Friday, February 27, 2015

Numerology/Astrology for 3/1/15 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 3/1/15
Today is the number 3. It is with optimism and enthusiasm that it is time to dive into this complex day of ups and downs. Sometimes it is all about the ride of life and the way you let yourself be at the edge to test your skills, wit, and love of freedom seeking adventure. Let this be a day of passion manifesting a feeling of exuberance and joy. But be prepared! The planets are conspiring to manifest conflicts all around you. Mars is having a hey day (in case you have not noticed) so it is a balance of being frank but not too forceful. Communication is the key so if you can’t say it with your heart open and flowing it might be wise to not have the conversation today. There is a feeling of being overwhelmed and a bit more vulnerable than you are comfortable with. If you lack the stamina then wait until your energy comes back. Concentration might also be a factor. Don’t make decisions if you are feeling like your head is in a cloud of fuzziness. Conserve your energy and allow the inner growth to bring about a shift in the coming weeks. Just be ready. Where you think you are headed is for sure going to have some major changes. It is okay to set the path ahead but there are going to be some twists and turns that are not in that plan that you have in your head. It is all going to work out in the end. Just take your time and know that you cannot see the entire situation for the next few weeks. Let is be a mystery. Let it unfold. And let it be exciting.
~Suzanne Wagner~

At some point we simply have to grow up and forget our grievance or complaint. It happened; it’s over; forget about it. Let it go forever. Never bring it up again, to yourself or another. We need to purge our system of petty feelings based on grievances regarding the past. Replace these stuck-in-the-mud feelings with something more inspiring and’s time to move on. The past is over; let it go. Just as you open your fist to let go of an object, open your heart and release the past completely.
~D.R. Butler~

So many things create clearing off of old energy. Things such as; cleanses, weight loss, emotional clearing, meditation, etc. are all tools of transformation. And in life I have found that I will have to use all of the tools at different times to promote change. There are times when we get attached to a particular set of tools but I have found that one style or one type of tool does not always work. I wish it was as simple as one teacher, guru, spiritual book, or meditation practice solved all the problems. But that is just not realistic. Within each of us is a complex matrix of patterns that we are attempting to embody and integrate. Some things work some of the time and some things work only one time. Life is about trial and error. Don’t be afraid to stretch out of your box and try something that you had in the past believed would not work. You might just discover something that you have wanted and that has been missing.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Numerology/Astrology for 2/28/15 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 2/28/15
Today is the number 20/2. So use that mind of yours to consider all the options and plan a pathway through the next 6 months. Try to not dwell on what you have lost and instead focus on what lies in front of you. Time is always a precious thing. So today, breathe life into every moment. Appreciate all those who share your life and love with you. Each person in our life has a gift to share with us. Some of those are here for the duration of our life and have chosen to walk the path for a long time with us. Others come to give us a key piece of knowledge and information and then move on. Yet all that touch us deeply have agreements from before we came down to connect and gift us with something that we need and have longed to experience. Love all the aspects and reflections of energy exchange that have manifested in your life. Some of those have come to shift our focus and priorities. Some of those have come to remind us of who we really are. Regardless, use your mind and create structures that support whom you are becoming and give you the opportunity to step beyond your circumstances into your potential. The Moon is in Cancer all day, where it feels right at home. Midday, the Moon squares Uranus and then opposes Pluto, and you may want to take a departure from the norm. Be aware that some sudden, although likely minor changes are possible now. Plans may change direction unexpectedly. There can be some intensity in your personal relationships and/or some sort of inner emotional turmoil. Avoid confrontations and mind games. You can more easily access the healing potential of the Cancer Moon in the latter half of the day. Your feelings run deep, making it an ideal time to get in touch with what motivates you to find your highest potential.
~Suzanne Wagner~

"Truth is an explosion of insight, despite whatever tears we cry. It's the realization that love will prevail because only love is real; that anything not love is an illusion that will pass.....Today, let's choose what thoughts we think, so forgiveness can happen, miracles can bless us, and laughter and love can return and stay."
~Marianne Williamson~


