Thursday, March 31, 2016

Numerology/Astrology for 4/1/16 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 4/1/16
4/1/16 is the number 5. Pay attention to those subtle messages that are speaking to you through your body. This is not the moment to ignore your body. It is important to eat correctly and drink plenty of water right now. The stress from the past month of intensity is taking a toll on your body and so there are moments when you have to stop and do the “care” that is essential for keeping you moving in the right direction. No part of yourself may be left behind and body is the most important part for you being able to have experiences in this reality. The Moon continues its transit of Capricorn much of the day, until 9:38 PM EDT, when it enters Aquarius. You may be feeling pleasantly attached, finding it easier to nurture and support people in your life right now. You can be quite focused on performance and accomplishment. There is a desire to reach out so that you can support others through projects and causes. A sesquiquadrate between Mercury and Mars tonight can stimulate impulsive communications and hasty decision-making in the second half of the day. "Haste makes waste" at this time. You can accomplish more if you pay attention to details and avoid rushing through things.
~Suzanne Wagner~

“You’ll have bad times, but it’ll always wake you up to the good stuff you weren’t paying attention to.”
~Robin Williams – Sean, Good Will Hunting~


We are coming into the home stretch of the Wild Women Symposium. I am so grateful for my team, staff, and volunteers that have gone above and beyond the call of duty. In doing this symposium everyone that it touches forces us to change, evolve, and grow. Sometimes that can be a bit much (as each of my team has found out)! Regardless we have learned and grown with each event and we hope to share that growth and wisdom with each of you. Tickets are still available on Eventbrite. I can’t wait to see all of these wonderful powerful women who are willing to leap off a cliff of their old reality and into the fullness and presence of their own personal Divine Feminine.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Numerology/Astrology for 3/31/16 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 3/31/16
3/31/16 is the number 7. If it hasn’t happen yet, you should be feeling the promptings of a question, “What are we doing?” And that question has a broad range as you are looking at this question as a country, as a people, and as a personal journey. This is a day of strategy and structure but all around you see lack of structures, lack of clarity, lack of well thought out situations. The mental arguments seem so distorted and out of touch with reality. When you look at the world with a wide screen lens you may feel demoralized. As the number 7 shines a bright light of clarity on the dysfunction, you find yourself in a state of shock that somehow situations have gotten this out of control. We thought there was more agreement and consensus but it is clear that that was a distortion and delusion. It is time to stand up for the truth and to not allow for a continuation of the conversation that allows for such chaos and perpetuates the distortions that feed upon the chaos and suffering of others. The Last Quarter Moon is exact today at 11:18 AM EDT, when the Sun in Pisces forms a square with the Moon in Sagittarius. The Last Quarter Moon phase points to some sort of crisis of consciousness (which the number 7 is also indicating). After basking in the awareness symbolized by the full light of the Moon last week, you disperse your knowledge and come to a point when you need to sort out what works for you - and what doesn't - in preparation for next week's New Moon, when something new is born once again. This is not the best time to start a major project, as the decreasing light of the Moon symbolizes a descent into unconsciousness. It's time to begin finishing up the details of all the things that are still left hanging. The Moon is in Capricorn all day. Mercury aligns with Uranus this afternoon, and you readily grasp intellectual concepts and consider progressive approaches and methods. Your senses may be overloaded, to the point that you are scatter-brained, impulsive, nervous, or impatient. If channeled well, however, your ideas are inventive, original, progressive, and unbiased.
~Suzanne Wagner~

She had stars behind each eyelid, and a galaxy in her soul that drew people to her endless heart, like the pull of a black hole.


