Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Blue Moon August 31, 2012

Many have been asking me about this Blue Moon in August and what is the meaning and significance of it and what I am noticing is all the intense emotional interactions that seem to be coming up in people. What I love is the conversations seem to be quite deep and meaningful. Not one of my clients seems to be having a shallow conversation at the moment. In fact many seem to be diving deeply into their personal abyss and wanting to find the doorways to personal happiness and fulfillment. It is as if when the money pattern that has been plaguing everyone has hit so hard that everyone finally decided that since the money is not happening then you might as well find ways to be happy. 

The result is that I am seeing people quitting jobs and beginning the journey towards soul fulfillment rather than financial fulfillment. Everyone seems to be trying so hard to do what is right and to keep the home fires burning. And now it seems to not be enough. This double dose of emotional energy is getting everyone's emotions boiling to the surface.

This full moon will be in Pisces and with Neptune in Pisces at the same time it will feel like a huge tsunami, building up internally and externally to the Blue Moon in August. There will be a feeling of issues that have been bugging you for a while will seem to loom suddenly larger than life. No matter what this wave of change will propel you into another realm. Clarity should be the result once you come up for air and are able to assess suddenly where you are and what has just transpired.

It may feel a bit shocking and frightening as the emotions well up into a force that cannot be stopped. You might find yourself saying things that you thought but did not intend to let out of your mouth. My suggestion is to cultivate kindness at all costs. Some things do need to be said. But you can say with without venom and vindictiveness. You may not know what you really wanted until you let the reality out and your voice serves as a mirror to your deepest desires and needs. This will set a course of action moving forward that will create massive changes by the end of the year. So remember this is a moment to choose yourself first and foremost and to let go of situations and obligations that have outgrown their usefulness.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Ralfee's Weekly Frequency Aug 22-29, 2012

A hypersensitive astral air makes it difficult to establish and maintain an emotional equilibrium this week, and because skins are thin, reactions are likely to be immediate and exaggerated. Try not to misconstrue a casual, off-hand comment for a full-blown negative critique. Also do your best to curtail any harsh verdicts against yourself or others. Neptune, the master builder of illusion, is stirring all sorts of pots – personal and political, local and global – and because imagination is Neptune’s terrain, the potential to tell stories based on projection and presumption is high – very high. Stick to the facts and check them thoroughly, especially if you’re inclined to voice to harsh judgments about others, judgments you may be fabricating simply to protect yourself.

This week’s source of hypersensitivity has several facets. First, the Sun moves into Virgo, today, and as it does, it forms an immediate opposition to Neptune, in Pisces. A Sun/Neptune opposition has the potential to make many of us highly susceptible to suggestion and easily deceived by wishful thinking. And while for some that super-sensitivity stirs creative imagination and spiritual search, for many more, a Sun/Neptune opposition encourages a negative mindset that tends to see the worst in a situation. And that tilt toward pessimism could exacerbate a desire to self-soothe through drugs or alcohol. Not that self-medicating is necessarily bad, but the heightened stress from this opposition makes bingeing probable.

And that’s not all. Mars enters Scorpio tomorrow, and as Mars changes Sign, it sextiles the Sun and simultaneously trines Neptune. A Sun/Mars sextile is a positive, energetic interaction that favors movement and action. And while you would think that a Mars/Neptune trine would also be a positive signature – and in certain cases it is, particularly when used for creative pursuits – this trine carries a potent shadow: It’s a highly empathetic combination with a strong urge to merge. Keeping good boundaries under this influence will require attention and intention, especially if you are prone to losing yourself in romantic or other types of passionate relationships. Good boundaries are essential to healthy interactions of every variety.

As Mars leaves Libra behind, it also ends its conjunction with Saturn, but we won’t feel the full effect of that discharge until the weekend. Saturn symbolizes the harsh, critical voice of the judge that only speaks a separating dualistic language. Be careful not to aim the Saturn/Mars discharge at yourself or others.

The good news is that Mercury, in Leo, sextiles Jupiter, in Gemini, forming an amiable alliance that lends itself easily to conversations on a wide variety of subjects. It also supports an objective perspective, which is something much needed in the midst of such strong Neptunian waves.

As you work your way through the week, go easy with your fellow travelers – everyone benefits from kindness.

If you know your Ascendant and/or your Moon Sign, read that, too.

Aries March 21-April 19  

As Mars leaves your Solar House of partnership, try not to let that shift spur a last minute discharge. Yes, there are “things” that need to be said, but it might be wiser to wait until the situation settles down.