The ups and the downs seem stronger as we move closer to this last square between Uranus and Pluto. Take this moment to appreciate what is, right now, as there is no other moment. What is real is love. What is real is the miracle of this life. What is real is that you have this moment to give to others the deepest place in your heart if you are willing to open, be vulnerable, and to take that risk. There is really no option but to be this huge heart of love that you are. It is all that you have and it is what guides your actions and progress. The more conscious you become to that the more depth your expression can become in the domain of love and compassion. Let your heart reach out in a way that may perhaps make you uncomfortable but will expand you’re potential and impact. Life is not without risk but when that risk is about loving others more, deeper, and in a way that allows them to discover their own hidden gifts and talents then the risk is worth it.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Numerology/Astrology for 2/27/15 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 2/27/15
Today is the number 19/10. The past 4 days have been setting the stage for a new beginning. And that new beginning is finally getting underway. There is no turning back there is only the option to move forward. This is a good thing but what it has taken to get you to that spot is quite a bit and you can feel the wear and tear as you are leaping into a new place which is filled with unknowns and patterns that are not completely clear yet. This is that moment when you are going to learn as you go. And No, that is not going to be comfortable for a few weeks. Ease into this new place and know that those that adapt the best are the ones that have the most flexible minds and it is creativity that gives us the skills to survive. Become a survivor and use that creative mind to unlock your hidden potential. The Moon continues its transit of Gemini until 7:50 AM EST, when it enters Cancer, ending a lengthy void period that lasted much of yesterday. All I can say is, “Thank Goodness!” I don’t know about you all but this void really hit me and I am excited to have it over. Today, a longer-term influence comes exact - Jupiter quincunx Pluto. Jupiter quincunx Pluto. This aspect first occurred in September 2014, and will recur again in May. This influence can stimulate moral dilemmas or concerns. Your belief system could be challenged now, and the need for an adjustment in attitude may arise; or you might have to face narrow-mindedness in others (or in ourselves). The need to make adjustments to your plans or to weed out excessive or unrealistic elements in your life can become obvious at this time. The more successful you are at eliminating these things and making necessary adjustments, the more you’ll be able to benefit from Jupiter's trine to Uranus that comes exact on March 3rd, but you will be feeling it leading up to the day.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Death is the transfer of the soul from one body to another body, or in cases when a man is fully awakened, from one body to the body of the whole universe. It is a great journey, but you cannot know it from the outside. From the outside, only symptoms are available; and those symptoms have made people afraid. Those who have known death from inside lose all fear of death.


There are many forms of death. There are as many forms of death as there are types of bodies that can die. What I mean by that is that your ego can die, your old self can die, your inner saboteur can die, your old beliefs can die, and your limiting behaviors can die. Of course there are many more options but today you might notice that there is a particular one that is straining the system greatly. You can think of this life a person who is loosing over a hundred pounds. There is a point where you do not loose any weight for a long time because you are holding something on an emotional level. When you have the understanding of what you are holding then you can suddenly drop the weight. But until sometime comes into your awareness the body holds on to an old pattern tightly. And it becomes more and more uncomfortable because you have outgrown that belief or place. But egos do not easily let go. All forms of death are painful. But it is wiser to do small deaths a bit at a time over long periods of time rather than resist any form of change.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Numerology/Astrology for 2/26/15 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 2/26/15
Today is the number 18/9. You are in a day of completion and a reminder to listen to that small inner voice as there are many messages coming your way and some of those may be for you to get ready but to not go just yet. You are in the home stretch for something in your life but it is being a bit stubborn in finally coming through the last gate. There is a slight delay with choices and decisions and I know you just want to get this done. However it is going to take a bit longer than you anticipated so be patient and allow the completion to come in its own time and way. You can only push the river so much and today, it is wiser to allow divine timing to be the key rather than your ego, agenda, or personal timing. The Moon is in inquisitive Gemini all day. Under this influence, your emotions are in a state of flux and it may be difficult to truly get in touch with your deeper needs. On the surface of things, you may tend to seek out information, ideas, and contact with others. Siblings, relatives, or neighbors and community involvement are especially important to your emotional well-being under a Gemini Moon. You adapt easily to change, and in fact you may crave surprise, novelty, and intelligent responses in others. The Moon in Gemini is light-hearted, breezy, and curious but it can also be restless and fickle. The Moon is void for most of the day, forming very few major aspects to major planets. What you put into motion now may not have longevity, so it might be better to wait.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Meditation allows you to make conscious contact with your Source and regain the power of intention.
~Dr. Wayne Dyer~