I personally feel the tiredness in my soul from all the chaos swirling around presently in this world that is attempting to change and yet at the same time it is also being pulled back into the muck and despair of past patterns. That swing is so wide and exhausting and I know many of you are attempting to hold the love and light for the potential of humanity while others are angry enough that they want to pull us back into the places where positions and perspectives separate, hurt, and cause more upset than good. It amazes me how just when we are on the brink of breaking out into a new paradigm for humanity that there is always that dark energy that tries to pull humanity back down into the primal ape-like emotions that have caused war and suffering for eternity on this planet. There are so many out there that are filled with anger and rage and they want to create situations where the anger they feel is more important that evolving all of humanity to a new level of peace and hope. At some point each of us have a choice to step out of our small petty self and see a bigger picture that has the potential to help everyone. But when humanity keeps choosing to believe that their feeling of anger and the expression of that is more important than finding the doorways to come together and help the greater whole, it pulls us back into the “Dark Ages” of human suffering and does not allow humanity to step into that transcendental potential that is possible. Are you willing to step out of your own anger? Do you need to keep cathartically expressing that anger out in the world in such a way that it makes you feel better but it spews that hatred out in the world and infects others in your drama, pain, and upset? At what point do you take responsibility for your actions? At what point do you choose to let you own pain go and choose the path of peace and love? I hope that moment is happening right now even if it is because of sheer exhaustion or even better that you finally recognize that certain behaviors lock you back into karma and do not free you to become the potential self that you know is possible.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Numerology/Astrology for 3/30/16 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 3/30/16
3/30/16 is the number 6. Healing comes first from tapping into the essence of your soul. Healing comes from trusting in another’s capacity to see behind the layers you have placed in front of your authentic self. Healing happens when you let others in to see the wounds that have not yet healed. Healing happens when you let another shift those energies that you have been dysfunctionally attached to. Within each of us is the capacity to heal others. You need to be willing to look behind the façade that others are showing and witness the truth hidden behind the toxic layers of protection that are using up the life force within the person. This process takes courage that is only found by doing your own inner journey first. Venus aligns with Chiron this morning, and this yearly occurrence has been happening in the sign of Pisces in recent years. This can point to a new start or commitment to healing in your relationships. You have the opportunity to repair or heal problems with others now, as you are especially open to intimacy and commitment, as well as, to learning from one another. Take a look to see the beauty in human weakness. This is a really helpful aspect because you are less inclined to find fault in others. It's a strong time for building trust in relationships and for seeing potential in one another. Yet, this process might feel a bit painful! In patterns such as this your insecurities are revealed but giving them a bit of air also allows you to cleanse them. A new cycle of healing in love begins (and we desperately need this at this time). However, later morning, a square between Mercury and Pluto can pull up insecurities and fears that you are not getting all the information you need or perceiving all that you need to. This creates the tendency to read between the lines with a negative slant during this transit, and can easily stir up trouble. Compulsive thinking is possible. On the other hand, this influence can help lead to deeper insights and conversations. The Moon continues its transit of Sagittarius until 1:46 PM EDT, when it enters Capricorn.
~Suzanne Wagner~

When there is real love, there is silence. There cannot be any words. There is only stillness. Just like a perfectly calm lake, there cannot be any ripples or waves when real love is experienced. Ripples and waves are a distortion, a distraction, and a disturbance in the mental lake. Love ensues from stillness of mind. In that stillness one can experience silence. The talking of the mind stops completely. Real love is felt in that silence.
Silence, silence alone, is the language of pure love. Real love exists in the heart. The love that exists in the heart cannot be spoken; it cannot be put in words. The heart is not the place for words.
~ Amma ~


If you cannot drop into your own silence to find your deepest heart and the power of your love then how can you share that place with another. In today’s world so many of us are running around and around. The technology allows us to stay connected but some of us use it to never allow the depth that the human condition craves. A shallow life is no life. A safe life is no life. Love is about risk. Love is about allowing someone into those places that few have traveled. Love asks you to open and discover what happens when you trust more and protect yourself less. Love asks you to be more transparent to those who have earned the right because of trust to explore your deepest self.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Monday, March 28, 2016