Taurus April 20-May 20

Mars moves into your Solar House of relationship and fires up interactions with significant others. Pay attention to what rankles and to what pleases, because when Saturn enters that house in a few weeks, that’s exactly what you’ll be working on.

Gemini May 21-June 21 
The emphasis is on work-related issues, and whether it’s a job or career situation, or both, it matters not. Avoid the temptation to make promises you can’t keep. And be very clear about what you can realistically accomplish.

Cancer June 22-July 22
Mars moves you out of hibernation and into a new cycle of creativity and self-expression. Immerse yourself in this phase, allow your imagination to lead the way, and you’ll be pleased with the outcome.

Leo July 23-August 22
Mars focuses your attention on home improvements, and whether those renovations are internal, in the form of increased meditation, or external, in the form of physical renovation, the result is the same: a greater sense of stability.

Virgo August 23-September 22 

Expect to feel energized as both the Sun and Mars shift Signs and you begin two new cycles. The Sun focuses on a new sense of self – it’s your birthday, after all – and Mars stimulates increased interactions with friends and family.

Libra September 23-October 22

Mars motivates a desire to improve your financial situation. But be wary of get rich quick schemes that sound too good to be true because they are. If you stay grounded and practical, you’ll stay solid and stable.

Scorpio October 23-November 21

Mars enters your Sign – one of its home signs – and as it does, it places you firmly in the leadership role. Make the most of this spotlight by accepting this position graciously and gracefully, and you’ll derive great benefit from this new phase.

Sagittarius November 22-December 21

Mars moves into your Solar House of dreams, inviting you to while away so many hours that you could lose precious and valuable time. Give yourself permission to dawdle, but don’t completely shirk your responsibilities.

Capricorn December 22-January 19

You’re decidedly more social than you’ve been recently, and while you’re used to being a hermit, the demands of interaction are invigorating. Enjoy this new phase, and anticipate very interesting conversations.

Aquarius January 20-February 18

Mars concentrates on career concerns, stimulating your ambition, as it simultaneously enhances opportunities to advance your goals. Be clear about what you want to accomplish, and then, create a positive strategy.

Pisces February 19-March 20

You’re on a journey of heart and mind, and while it may be confusing at times to decide what turn to make next, Mars will help to provide the clarity you need, as well as the determination to continue your trek.

Thursday, August 09, 2012

Looking into the Future by Being in the Now

Personal Notes From Suzanne August 9, 2012

Well it looks as if we are all experiencing big plays of energy and change. As I take a peek above the fray of the chaos that surrounds everyone and everything, I attempt to appreciate the divine plan that is all around us. I look with awe and wonder at what it takes to get us all to change and move. I honestly can see how entrenched I have been even in the face of huge movement that has been life since 2010. I can see with more clarity than I have had that regardless to the illusion that I have been living under I have been shockingly stuck in fear and stagnation. It is really amazing because I have shifted so much and so many things that it is really astounding to me that I now can see the stuckness and fear the was still pervading everything I was doing. It is humbling to see the truth of that inside myself.

In some places I have made huge strides and in others I have been clinging desperately to a choice illusion that I needed to feel safe. It is as if all the colors of the painting of my life are now melting away and the picture I wanted to live in is revealed as just a picture, nothing more. 

Where I thought there was substance there is only air. Where I thought there was integrity from others, there was deception. It is amazing how we can delude ourselves into places that allow us the luxuries of our ego and when we awaken to the reality we find ourselves standing in such a different reality that it is frightening and startling. 

I love how we have to always come back to our center, our truth, our perception, and us. Right or wrong (which is an illusion of its own) we have to go with what is calling to us. We all have lessons and challenges that we are going to have to encounter in order to grow. We cannot escape the karmas that we signed up for no matter how strong the illusion might be.

What is so difficult is to choose in when we cannot see the outcome. If you hadn’t noticed, this particular reality seems to be not giving us our normal comfort of being able to anticipate or see the future outcomes. I like to think that we are so on the edge of this reality that we are cutting the future with every step, choice, mistake, and intention. 

When I look at it from that perspective it becomes very exciting. We realize that we have to find something that makes our life have worth and meaning.

I look to the amazing people in Syria that are living such a horror. How many are going to die in standing up against a regime that is out to keep its power? How many of us are never going to know their names? They will be lost in the history books and we will never know their personal sorrow and strength. 