It takes a tremendous amount of life-force to suppress your essence. It becomes so challenging at times to realize what is the truth when you have built lies upon lies to protect yourself. When you feel into your body and move the suppression and emotions through and into conscious awareness then things can really shift. Suppression is the killer. When you stuff things down they lodge in your body and then it is the complex density of the body that has to deal with those issues. That takes energy and that is what dramatically increases the aging process. Unexpressed emotions become toxic emotions. Now that does not mean to spew your emotional garbage on everyone. It means to acknowledge it and tell the truth to yourself about it. Revealing truth and releasing projection on others is the key to finding a well of energy that you can then use for other purposes that serve you and those you love.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Numerology/Astrology for 2/25/15 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 2/25/15
Today is the number 17/8.  This is a day of insight, wisdom and a desire for peace. Today, look to your Star lineage and tap into your ability to see beyond and find the hidden truth. Your intuitive ability is heightened and the feeling of your spirit supports you in dealing with any difficulties. A First Quarter Moon occurs when the Sun in Pisces forms a square with the Gemini Moon shortly after noon. There is a crisis theme surrounding any quarter Moon phase, as you may feel compelled to take action. Later today, Mars trines Saturn, which is a good influence for locking things down. With this aspect you will approach things from a practical perspective. You can have a stronger sense of responsibility and a feeling of directedness and purposefulness. This is a good time to temper your energy and to exercise better judgment. A good time to get and feel organized. Traditional methods work, and thoroughness brings rewards. Even so, the Sun and Neptune come together tonight - a very different energy. You are extremely sensitive to the moods and undercurrents that surround you. You will let your judgments move from your intuition under this influence, which is in direct contrast to the Mars-Saturn influence. You may have a hard time defining your actions and your goals, perhaps losing sight of reality and reason. With Mars-Saturn in the equation, however, you might be able to combine imagination and method.
~Suzanne Wagner~

You feel good, you feel bad, and these feelings are bubbling from your own unconsciousness, from your own past. Nobody is responsible except you. Nobody can make you angry and nobody can make you happy.


What if Karma is simply unacknowledged and non-embodied emotions? What if denial of your experience causes repercussions and consequences? I believe that being honest with your life, your choices, and your experiences is the pathway to freedom. When you disown your own life and fall into the habit of blame, hatred, and projection then you have not been fully present in those moments and the only way to enlightenment is to honor all aspects of your life as part of a glorious journey of experiences and expressions. Take a look inside and notice what things you loop on in your head. That loop is an indication of an incompletion and something lodged in your body trying to get your attention. Once you notice that loop the way out of it is to notice the opposite position. When you loop your ego is attempting to hide the truth from you in some way. The hard thing is to attempt to own what you are afraid of and calmly and honestly try to see what you are afraid is true. Once you can see both sides then the healing can begin.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Monday, February 23, 2015

Numerology/Astrology for 2/14/15 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 2/24/15
Today is the number 16/7. Can you feel your esoteric inner self awakening to a new possibility? With the number 7 deep contemplation and a revisiting of old beliefs is in the forefront of your mind. You now have the potential to understand others in a more thoughtful place of inner strength and clarity. Today you can redefine yourself and your purpose. There is a newfound place of perseverance and purpose. When you open and let go of the old something new and wonderful begins to reweave your life into a flow that is more in alignment with your essential self. The Moon continues its transit of Taurus until the tail end of the day, when it enters Gemini. The Taurus Moon is patient, and with Taurean ruler, Venus, in harmony with steady Saturn, there can be a lot of focus on settling in and finding your inner and outer stability. Affections stabilize and mature under this influence. Inner maturity allows you to take the bad with the good and helps you to see your relationships more realistically. Small advances can be made in business and in partnerships through strengthening and bonding. Support from older people or authority figures may come by way of solid advice or more tangible help. Renewed ties to old friends are possible or a new sense of responsibility can be felt in existing friendships. You may not be very demonstrative with your feelings today but you may want to prove yourself through your actions. Also your business sense will be strong today.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Sensitivity is a sign of life. Better hurt than hardened. I bow to those who keep their hearts open when it is most difficult; those who refuse to keep their armor on any longer than they have to; those who recognize the courage at the heart of vulnerability. After all the malevolent warriors destroy each other, the openhearted will inherit the earth...
~Jeff Brown~