Numerology/Astrology for 3/29/16 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 3/29/16
3/29/16 is the number 5. This number indicates that there is change in the air and it would be important to listen closely to the information coming to you from all your 5 senses. Expect a few things that might upset you to be very fast-moving and unpredictable. To handle the situations you will need an unconventional approach and you will have to break from the more accepted modes of life. Freedom is trying to express itself and the number 5 does not like to be confined and it tends to break you out of your routine. The Moon is in Sagittarius all day, stimulating your curious and adventurous sides. This afternoon, Mercury forms a quincunx with Jupiter, and you may struggle with decisions. However, Mercury is moving towards a trine, exact tonight, with Saturn, and you can get to far clearer more realistic thinking under this influence. It's a generally good time to get organized, to do detail work, and to prepare for the future. Decisions made now tend to be practical and well thought out. Conversations may be spare but to the point. Manifestation and achievement are what satisfy on mental levels right now. Venus and Chiron are moving towards a conjunction, making today and tomorrow good for turning over a new leaf when it comes to making a commitment, getting over a hump in a relationship, and making an effort to repair and heal old problems, wounds, and difficulties.
~Suzanne Wagner~

She never seemed shattered; to me, she was a breathtaking mosaic of the battles she’s won.
~Matt Baker~


Life forces you to adapt. Love breaks your heart so you can find the places of compassion that you have held in a protective shell. Life is designed to pummel you until you learn the delicate art of surrender and flow. It moves you through the desire realm of wanting what you want when you want it, and allows you to see the gifts being offered when you are not getting what you expect.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Sunday, March 27, 2016

The most Inspirational video for women ever - How to have motivation and never give up

For the women who have forgotten that they are worthy for the promise that they hold inside. To do that you have to be willing to be molded, shaped, broken, and redefined. You have to be willing to take the hits, sometimes in the face. You have to have to courage to take those hits, to change, and to find the power within that is that spark that gave you life in the first place. You have already been chosen as worthy. And you need to allow that spark to shape you into that potential by letting go of all that is illusion and that stops you from being that light you are already are.

Numerology/Astrology for 3/28/16 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 3/28/16
3/28/16 is the number 4. This number is about moving in the direction of inner peace. Yes, it is important to love yourself but it is also unhealthy to do it in a narcissistic way. Negative things happen in your life to show you where you are still healing and places where you need to evolve and grow. So the center point to come from is about being at peace. When you are at peace you are calm and you do not over-react to situations. You may feel the pull and the internal conversation becomes obviously loud but when you are sitting in your center you know that the emotional reaction is a symptom of the mind and the ego at work. Your human condition wants to protect itself, it makes you want to run away from your own problems and it distracts you from the truth of what you need to see, experience, and feel. Let the number 4 be that consistent reminder that when you know yourself and understand that you are not your emotional reactive state then you can more calmly move through life and the edges of growth that cause fear and make your ego want to react and continuously pull you off that center. The Moon continues its transit of Scorpio until 2:47 AM EDT, when it enters Sagittarius. The Sagittarius Moon is outgoing, adventurous, and interested in gaining knowledge and experience. This can be a more spontaneous time when you can be especially attracted to new situations of conquest or adventure, requiring less prompting than usual to get moving and to experience life. This is particularly the case around the Moon's alignment with Mars this afternoon.
~Suzanne Wagner~

You have such a big heart, you’re bound to have it bump a couple of things along the way. Never make it smaller so that your journey will be easier, because there might come a time when you will need the magnitude of your heart to help others in this life. No one wishes the sun to be smaller so that they can find their way west or the North Star to find their way home. Be grateful for your big heart, for with each bump brings new life.
~T.B. LaBerge // Go Now~