But I can reach out with my heart and feel into their heart. I can send my love and support to those who will not be silenced. I can give them the strength to stay true to what they believe. 

But can I do that for myself?

That is the real question right now. As I practice such compassion for others I realize my own lack of compassion for myself. I am the dictator and the freedom fighter. Inside I am the part that does not want to change and the part that is willing to die for that change.

How can we come to a peaceful resolution? I think we are all still working on that answer. The reality to which we pay attention is the reality to which we are co-creators. There is a great responsibility to that reality. How do we become conscious of the huge conflicts within? 

The first step is to accept the fact that there is a conflict. Then to look at what draws our attention and allow a healing to begin to unfold. But to do that we have to tell the truth of this moment and to just let it be. Stop making a story about it. It is what it is. The past is already past. You cannot change it but you can learn and grow from it. 

The next step is to look at the projection of the belief or pattern from the mind that you are carrying and how that story is being fed by your ego and subconscious to keep you distracted from the truth that you are hurting. 

Rather than feed the story, just stop and feel the hurt. Be honest. Feel it and let it go. You are not this feeling. You are something else. Observe the drama of your life and you will find you. 

Then you will feel as if you have some grounding underneath you. It may be a true grounding not some illusion of grounding. Your true grounding might now feel as stable and solid as you would like. But feel what is there supporting you. Stop longing for what is not there to support you. If you do you are living constantly in the past, how can you get to your future if you are always looking backward?

You can only see the future from the present. If you look at the future from the eyes of the past you only see the traumas and dramas reenacting themselves. How boring is that?

Be here now and from that place where you have gathered your whole self into the present, the doorways to the future open beautifully. 

Intuitive Patterns for the Month of September 2012

Welcome to the changing reality of September. We are getting hit with another of the squares from Uranus in Aries to Pluto in Capricorn on Sept 19th. This seems to be kicking everyone into a move of sorts. Whether this move is a literal external move, job change, relationship change, or an internal shift in perspective. Sometimes it is more than one.
This seems to be a moment when you need to observe what is right in front of you and to prepare for anything in the process. You are looking for that safe place. That may not be obvious for a few months but now you are on the quest to find that space within where you can feel an untroubled heart and mind. You are being put into the place of finding wisdom in all external choices and actions and being caring regardless of how others are behaving or treating you.
You need to be true to you. You need to let your mind and heart become free and you must trust that all will be taken care of in its own time. If you take this to heart the future (as muddled and uncertain as it may seem) will not hold such a paralyzing fear over you.
Now is not the time to wait. This is the month to seize the day and take action. Do no wait. No action right now will create stagnation and frustration. You may find yourself in situations that are holding you back and not allowing you to move forward. You may be surrounded by people that are using your energy for their own. You need to take yourself back. You will finally feel that impulse to just jump. Take a look at where you are leaking energy. Where are you giving your energy to others and that is not allowing you to experience abundance right now for yourself? Where are you using fear as a way to not make a decision? At this moment you know what you need to do. You have known it for a while but now you just need to choose to go. You need to choose to move and it does not matter what that might look like. With these intense astrological energies it will not end up looking like anything you are imagining right now anyway. So why worry so much?
The caution is to not let the energy get erratic and out of balance.
You are looking for the portal to the future. When you are looking there is always confusion. When you are looking for the door you think it is a thing but it is not. You have to earn entry to the future by being willing to accept whatever the future holds as it is being presented. There are no guarantees of outcomes or pictures. You cannot fight the currents of the future. You can only experience and be willing to participate in the new flow that is presenting with calmness and clarity. To step in the doorway you have to accept support, surrender to the reality presenting, and trust that what you are shown is for your own highest good. Why not surrender into love of yourself? Why not trust that there is something that is coming that is better than you could picture? Why not allow others to help you along the way. None of us can do it alone anyway, especially in these times.
September is about finding your own rhythm. When you are in your own rhythm something magical happens, you begin to hear the voice of your own intuition. To see the future that awaits you have to accept that spirit is healing and transforming your life.
Stop resisting the truth of who you are. Stop denying what you know as wisdom. Others may not be able to hear it but stop trying to teach those who do not want to listen. It is a waste of energy and time.
Such times require a great deal of grounding and inner work. Forces greater than yourself are pulling you apart. When you are being pulled in many directions you have to have your feet underneath you. These times are designed to alter your perception of reality, sometimes that makes you feel fragmented and spaced out. Practice staying in this moment even as things are pulling you in opposite directions and the demands of life seem enormous.
Take a look and the anger and hatred that you are holding inside with judgment and fear. Can you see that it is toxic and exhausting you? Don’t let the stress win! Take charge. Make a choice. Decide on the action that you need to become unstuck and jump. Don’t worry about if it is going to work, just look at whether it is coming from expanding the truth of who you are or not. Choose to follow your truth. It may not be everyone else’s truth. Who cares? They are not living this life, you are. This is your journey. It is about what you need for completion. Others will have to find their pathway also and unfortunately this means that you may have to let go of taking others with you. Most paths of greatness need to be started alone. Walk your pathway. You will find others who share in this passion and excitement. But people need to be allowed to choose what direction serves them. In this moment, you cannot see well for others, you can only see what you need to do to jump into the mix. It is going to be messy. It is going to be challenging. All change is intense or interesting (depending on your mindset). Just begin.