This quote is in honor of the shared experience we all had at the Women’s Embodied Weekend in Midway last weekend. It was so beautiful to see the sensitivity reawaken and expand into each woman’s heart. By the end of the weekend there was no armor anywhere in the room of wide open, loving, women. Here is to the women warriors of love, heart, compassion, and sharing. Here is a toast to those who have been so brave and were willing to dive into their depth, passion, and sensuality with Jennifer Stanchfield and I this last weekend up at the Homestead. It was such a joy to be in the powerful tidal pull of so many incredible women. Each of you went to your edge and then way past it. I got to witness the vulnerability and power of so many beautiful hearts. Thank you.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Numerology/Astrology for 2/23/15 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 2/23/15
Today is the number 15/6. The number 6 is the going within number. It is the seeker of truth and awareness and I am sure that you have discovered that there has been some radical change to your reality. That is how it should be. The Moon continues to transit practical, earthy Taurus all day. This morning, the Sun squares Saturn. Be aware that you may face obstacles to your goals but you also begin to see the tools with which you can overcome them. A dose of realism seems forced upon you under this influence, but your efforts to measure up to expectations can ultimately increase your confidence in your ability to be responsible. As the day advances, it becomes easier and quite natural to work with realistic and practical elements. So much has happened over the weekend that you have discovered that who you were and what you believed has so radically shifted that you feel you are sailing a ship without a rudder. All the old things that have defended you are no longer there or no longer apply. The old tools that have worked forever have altered and you are following your spirit now rather than an old set of rules that no longer make sense to this emerging you. To grow up means that you have to step beyond the patterns that you have learned. To awaken it is often an even more radical step. That is why they call it the “Fools Journey” because when you are moving beyond your old reality, to other, you look foolish. But the fool is the only one really awake. In this moment you know that you are not able to see the world with your old set of eyes. There is something “out” there. Something that feels more like yourself. All it takes is the courage to step beyond those limitations you have placed on your mind. Freedom was always there. It has been waiting for you to have the courage.
~Suzanne Wagner~

But loving-kindness towards ourselves doesn't mean getting rid of anything. Maitri means that we can still be crazy, we can still be angry. We can still be timid or jealous or full of feelings of unworthiness. Meditation practice isn't about trying to throw ourselves away and become something better. It's about befriending who we are already."
~Pema Chodron~

Who you are right now is just perfect. You can be your full range of emotions and find the doorways to your most cherished self. I know that sounds contradictory but all emotions are pathways to the divine if you embrace them in love fully. Never believe that the absence of emotions is an enlightened state. When you fully awaken you feel everything as a fluid flow and become one with all things. You feel life fully coursing through your being and you are not separate from anything. In this moment right now you can embrace your totality. It is right there. It has always been there. All you needed to do was embrace all that you naturally are.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Numerology/Astrology for 2/22/15 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 2/22/15
Today is the number 14/5. The number 5 is associated with the 5 senses, earth, grounding, humanity, and the opportunity to express free will and personal freedom. If you could express that free will what would you do with it? How do you want to leave an imprint of your life here on earth. Often this is not about doing something that will make you famous but it is about helping others, impacting humanity is perhaps small but ways that expand in positive ways over time. How can you touch another today in a way that makes a difference? It is often about sharing your wisdom, confidence, and faith in another’s potential. We all need someone who holds us up to our highest light, expression, and self. Today, believe in humanity. Believe in the potential of the human heart. Give your joy and love of life to another. Lift them up and show them a mirror of who they can become. Not only will you feel better but you will give hope to another. The Moon is in Aries and void until 7:28 PM EST, and while you may have a strong desire to move forward, things may not catch on or show much staying power now. The Sun and Saturn are moving towards a square, exact tomorrow, and there can be a feeling of blockage or a heightened awareness of responsibilities and limitations. The Moon enters Taurus at 7:28 PM, so that slowing down and exercising patience is a little easier tonight.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Until we change the basic grounds of humanity, terrorism is going to become more and more a normal, everyday affair… The first thing that has to be changed is that man should be more rejoicing - which all the religions have killed.