Life is constructed to make you notice if you react to the external world and the suffering of life in a way where you contract and try to feel smaller or if you expand into the biggest position to give your love, light, and presence. If you choose to collapse and allow life to beat you down then your life will be small and you will feel as if you do not have control. In this position it will not build the necessary confidence that allows for a life that shows and expresses your potential. Each time my heart has been broken the light of my core essence shines through the cracks and my authentic self is seen by others. Often when you feel as if your heart is broken, what has broken is actually the shield that is protecting your heart from your ego.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Numerology/Astrology for 3/27/16 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 3/27/16
3/27/16 is the number 3, so take a look at the things in your life that you are still holding in a negative light. Now, with the reflective insight of time, perhaps you can see how you have learned and grown from that experience. When an experience does not go the way you think, often you do learn something that is very valuable in the long run either about yourself or you recognize that the situation was never supposed to work the way your ego expected and now you are a better person because of it. The Moon is in Scorpio all day, and this will draw you to experience and understand the hidden elements of your life. You are less inclined to avoid important issues now. In some ways, this energy attracts you to the crisis that is happening in the world. Try to see the crisis as transformative and emotionally expanding. It can be an immensely healing and transformative energy, particularly around its trine to Chiron this morning. There can be new or easy understanding of your feelings and impressions. You have a greater understanding of, or compassion for, others' plights. This will help you be more emotionally present and involved.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Compassion is a deeper thing that waits beyond the tension of choosing sides. Compassion, in practice, does not require us to give up the truth of what we feel or the truth of our reality. Nor does it allow us to minimize the humanity of those who hurt us. Rather, we are asked to know ourselves enough that we can stay open to the truth of others, even when their truth or their inability to live up to their truth has hurt us.
~The Book of Awakening~


Do your words match your actions? Does what you believe correlate to how you live in the external world? Holding high spiritual values and then practicing them in the outer world are two completely different things. It is always easy to speak and repeat words that hold high vibrating spiritual content but learning to live those words on a daily basis is a completely different experience. Take an honest look at yourself and see if you are acting congruently. Then today, move towards finding that balance between your inner spiritual self and the outward expression of your human essence.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Friday, March 25, 2016

Numerology/Astrology for 3/26/16 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 3/26/16
3/26/16 is the number 11 and the expanding and contracting is getting to everyone a little bit. Nerves are frayed and tension is building. Patience is going to be practiced at an unprecedented level as Saturn goes retrograde. Expect many to crack under the pressure and know that when such intense triggers happen it is like a dark cloud seems to surround all of us and it will feel difficult to get anything going and motivations may seem like a waste of energy. Do your best to not fall into the cracks of despair. Only through understanding the cycle in which we are in and the timing of this cycle can we keep on track with our goals. It is not that the goals are impossible but all things are going to take longer than expected. There are no quick solutions so stay calm, practice loving regardless of how you are stressed and do your best to not put more pressure on others as they too will be feeling similar things. The Moon is in perceptive Scorpio all day. A trine between the Sun and Mars today supports physical activity, initiative, and enterprise. Energy and vitality are strong. There is a stronger than usual desire to put plans into motion, to take the lead, and to keep busy. A sextile between Venus and Pluto points to new insight or a comfortably strategic approach to your money and relationships. Your feelings can be more focused and intensified, in a generally pleasant and positive way. You appreciate depth of feeling and authenticity in your dealings with others.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Try not to resist the changes that come your way. Instead let life live through you. And do not worry that your life is turning upside down. How do you know that the side you are used to is better than the one to come?..


We are in a world that most of us have not experienced. Perhaps the veterans  from WWI and WWII have some insight, as will as those service men that have been in the Gulf War and are dealing with the situations in the Middle East, but most of us do not know how to respond or what to think as we look outward in the world right now. It is a world that we do not recognize. Our ideal little bubble of safety does not feel so safe at the moment. The world of compassion and understanding of all that we thought we were creating seems in an instant to go up in smoke. The blaming and pointing of fingers is painful to watch as each of us just want those that are responsible to step up and make the appropriate changes and to take accountability for their actions. We live in a world where it is everyone else’s fault. But it is a co-created world that we are in. Each of us takes a bit of that responsibility and that also means that we are also a part of the solution.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Numerology/Astrology for 3/25/16 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 3/25/16
3/25/16 is the number 10 supporting you to make some decisions and giving you a bit of momentum. Saturn stations today and is beginning its retrograde until August 13th, so expect your mind to reflect, reconsider, and reassess the choices in your life. It casts a heavy tone on this week and it makes you feel that you cannot accept things at face value. And then a Mercury retrograde happens April 28 for 3½ weeks. For myself I know that I need to prepare now before all this and not expect to get a lot done afterwards. Mars also goes retrograde on April 17-June 29 and is grinding down to a slow rate as we speak. So this combined retrograde is going to make getting things done in the time you expect probably impossible. Communication, projects, and your energy levels are going to drop so do not expect to be “Super” anybody for a while. Take things one step at a time and know that many other glitches will be showing up. Then you will not take setbacks personally. Venus opposes Jupiter and squares Saturn today, forcing a reality check and possible adjustments to the structure of your relationships, recreation, or money situation. You can feel emotionally up one moment and down the next, and may be reconsidering any recent decisions. Insecurities about your relationships, money, or state of comfort can be triggered, and you may be tempted to overcompensate. Gaining what you want can be challenging under this influence. You have a tendency to want more than the world can provide right now. The Moon is in Libra until 2:10 PM EDT. Later today, you will begin to feel considerably more confident, and decisions don't seem to be as difficult.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Kindness is a spontaneous expression from a loving heart
~Harold W Becker~


