Numerology/Astrology for 2/26/15
Today is the number 18/9. You are in a day of completion and
a reminder to listen to that small inner voice as there are many messages
coming your way and some of those may be for you to get ready but to not go
just yet. You are in the home stretch for something in your life but it is
being a bit stubborn in finally coming through the last gate. There is a slight
delay with choices and decisions and I know you just want to get this done.
However it is going to take a bit longer than you anticipated so be patient and
allow the completion to come in its own time and way. You can only push the
river so much and today, it is wiser to allow divine timing to be the key
rather than your ego, agenda, or personal timing. The Moon is in inquisitive
Gemini all day. Under this influence, your emotions are in a state of flux and
it may be difficult to truly get in touch with your deeper needs. On the
surface of things, you may tend to seek out information, ideas, and contact
with others. Siblings, relatives, or neighbors and community involvement are
especially important to your emotional well-being under a Gemini Moon. You
adapt easily to change, and in fact you may crave surprise, novelty, and
intelligent responses in others. The Moon in Gemini is light-hearted, breezy,
and curious but it can also be restless and fickle. The Moon is void for most
of the day, forming very few major aspects to major planets. What you put into
motion now may not have longevity, so it might be better to wait.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Meditation allows you to
make conscious contact with your Source and regain the power of intention.
~Dr. Wayne Dyer~
It takes a tremendous amount of life-force to suppress your
essence. It becomes so challenging at times to realize what is the truth when
you have built lies upon lies to protect yourself. When you feel into your body
and move the suppression and emotions through and into conscious awareness then
things can really shift. Suppression is the killer. When you stuff things down
they lodge in your body and then it is the complex density of the body that has
to deal with those issues. That takes energy and that is what dramatically
increases the aging process. Unexpressed emotions become toxic emotions. Now
that does not mean to spew your emotional garbage on everyone. It means to
acknowledge it and tell the truth to yourself about it. Revealing truth and
releasing projection on others is the key to finding a well of energy that you
can then use for other purposes that serve you and those you love.
~Suzanne Wagner~
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