Fear is a tool of institutions of control. When you can control a person with fear you can move and direct them in the way that your ego wants. It is a conscious form of manipulation. To combat fear you have to remember that everyone is moving to the same dance of humanity, it is just that they prefer to dance to a different tune than you. There is no need to be afraid if you can look beyond the differences and feel into the heart of another. What has happened in our society and of all of humanity at different times is that we become so consumed with our own desires, needs, and wants that we forget about others. When you move from your own selfishness you create gaps of energy and support. Then those that are suffering may feel as if to get attention they have to do something extreme. Lack and not feeling supported and loved creates hatred, anger, and rage. Look inside and try to send love right now out to those that you do not know. Acknowledge that outside of your small and narrow reality that there are others who need a great deal and at the very least you can send them love and not forget them in your meditations or prayers.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Friday, February 20, 2015

Numerology/Astrology for 2/21/15 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 2/21/15
Today is the number 13/4. With the number 4 it is essential to take the ethical high road. You have to know that you are good enough and you have to trust that at the end of the day you have to live with your choices in life. There are lessons to be learned by standing in a place of integrity and high values. Sometimes it is not the outcome you want but it is more important to do what is right and what serves the evolution of your soul. Take all situations seriously and use your personal discipline to maintain order and allow a constructive pattern to evolve. Just a reminder that tomorrow on February 21st, Venus goes into Aries. and lets just say that Venus (the goddess of love, beauty, negotiation, and diplomacy) being in Aries (the god of war, conflict, drive, and energy) will not be happy and flowing under this intense strain. With the energy building today towards that end attempt to get certain things done before the going gets more difficult. Venus in challenging aspect to Jupiter this morning can stimulate impulsiveness with others and with money. Watch for overstating feelings and making empty promises. The Moon is in Aries all day, aligning with Uranus and squaring Pluto late afternoon. Venus and Mars, both in Aries, are nearing a conjunction, exact early into the day tomorrow. This will make you desires feel urgent, and your patience may not be what you want. Life will seem like a short fuse with a bomb at the end of it. Social relations are competitive and impassioned. In the extreme those interactions can become demanding or extreme. There can be a strong impulse to start something new or make something creative. Venus is diplomatic, gentle, romantic, and sensitive, while Mars is more forceful, sexual, and assertive. Venus can act to soften Mars' aggressiveness, or Mars can make Venus' romantic impulses more forceful and pressing. Impulsive purchases are possible.
~Suzanne Wagner~

True forgiveness is not a lack of discernment or the product of fuzzy thinking. In the words of A Course in Miracles, it is a "selective remembering". We chose to remember the love we experienced, and let go of the rest as the illusion it actually was. This doesn't make us more vulnerable to manipulation or exploitation; in fact, it makes us less so. For the mind that forgives is a mind that is closer to its true nature. The fact that I forgive you doesn't mean you "won". It doesn't mean you "got away with something". It simply means I'm free to go back to the light, reclaim my inner peace, and stay there.
~Marianne Williamson~

In life everyone is always following the pathway of their karma, their lessons, their joys and sorrows. Just because something was done to you does not mean it was done against you. Most people are doing things from a place of conscious and unconscious karma. They often do not know why they make certain choices or they have made up a story about why they are making those choices. Even when you think you understand your reasoning, at the end of the day you realize that the story you told yourself is actually only a part of the story. A deeper journey is always beaconing you forward.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Numerology/Astrology for 2/20/15 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 2/20/15
Today is the number 3. With the number 3 you can turn this wild ride of the number 3 into some serious forward movement if you can harness it without freaking out. The number 3 is about embracing the highs and the lows, the dark side of your energy and the light side also. Life is about understanding the swings that are a natural part of life and not judging either end as a problem. Use your arts of humor, imagination, intelligence, and spontaneity that allows for the expansion of your known reality. Embrace adventure and exuberance. Breathe in and breathe out and connect to that divine spark within you that enjoys being brave, in a free form, and wants to live a passionate life. Venus enters Aries today, where it will transit until March 17th, and soon connect with Mars, which entered Aries yesterday. During this cycle, you will feel excited about all that is new or a challenge. You may react in a spontaneous and direct way with your feelings and affections. You will not want to look back with the forward driving Aries energy. You will not interested in saying “I’m sorry” or dwelling in the past. It's a brand new day! It's time to make things work right now. The Moon also enters Aries today at 6:41 PM EST, after finishing its transit of Pisces, and hooks up with Mars and then Venus shortly after. Mars is in challenging aspect with Jupiter, which further prompts you to want to act, move, experience, and do. However, you may be a little too impatient, restless, or over-confident now. Don’t be surprised if you become excitable and competitive. Jumping ahead without considering the consequences can be costly.
~Suzanne Wagner~