Take a look and see how willing you are to express kindness to others in an outward fashion. That is a gage of how loving your heart really is. When you are full, loving, and accepting of yourself then that inner kindness expresses itself outward in the world. When was the last time you spontaneously expressed kindness without the expectation of something in return? See if you can make this a practice once a day. You can find your own heart by choosing to give to others.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Numerology/Astrology for 3/24/16 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 3/24/16
3/24/16 is the number 9 and I am feeling into the depth of the longing of our society to find peace and a sense of completion. The old patterns are dead and gone. New patterns need to be implemented and there is such a loud calling for in so many ways for old obstacles, energies, and ways of behavior to find some sort of resolution and change. But change is difficult to many. Humanity always fondly longs for the patterns of the past because of their familiarity. Right now humanity must find new ways of growth. That is going to require some flexibility and this willingness to adapt to our changing world. In life, nothing ever completely stays the same. Let go, find the flow, and show the willingness to shift. Mercury forms a trine with Mars today, and you can have enthusiastic and energetic conversations. Discover the exciting ideas that are surfacing under this astrological pattern. You are productive and take "busy-ness" in stride. You are alert and aware, and can easily turn ideas into workable projects. Your mind is sharp and quick. Finally, communications have become refreshingly direct and to the point. However, do not expect those voices to be especially sympathetic. The Moon is in gracious Libra all day, however, which can help add some diplomacy to your interactions. With Saturn approaching a station as well, you may be a little more aware of the rules, appropriate decorum, and good manners.
~Suzanne Wagner~

“Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable and to give an appearance of solidarity to pure wind.”
~George Orwell~


As the weather has gone cold and snowy again in Utah I must admit that it is very refreshing. The light is dawning with that bluish color of morning light and reminding us that waking up each day is a blessing and gives you again the chance to be love, share love, and to touch hearts in a way that can make a difference in the world. What can you do today that can help someone else? How can your love be given freely and your humanity shine brightly over the darkness that shrouds the news and many lives at the moment? Understanding is the doorway to compassion and compassion is the way through to peace.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Numerology/Astrology for 3/23/16 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 3/23/16
3/23/16 is the number 8. Today you reflect on those from your past that you have lost in some way, either to death, change, moving, upsets, etc. Life is full of opportunities to let go. Life is full of chances to change in conscious ways. Yet there are moments when life moves in ways that remind us that we live in a world of attachment. Letting go (when it is time) is painful because of the deep love that each of us carries inside. Love is a great gift and yet in times when you need to let go, that pain can turn into anger, resentment, hurt, suffering, and sorrow. We tend to hold onto the hurt and grief in an attempt to hang onto the love. We think that if we remember how much the process hurt and how the other person’s choice caused us pain then we do not really have to let them go. But real love is in releasing them completely to their karma and lessons. We are each here to help each other along the path. Just because we significantly impact each other’s lives does not mean that moment (as precious as it was) was designed to last forever. Learn to fully let go and allow the other person to be who and what they came to be. It is like freeing an animal from your beautiful home and care. You want them to be safe but more often than not that animal wants to be free more. This morning, a Lunar Eclipse occurs with the Sun in Aries opposite the Moon in Libra. There can be a crisis of lack experienced now - a time when you suddenly recognize that within you is a great need or want. This is a time when what truly matters to you comes to light. You notice things that have been brewing below your radar of your consciousness. This Full Moon urges you to strike a balance between meeting your personal needs and tending to the needs of a significant other. You are weighting the patterns between independence/autonomy and dependence/companionability. This comes at a time when Mercury and the Sun are forming a superior conjunction. In this pattern you are especially sharp, communicative, and open at this time, as your wants are aligned with your thoughts. What you say or write now has impact, for better or for worse! The Moon is in Libra from 1:24 AM EDT forward.
~Suzanne Wagner~