Saturday, August 04, 2012

Land of Life Force

The Land of Life Force

Do you hear the dragon’s call?  Or all the demons in their thrall?
We love to sit and feel the flow that sits in darkness deep below.
Many Light Beings try to believe that the time of demons is a past naïve.
We just sit and laugh at what, the Light Beings think they have managed to shut.
We are still here. We have not gone. We control the world from your front lawn.
All your monsters come dance on my feet. Drink my blood and then eat your sleep.
You are afraid of those things hidden in your dark. We watch you constantly and make remarks.
We marvel that your denial is so thick that regardless of truth to the lies you stick.
In your mind you want to stay. If you keep busy you might keep us at bay.
But we were here and we came with you. We let you into the physical so you could express your view.
What exists beyond your light?  We hide in the shadows and feed on your blight?
We have been here since the beginning of time. This is our place and it is divine.
It was you that wanted to explore, the parts of reality that you had previously ignored.
We welcomed you in. It has been such fun. You are trapped on this planet with no place to run.
So into your mind and ego you went. To create endless thoughts and mental torment.
We have observed with great interest this path. You made up stories of pain and wrath.
How you like to feel the pain. Yet how you want the negative slain.
We love your suffering. It feeds our soul. So we are bad and we willingly take that role.
You cannot resist my endless call. We entice you in and let you fall.
In the drama such stories you create. You make us powerful, immortal, and great.
We love you more than you can presently understand. Without your resistance, life would be much more bland. 
The less you want to acknowledge that we are here. We feed more strongly off your light and fear.
So ignore us more and continue to resist. We like the nectar when you are pissed.
In the darkness we are relaxed and wait. Because the only way out is through our gate.

Friday, August 03, 2012

It's August and I am back in Los Angeles for the Weekend

Hi Everyone. I am back in LA for a quick weekend of work. Whew! It is hot all the way from Northern California to Southern California.

Where I live in the redwoods there are times when you can do outdoors work (such as roofs) before the rainy season. I created a beautiful work room for my sessions and workshops but I had to redo the roof. So I tore apart the whole room. Had builders tear off the old roof and put in an amazing new roof with skylights and insulation. Then I put the room back together. It is great. Cooler in the summer and it will be warmer in the winter. It feels like I am finally arriving and landing in the California energy.

With all the crazy energy astrologically I have been working out a lot and using my body as a way to keep my mind clear. Thank goodness for exercise. I have two sets of twin deer babies with the respective moms at different ages. Goodness they are cute. But then I did catch the backside of a bear lumbering off into the woods. Ugh! A little more scary. But I would rather be around nature than be in the chaos of the cities right now.

I am making progress with my book. I have had many computer problems (Mercury retrograde in Leo and Uranus retrograde in Aries). Both bad aspects for computers and me being a Leo and a fire sign. I tried to surrender to the reality of what was. Not push the river and just take each moment as it came up.  By the way it is not my best skill but I am doing better every day. Perhaps I am learning how to relax. Ha! I have about another 100 pages to go but I am going to get back to it later next week. Then I will get it off to my lovely editor, Cheryl Carter, and let her have a go at it.

Hope everyone has a wonderfully energizing summer.

Below is Ralfee's Weekly update.