I am attracting great things into my life. I am supported by the Universe. Today I am capable of handling anything that happens. I am a divine being of light. I can trust and rely on myself. My worth as a human being is unconditional. I am unconditionally loved by the Universe. I am extremely successful in all of my ventures. I’m worthy of a great life. I’m worthy of being treated well.
~Wild Woman Sisterhood~


What does it take to let go of the old construct of your life? Do you understand that there is a way to move in your life that has less pushing and more flowing? It is the ego that makes you strive. It is the ego that makes you not trust your authentic self. The truth is that if you would just drop the ego and let go you could discover that your authentic self is enough. There is a genuine quality of divine light that shines within you that does not require forcing or that extra energy and puts you in overdrive. Today, take look at the places in your life where you go into overdrive. It is not that living in that “modified” manic state is not edgy and interesting but it does not allow you to be fully present.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Numerology/Astrology for 2/19/15 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 2/19/15
Today is the number 20/2. So don’t let the negativity of the mind take over your world. Look to the quote below and recognize that the more serious you get the more you begin to die inside. Stop relax and let go of the constant analyzing and blame. Instead pull that quickness of the mind into the art of humor and laughter. Have you noticed that all the comedians are some of the smartest people you know? To have a quick comeback you have to see the situation clearly and instead of blame you get to twist it into humor. The humor makes something that is potentially negative and turns it on its head. Humor can tell the truth but in a way that everyone laughs instead of feeling hurt of blamed. Often humor is faster at breaking one out of the loop of drama better than blunt confrontation. Today give that a try. See if you can make a joke in your head about an upsetting situation rather than to get mad and lash out. The Moon continues its transit of Pisces all day. Mercury sextiles Saturn this morning, which puts you in a more mentally, prepared state. You also will desire more order and organization in your life. Decisions made now tend to be practical and well thought out. This evening, Mars enters Aries, where it will transit until March 31st. Mars feels at home in Aries as its ruler, and thus works especially well in the sign. Your energy feels spontaneous, forward-looking, and even courageous under this influence. Your competitive spirit is well developed, and your goal is to win! You feel active, single-minded, and confident. Your actions are direct and you want to find the fastest way to get from point A to point B. The shadow side of Mars in Aries is a tendency to be impatient, arrogant, impulsive, unreflective, and self-centered.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Life is not for the serious; for the serious is the grave. Life is for those who are festive, who know how to celebrate.

Today take the lesson from Professor Lupin about transforming Boggarts in the class at Hogwarts. Take what you are the most afraid of and making a joke out of it.  This is such a healthy metaphor that all of us can use on a daily level. Sometimes I look at my situation from the place of being above my life watching it as my angels and guides might see it. I look at my drama and my reaction to things with a sense of love and compassion, mixed with a touch of humor. Taking a situation and turning it around is an art. It takes intelligence and the willingness to be alert to a more objective overview pattern. If you could really look at yourself, you just might laugh. Not at the suffering but the perpetual reactiveness and suffering that that reaction causes you. When you can see that your state and your patterns of response are compounding the suffering rather than releasing it, you might just want to do something different.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Harry Potter – Remus Lupin’s “Boggart” lesson

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Numerology/Astrology for 2/18/15 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 2/18/15
Today is the number 10. You should be feeling lucky today. Your energy will be up and you can recognize the needs of others around you and your capacity to make a difference. Your personal power and individual creative instincts give you the confidence, independence, and determination to succeed in the ways your heart wants to express itself. A New Moon occurs today at 6:47 PM at the very tail end of the sign of Aquarius, and the Sun enters Pisces within the next minute. A New Moon occurred on January 20th at the very beginning of Aquarius. It is a great time to extend a friendly hand to others, receive support, and express love for those in your life; give your intense emotions and passions a temporary “break", as it is time to develop more objectivity and some detachment from the past situations that have been haunting your mind in a continual loop of emotional drama.  Instead learn how something (or someone) works; revitalize your energy through experiences that are new or simply different; reach out to people in your immediate social circle and recognize the value of your friendships. With this potent Aquarius energy, you have the chance to make progressive changes in your life. It might be time put an end to something. A New Moon brings a fresh start, but as it occurs so late in the sign of Aquarius, there can be a real sense of urgency to make a quick decision or to end a matter so you can move forward. All New Moons are impulsive, and this one may be especially so. The Sun transits Pisces until March 20th. With the Sun in Pisces, you will feel guided by altruistic feelings. You will feel less motivated to do redundant things and are likely to want to feel, imagine, and dream instead. A "what will be, will be" attitude reigns, and you are guided by a sense of universal correlations. Pisces rules empathy, selfless love, devotion, and wisdom. If you let the shadow side of Pisces rule you will feel self-pity, a feeling of being victimized by life, passivity, and elusiveness.
~Suzanne Wagner~

