Sunday, May 02, 2010

Welcome to the Times of Intense Transformation

We have finally entered into May. With this shift into spring and Beltane the intensity of the transformational chaos is intensifying. Astrologically we are coming into a phase where many issues will reach a critical mass and something will have to shift. These intense shifts will continue for at least 4 months but the constriction will be felt by everyone till about 2015.

As things radically shift out of one astrological sign into another, the new mood and tone of that planetary change will be felt by everyone.

Uranus (the disrupter planet) is going into Aries (the God of war) on the 28th of May. Even a novice in astrology would know that this pattern does not sound good. What it will look like is any one's guess but it will herald a time when energies will become more easily inflamed. You can see this pattern beginning to emerge right now. The Greeks have become inflamed with the tax increases and have begun to express their disapproval with riots. Volcanoes are erupting in Iceland. The volcano is affecting tourism in Europe and potentially affecting the plane industry that is still recovering from 911 and the financial struggles of the past few years. Earthquakes have intensified. Financial systems are under stain. Politics are becoming more and more heated. Money systems are strained worldwide. The stock market is at an unrealistic high and taking vertical leaps which is what caused the great collapse before. Many people feel as if they have just had about enough of the old way of politics. Everyone wants change but what kind of change is where there is disruption and conflict.

A friend of mine and I have an ongoing joke that we are going to create a political organization that it's only message is to "Not Pick The Incumbents". Just pick anyone new. We need to get the life long politicians out of the system and it is time for some fresh approaches and new ideas with people that are open to working together towards a common good.

The particular pattern also has the potential to hit the Middle East. That is because when Uranus moves into to Aries it will directly affect the chart of Pakistan. What that looks like, again, is any one's guess. But I expect some major change in the priorities of the people in that country and there could be huge upsets related to terrorism.

On many fronts I expect to see major leaps forward into change. But sudden changes are often violent and aggressive in nature.

During this time these energies are also affecting you personally. So you will feel the global hit, as well as, how these energies will be affecting you in your daily life. Keep them separate in your mind. Begin to realize if you are being affected by the bad global news or if this particular energy is more personal in nature. Screen out the bigger global things as you may have less of an impact on them. That is unless you want to politically jump into the fray and that is part of your life's purpose.

So stay aware of the energies hitting right now. Stay responsible and on top of the small details in your life. Do not let things get our of control because this energy is wanting to do just that. When you deal with what is on your plate each day, you have the opportunity to stay on top of this wave of change rather than get pulled under by the energies that are affecting all of us.


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