender, The transformation of the planet for May 2010