Personal Note From Suzanne
I am not sure about all of you but it seems to me this Mercury Retrograde just keeps going on. Now it is over. Definitely. But there are other astrological things making me feel a bit spacey. So how are all of you?
This is going to go on for weeks and it creates some serious dilemmas energetically and personally. It is as if the soul of earth is shifting organically and simultaneously. We are feeling this yearning for freedom, emotionally, sexually, economically, politically, racially, and religiously. But this intense change seems to make the struggle greater. Rather than finding the solutions it seems as if more problems keep cropping up. It is so difficult to keep a compassionate heart and a broad vision when the day to day situations are pulling us into places that we never thought we would ever go.
Mars is the culprit and it is opposing Pluto. This creates a tense interaction. It is the worst on the 31st of Aug. On that day, Mars, Uranus, and Pluto all engage and this creates an almost superhuman force of energy. I would love to capitalize on that energy and choose to focus on the positive interaction of those planets rather than the negative. If you let the negative run, it will make you spend that energy in wasteful ways, petty frustrations, and indignation and stupid things. Instead choose to see the opportunity that is walking right past the drama. Follow the opportunity and step away from things that cause you conflict. Find the solution to the problem. Put the idea out there. See what can get generated. This energy can manifest revolutionary ideas and ways to do things that have never been done before. Anxiety and discomfort is heightened under these circumstances. The path is to find peaceful resolutions.
So here I go. I am getting up on my soap box for this energy. I hope you might know ways to manifest my possibility that I dream of.
Thank you for listening to what my heart is saying during this energy pattern.
I am finding so many of my friends and clients are financially reaching the breaking point and there seems to be limited resources and financial ways to move forward.
I have observed that in one day of work, everyone I did a session on was someone older and without a place to live. It was horrible. Most of them were wonderful people who did what they had been told to do and were good, sincere, and honest people. Now after this long recession there is no place for them, not with their children, no home, no money, and no jobs.
I realized that somewhere out there we need some people to step up with solutions that have the money and the means to get things going for those in such situations. I realized that as we age, what we need is actually very little. I propose that we need to create senior living situations that are all green energy, solar, energy efficient and create studios that have a bedroom, living room, bathroom and small kitchenette. Make them very affordable so the seniors can afford them on social security. Perhaps a central kitchen and gathering area for people to socialize. It would not take much. Perhaps there are those who would invest in such a thing and take the money they have and donate it to the cause and when they die that room they paid to build would go forward to another worthy person. Paying it forward in new and amazing ways.
I know, I am a dreamer. But there must be a solution where older people can have a space, dignity, privacy, and be able to afford housing at the same time. Thank you for taking the time to hear my hearts song and request to the universe. Whether or not it is my mission or purpose, I do not know. But I send out the message and hopefully there will be those who know it is their mission and can do something about it. Have a wonderful month.