"I sit before flowers hoping they will train me in the art of opening up. I stand on mountaintops believing that avalanches will teach me to let go. I know nothing but I am here to learn.”
~Shane Koyczan~


In life you do not need to know how to do something you only need to be willing to learn. Sometimes just being willing to learn is a very difficult step. To do that you have to let go of what you think you know and step out of your ego and become like an open bamboo, receptive, bendable, and in the flow of the energies all around you. I love the metaphor of the open bamboo. It is a Buddhist metaphor and I love to contemplate what being still, grounded, hollow on the inside, in the flow of nature, and in connection with the winds of change all around me, would feel like. In my life feeling that emptiness and holding that place where I am willing to be filled is a challenge. Today, feel into that place of open and empty. Let the universe fill it. You do not always need to know. Most of the time you just need to be open to what the universe is offering.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Monday, February 16, 2015

Numerology/Astrology for 2/17/15 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 2/17/15
Today is the number 9. Learning to complete things in your life that are left undone is what this day is all about. It is about learning to say, “No” to the patterns that have outgrown their usefulness. Step beyond this present perception. Look inside to the creative sensitivities that are bubbling to the surface. There is a solution to the present problem that is beyond your old ways. Let something new emerge and let the old reality go. Some things in life are stepping stones but they are not the final analysis or constant truth. Truth always expands as your capacity to handle it and hold energy expands. Things are never as simple as you may want them to be. Resistance to change makes it seem more difficult. But that is not true. It is you’re your mind that is making it complicated. When you accept that things change and the resistance goes away it is replaced by a calm and a clarity that expands your awareness and give you a new place to stand and a new understanding. The Moon is in Aquarius all day, and the Sun semi-squares Aquarius' ruler, Uranus. You may want to shake things up, make changes, and break up your routine. However, we could feel tense if you’re faced with unexpected schedule changes or if you are not in touch with what it is you need to change. Jupiter and Chiron form a quincunx today - an aspect that first became exact in September and will recur on June 30th (it's following the Jupiter-Uranus trine around). With this longer-term aspect, there can be a questioning of your goals or possibly your beliefs and faith, as doubt and uncertainty creep in. You may feel a little lost and susceptible to influence. Be careful as you might push impractical ideas and projects ahead, only to face obstacles. Circumstances are such that you need to make adjustments to your plans and goals. You may need to tame your expectations of yourself and of others. The Moon is Balsamic today, with a New Moon occurring tomorrow evening. Keep things simple and avoid all-new endeavors.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Happiness is not something that you get in life. Happiness is something that you bring to life.
~Dr. Wayne Dyer~


It is easy to see the bad in life but much harder to see the happiness. There are moments where you have to strive to discover the happiness. You have to actively seek out the small things at times and hang on to them like your life depended on it.  Remember it is the small things are what break the strangle hold of negativity that surrounds you. What is strange is that it is not hard to do in the active sense but it is hard to do in the sense that you have to step out of the addictive energy of drama that the negativity creates as it moves. Chaos is always in life but within that chaos is a pattern weaving life, love, and light together and bringing it into the physical plane. Step out of the feeling of chaos and into the overview of the weaving of the tapestry of life all around you. When you can see the bigger picture rather than complexity of each woven thread it makes it easier to discover the happiness in life.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Numerology/Astrology for 2/16/15 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 2/16/15
Today is the number 8. With the number 8 it is time to breathe in the positive and give yourself the permission to give something that is trying to awaken some life, light, and air. Take a look and see if this idea or possibility allows you to be your highest and most conscious self. If it does then breath in the life and gather up the courage so you can find a practical way to give that gift with efficient, insight, planning, and patience. It is time to break down the barriers that have been blocking you. In reality, life takes great courage to step up and allow the love that you feel for yourself and others to transform the world as it is and give it the energy to create a word of peace, compassion, and truth. The Moon continues to transit practical, earthy Capricorn until 7:14 PM EST, harmonizing with Venus and Mars, which are moving closely together in the sign of Pisces. This is a creative mix of the visionary and the practical or the concrete and the abstract. Your ambitions are tempered or seasoned by compassion. The Moon enters Aquarius at 7:14 PM, and approaches alignment with Mercury tonight. Your ideas are original, inventive, and progressive. You thrive on intellectual stimulation, change, and unusual or unconventional experiences.
~Suzanne Wagner~