One of the most courageous decisions you’ll ever make is to finally let go of what is hurting your heart and soul.
~Brigitte Nicole~


It is raining outside and I love to hear that sound on the rooftop and the patio. Life is so beautiful in so many subtle ways. Life is filled with moments to get out of your head and into the meat of life, which is through the body. I hope this day in your world is beautiful. I hope that this day is able to take you away from those thoughts that keep interrupting you from life. I hope this day allows you to find that place of center where you can drop in and know that all the change coming is for your highest and best good.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Monday, March 21, 2016

Numerology/Astrology for 3/22/16 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 3/22/16
3/22/16 is the number 7 and as much as this number is about planning and putting together structures with the Moon is in Virgo (and is void all day) you may be filled with ideas about what you’d like to accomplish but your plans not going to come together easily. Jupiter and Saturn are moving towards a square aspect, exact early tomorrow. This longer-term aspect will occur again in May, 2016. This forces things to be done by the book. It makes you have to abide by the rules or laws and to experience a somewhat hard reality check. It is good to think in big terms, as you have the urge to expand but continuously during the day you will have to confront obstacles that make you step out of the illusion and face reality. Some re-structuring of your life and of your business goals is now in order. There are no easy fixes or shortcuts now. All of us are going to have to put in the hours to get things done. There is no smooth sailing but a lot of work in front of us. It is best to breath new life into old plans rather than to strike out with a new plan altogether. Take steps to grow, but don't overextend yourself at this time or you are bound to face frustrations.
~Suzanne Wagner~

One tree can start a forest;
One smile can begin a friendship;
One hand can lift a soul;
One word can frame the goal;
One candle can wipe out darkness
One laugh can conquer gloom;
One hope can raise your spirits;
One touch can show you care;
One life can make a difference;
Be that one today!
~Wild Woman Sisterhood~


It is lovely to be back in Utah in the Spring and prepping for the Symposium. It really does take a tribe to make things like this happen and there are so many women who have thrown their ideas, skills, and wisdom into this big bucket that I hope you get the chance to see what happens and the magic that moves so many women to reach out and support each other in growth. I am slowly on the mend with my shoulder. I am hoping that by the symposium, I don’t need to wear my brace. I still can’t lift anything but I am grateful for the small baby steps of healing. I am sending out so much love and support to our country as we grapple with the big issues confronting our morals, ethics, freedoms, and consciousness. I am a big believer is moving forwards not backwards. But I am a realist in seeing that we need to do a better job in our country to make all feel accepted, appreciated for their uniqueness, and to feel safe. We are a country that the world looks to for the future possibility. We cannot fall back into the prejudices of the past. We must once again be strong enough in the values that our forefathers put out for the freedoms that all humanity deserves.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Art: Cosmic Eagle by Lauren Spruit

