for 3/30/16
3/30/16 is the number 6. Healing comes first
from tapping into the essence of your soul. Healing comes from trusting in
another’s capacity to see behind the layers you have placed in front of your
authentic self. Healing happens when you let others in to see the wounds that
have not yet healed. Healing happens when you let another shift those energies
that you have been dysfunctionally attached to. Within each of us is the
capacity to heal others. You need to be willing to look behind the façade that
others are showing and witness the truth hidden behind the toxic layers of
protection that are using up the life force within the person. This process
takes courage that is only found by doing your own inner journey first. Venus aligns
with Chiron this morning, and this yearly occurrence has been happening in the
sign of Pisces in recent years. This can point to a new start or commitment to
healing in your relationships. You have the opportunity to repair or heal
problems with others now, as you are especially open to intimacy and
commitment, as well as, to learning from one another. Take a look to see the
beauty in human weakness. This is a really helpful aspect because you are less
inclined to find fault in others. It's a strong time for building trust in
relationships and for seeing potential in one another. Yet, this process might
feel a bit painful! In patterns such as this your insecurities are revealed but
giving them a bit of air also allows you to cleanse them. A new cycle of
healing in love begins (and we desperately need this at this time). However,
later morning, a square between Mercury and Pluto can pull up insecurities and
fears that you are not getting all the information you need or perceiving all
that you need to. This creates the tendency to read between the lines with a
negative slant during this transit, and can easily stir up trouble. Compulsive
thinking is possible. On the other hand, this influence can help lead to deeper
insights and conversations. The Moon continues its transit of Sagittarius until
1:46 PM EDT, when it enters Capricorn.
~Suzanne Wagner~
When there is real love, there is silence. There cannot be any words. There is
only stillness. Just like a perfectly calm lake, there cannot be any ripples or
waves when real love is experienced. Ripples and waves are a distortion, a
distraction, and a disturbance in the mental lake. Love ensues from stillness
of mind. In that stillness one can experience silence. The talking of the mind
stops completely. Real love is felt in that silence.
Silence, silence alone, is the language of pure love. Real love
exists in the heart. The love that exists in the heart cannot be spoken; it
cannot be put in words. The heart is not the place for words.
~ Amma ~
If you cannot drop into your own silence to find your deepest heart and the
power of your love then how can you share that place with another. In today’s
world so many of us are running around and around. The technology allows us to
stay connected but some of us use it to never allow the depth that the human
condition craves. A shallow life is no life. A safe life is no life. Love is
about risk. Love is about allowing someone into those places that few have
traveled. Love asks you to open and discover what happens when you trust more
and protect yourself less. Love asks you to be more transparent to those who
have earned the right because of trust to explore your deepest self.
~Suzanne Wagner~
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