“The moment we begin to fear the opinions of others and hesitate to tell the truth that is in us, and from motives of policy are silent when we should speak, the divine floods of light and life no longer flow into our souls.”
~Elizabeth Cady Stanton~


It is difficult to speak up when you see problems happening all around you. Humanity is in a free will zone and we have a degree of choice in our actions when we awaken to our highest consciousness. But turning blind eyes to situations is also not acceptable even when things are in a growth phase. The foundation of situations is essential to manifesting the stability in the long term. Even small allowances of issues and problems are like debris in cement. Over time that debris degrades and breaks down the cement. The foundations of all situations in your life are required to be on sound footing and the beginning of all things needs to be held in a huge place of integrity. Today, notice what is breaking down and analyze where the problem is that is degrading the manifestation of that reality. Step back and then remove the energetic, karmic, emotional debris that is asking to be addressed. You can stabilize an unstable situation but not by avoiding the truth of where and what the distortion is. Heal the pattern, awaken to the delusion and give yourself the opportunity to shift the breakdown into a breakthrough.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Numerology/Astrology for 2/15/15 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 2/15/15
Today is the number 7. Can you feel it? That desire to understand and figure out that deep question that is stalking about your inner self. Between the Saturn (which wants you to get real about things, it wants you to get grounded, and it calls you to gather more information) and it being in Sagittarius (which is all about faith, belief, philosophy, and knowledge). It all adds up to that you need to get real about what you believe, you need to get grounded about your personal philosophy, and it wants you to learn new knowledge so that you can find that inner clarity you so desperately want to discover. Then when you add the number 7 into the mix, which adds a beautiful amount of mental analysis, logic, a keen mind, an ability to learn, write, explore, invent and study, then there is a drive and determination to move beyond your old self. The number 7 is associated with Saturn in some numerological systems. So that intense feeling to understand the mysterious, secrets of the esoteric world is driving you to explore and discover your uncharted self. Today you have tools that you need to stand on this new ground and become more real to yourself and more authentic to others around you. Do not hesitate. Take charge of your world it is time to shift, you know this. This day protects you and gives you the stability to stand up and walk forward into your new self. The Moon is in Capricorn all day, and while you may feel a little guarded and protective of your emotional expression, you can also be quite focused on getting down to business, bringing more order into your life, and working towards greater efficiency. The Moon aligns with Pluto late afternoon, and you could be driven to make powerful changes in relationships, business, or your home environment. However, people may not be especially yielding now, and power struggles can ensue. Try not to let your drive and direction force others to go in a direction that they do not wish to go. Everyone is finding his or her way and none of your paths may completely work for others. Just remember that. Give them space to find their way and you go and step solidly onto yours. With Mars in creative aspect with Pluto today, you might think up unique ways to turn a difficult situation around. Be creative. There is a pathway that honors all.
~Suzanne Wagner~

An authentic man does not live by rules, maxims, and commandments. That’s the way of the pseudo-man. The authentic man simply lives.


Rules are there when your consciousness is not connected to your deepest self. When you are aligned with your heart and soul essence you naturally would want to know that everything is love because your heart would be wide open and you would be feeling everyone and everything as a part of yourself. You would express your life as a journey of compassion and connection. From that place you do not need the rules. But down here in this density we loose track of the oneness that is our birthright and how we began as babies and children. Children see everything from the eyes of wonder. They want to explore and understand. Within you right now is still that wide-eyed wondrous innocent child. All you have to do is reconnect him or her to your active and conscious self. Find a way to work together. Let the magic of your innocent self give insight and perspective to your choices and decisions. Together you can discover a way to make life more alive, interesting, and beautiful.
~Suzanne Wagner~