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Numerology/Astrology for 3/21/16 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 3/21/16
3/21/16 is the number 6, asking us to go deeper inward and allow for the journey of self-discovery. We so often think the answers are external but in reality most of them are internal. Getting to know who you are inside and behind the curtains of ego is extremely challenging to do. But the joy of the discovery and uncovering the truth of your magnificence is better than the anything the ego could have made up anyway. The Moon is in Virgo all day, opposing Venus and Neptune not long after they formed a conjunction (yesterday) helping to bring you back to reality. Mercury enters Aries today, where it will transit until April 5th. When Mercury is in Aries, you will feel less concerned with objective viewpoints and explanations, and more concerned with reaching a decision...quickly! But your thoughts and ideas are pioneering and you tend to speak more spontaneously and directly with the planet of communication in bold and assertive Aries ways.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Our survival adaptations are so tough, but our wounds are so delicate. To heal, we have to lift the armor carefully- it saved our lives, after all. It’s like moving your best friend off to the side of the path. You don’t trample on her, you don’t hit him with a sledgehammer. You honor her presence like a warm blanket that has kept you safe and sound during wintry times. And then, when the moment is right, you get inside and stitch your wounds with the thread of love, slowly and surely, not rushing to completion, nurturing as you weave, tender and true. The healing process has a heart of its own, moving at its own delicate pace. We are such wondrous weavers.
~Jeff Brown~


I am finally in Utah for work and the upcoming Wild Women Symposium. I have been pretty out of commission with this broken shoulder and now that I am at the 4 week mark and at least not in constant pain I feel like by head is coming out of a pain cloud. I want to say a big “Thank You” to all the volunteers that have gone above and beyond the call of duty, especially with me out of commission with this shoulder. I hope many of you come to the Symposium. Tickets are still available on the website and I am excited to have so many wise and talented teachers coming to the event. I hope to see you at the Leonardo Center April 1-3, 2016!

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Numerology/Astrology for 3/20/16 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 3/20/16
3/20/16 is the number 5, which is all about paying attention to the subtle messages that the universe is sending you on a constant basis. As the quote below says, it is those “indirect, oblique” sides of yourself that help you discover the maps to your future and those messages are often first detected through the body, nature, and the 5 senses. In each life you are asked to be the healer and teacher to your evolving self. All of life teaches you and it is up to us to listen and find the doorways that help us become more awake and aware to the fact that regardless of our desire for independence that we are permanently connected to life on this planet and that all of life is a perfectly blended soup of evolving consciousness. As we evolve we also lift this planet into a higher resonance and clarity. The Sun enters Aries today, marking the time of the Spring equinox and the start of the astrological New Year, at 12:30 AM EDT. The Sun will transit Aries until April 19th. In Aries, the Sun is enthusiastic and spontaneous. This energy motivates you to conquer the next thing on your list. It makes you more impulsive and gives you the urge to initiate new things. Aries is a sign that bounces back quickly. And there is little shame with Aries. When you tap into that energy you discover that you are brave and pioneering yet you can still be innocent. The Cardinal Fire of Aries can make you more direct and rather uncomplicated in your needs. Just remember that it can also make you short-sighted and lack the desire to plan ahead. While this is fiery energy, you will also influenced by a conjunction of Venus and Neptune in Pisces, which is a gentle, subtle, and imaginative influence. You may find that you have the experience of heightened sensitivity and a deeper awareness for beauty and spirituality. It can also make you feel renewed on creative levels. Because of the deepening of emotions you can more easily be influenced, seduced and get pulled in by seductive people and energies. You are awakened to the world of beauty and romance today. Gentleness with others is the best way to harness this energy. Remember this is a temporary, "magical" time on a romantic and social level, but Neptune is also the planet of illusion so be aware of that influence as well. Psychic openness and compassion are themes in your interactions now. The Moon continues its transit of Leo until 1:40 PM EDT, when it enters Virgo
~Suzanne Wagner~

Your soul knows the geography of your destiny.
Your soul alone has the map of your future,
therefore you can trust this indirect, oblique side of yourself.
If you do, it will take you where you need to go,
but more important it will teach you a kindness of rhythm in your journey.
~ John O'Donohue~


In your journey of life you have a myriad of choices that you can make throughout all the twists and turns of time. Those directional changes indicate what you are next ready to learn. There is no need to worry that you are going the wrong way because it is all about discovering your deepest self. Certain lessons are set in stone on our path, the only thing we get to do is choose which lesson you want next.

~Suzanne Wagner~