Saturday, May 08, 2010

Intuitive Patterns for the Month of June 2010

In June we will feel as if we are up against the old wall of our most cherished illusions. We have come to the edge of what you have known yourself to be. There is no longer any choice but to move from patterns of separation into reunion. But the intensity of the feelings around this apparently insurmountable wall is the fuel that will propel us through this perceived block.

Situations will present themselves that call us to becoming our awakened self. The keys are within you. Love is neither taken nor given, it is explored and allowed. It is now time to explore the potential that you have been holding within you. There are no more excuses as to why you cannot be the expression of your authentic self.

I love the Medicine Cards for this month, the Skunk and the Buffalo. I laughed when I picked them. Buffalo is about gratitude and prayer. Skunk is about reputation. Skunks are stinky, smelly creatures that have a way of not apologizing for what they are or how they smell. This month take a look at your disgusting side and be grateful for that aspect. I know that sounds strange but a skunk cannot pretend that it is not a skunk. Yet, how often in our life do we pretend that we are something that we are not? How do we try to cover up our stinky-ness in one way or another?

Perhaps we should be more like Peppi Le Pue, the cartoon character. He is totally oblivious to his negative qualities and is just running around being his authentic self. Some will want to play with him and some will run away. Yet, he never stops trying to give his gift regardless of the reactions of others. And every once in a while, someone sees beyond his smell and chooses to accept his love and gifts just as they are.

How wonderful it would be if in this world we could somehow look beyond the disgusting aspects of others and just see the gifts that are being given instead. How much happier we would be if we could step beyond our judgment and just receive what is being offered with gratitude and acceptance. After all, the skunk part of yourself is not trying to hurt anyone. It just wants to be loved. Each of us has a skunk within that wants to be loved by others and our self. That skunk part is wanting to be integrated and healed.

If we could look with laughter and love at all the aspects that trigger us within our self, then perhaps we could finally learn to love and accept others, the world, different religions, different cultures, and transform the conflicts of this planet.

When we are at war with our essential nature and deny that, then that conflict externalizes and we contribute to the world chaos that we see today.

Personally, I do not want to do things that add to the suffering that is on this planet. This is a tremendously difficult thing to know how to navigate but I know that we are part of a collective whole. Each of us is energetically dialed into a certain frequency. It is part of our gift to assist in releasing that energy for the planet.

You can tell what yours is by what types of stories draw you in the most. Your energy is hot wired to that frequency and you will see and notice it more than other things. So take a look at what types of movies, stories, news articles, etc you are the most drawn to. Then look inside as to where that story is playing out within you. Take responsibility for your own inner conflict or drama. Choose to mature that energy into a more functional, responsible place. When you do, you will find that miraculously the external will also shift in some way. Sometimes those shifts are small but sometimes they will seem amazingly big.

That is because each of you are a miracle. Each of you have amazing amounts of power if you will learn how to harness your energy with discipline and clarity. If you do not like what the external looks like then notice what that reflection is telling you about some denied internal part. Then go within and listen to that parts fears, issues, and conflicts. Negotiate something different and allow these frozen internal parts to begin to grow and develop in new ways.

Know that you will not do it perfect. You will make mistakes. But you will also learn as you go and life will begin to feel much more magical and open. Your energy will feel freed up and you will feel more at peace because regardless of any situation you encounter you will be whole and complete within you. Then it will not matter what the world does. Because the game of this planet is to be your total self, regardless of excuses or circumstances.


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