Ralfee Finn's Weekly Forecast August 1-7, 2012

The planets are busy this week, and daily life reflects that activity through a hectic pace that isn’t likely to allow much time to relax. And, unfortunately, the hustle and bustle last for another couple of weeks. If it’s not deadlines, it’s family matters, and if it’s not obligations at home, it’s community commitments – whatever the reason, extra time just seems to evaporate. The inability to set aside fun time could also simply be a matter of trying to fit too much into too little. But given that the realities of daily life have been so intense for so long, many of us would benefit from a chance to catch our breath and settle down, particularly caregivers who’ve been running on little to no reserves because the need for help in so many areas is so extreme. While it may not be possible to put whatever it is you’re doing aside, it is always possible to work toward better balance, and making an effort to replenish your reserves of joy would be a great first step in that positive direction.

A Sun/Uranus trine feeds the hurried and often harried pace of the week.  The Sun is in Leo, the fiery Sign of self-expression. Uranus is in Aries, the fiery Sign of adventure. And when they unite in a positive alliance, they ignite a freedom-loving spirit that fuels revolution – and sometimes just for the thrill of it. We’ve been under this influence since the Sun entered Leo on July 23 and we will continue to feel its heat for another week. Use this passionate force for reform, but try not to abuse its power by provoking unnecessary conflict or confrontation. Be aware that while this trine can be unwieldy, when handled with care, its power fuels passion and creativity.

Fortunately, Jupiter, in Gemini, sits in a sextile to both the Sun and Uranus, a position that bodes well for good health and good fortune. This entire bundle can be applied to all sorts of healing – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and (dare I say it?) political. Jupiter’s presence bestows the ability to take in the biggest possible perspective, as well as the capacity to consider the moral consequences of important decisions. Its sextile to the Sun lasts until August 10. Jupiter’s sextile to Uranus continues until August 19. Jupiter/Uranus contacts signify positive solutions to stressful situations – exactly what’s needed right now to not only keep up with the activity, but also to soothe and calm overloaded nervous systems. Make the most of this beneficial interaction by allowing it to strengthen a generosity of spirit. But be realistic about what you can contribute and what you can accomplish.

Mercury is still retrograde; it goes direct on August 8, and all week long, it feels as if it’s at a standstill, which could be crazy-making, given the overall fast pace of the week. Or in the alternative, Mercury’s measured pace could serve as an antidote to the week’s planetary hubbub. Mercury Retrograde is always an invitation to slow down and reflect, review, and reconsider recent choices with an eye toward refining and improving the situation. Use the last days of this rewind to unwind.

If you know your Ascendant and/or your Moon Sign, read that, too.

Aries March 21-April 19  

The creative moment lies in your ability to stay clear about your priorities, even if some of your choices are challenging to significant others. It’s not about dismissing their opinions; it’s about having confidence in your own.

Taurus April 20-May 20

No matter how others pressure you, take your time, and continue to trust your own rhythm. The only expectations you are obligated to meet are yours – and only if those are realistic.

Gemini May 21-June 21 

Conversations continue to stimulate a wide range of ideas. Just be careful about making commitments you might not be able to honor. Keep it simple, and you’ll stay on track.

Cancer June 22-July 22 

Take a “one step at a time” approach and you’ll be able to address the details with the required depth. You’ll also gather momentum and gain a sense of accomplishment as you finish certain projects.

Leo July 23-August 22

Several conversations with friends or significant others stimulate a desire to explore new viewpoints. Be willing to step out of your comfort zone and you’ll make exciting discoveries.

Virgo August 23-September 22 

Be clear and precise about what you want to organize and arrange, and you’ll be able to eliminate what’s superfluous. That sorting process will allow you to concentrate on what will ultimately bring you satisfaction.

Libra September 23-October 22

Give yourself permission to take it easy and to get as much rest as possible. It’s been a long tumultuous journey and the best way to repair the wear and tear is to take a break from the intensity.

Scorpio October 23-November 21

Be patient as you sort through an almost overwhelming amount of details related to work. Make as many lists as necessary, but also understand that some surprises cannot be anticipated.

Sagittarius November 22-December 21

Significant others, personal and professional, are interested in your opinions about specific situations. Share your ideas, but also listen carefully to hear their real and genuine concerns.

Capricorn December 22-January 19

Stay clear about what you want to accomplish, and the details will not distract you from your goals. Your strength is your capacity to make steady, consistent progress.

Aquarius January 20-February 18

There’s no need to make important decisions prematurely. Give the situation a chance to fully reveal itself before you decide the role you want to play.

Pisces February 19-March 20
Yes, you are restless, and while that state is uncomfortable, it can also stimulate the next step in awareness. Find healthy ways of acknowledging your feelings and you’ll find healthy ways of handling them.