The evolution to wholeness is often a twisted and complicated path. The more that we learn the more we realize how much there is to understand and how impossible it can seem to really understand the great design that is our life.
In every moment we are creating our reality. Each choice and action that we take modifies the external world and affects everything and everyone around us. When we are unconscious we are at the whim of the currents of the telepathic agreement field that creates this domain and the reality in which we find ourselves and in which we feel connected.
I love to travel because going to other countries and being exposed to other agreement fields and perspectives makes me realize how vast and different the possibilities can be. In those moments I understand just how malleable the reality can be and how caught up we can become in the agreement field in which we belong or choose to participate.
May brings with it the feeling of connectedness to all that is. Notice the connectedness that is beyond your small domain and reality. Begin to open to a larger connectedness that is humanity and become aware of how we can work together or if we are working against each other.
Over and over again, humanity loves to create separateness and because of not seeing that we are all one, this creates conflict. These conflicts cause suffering, needless fear, and perpetuate beliefs that are designed to de-humanize others.
It is through conscious awareness and clarity that we learn the deeper lesson, the lesson that by finding the commonality rather than the differences we can find resolution to conflict. When we look to each other as journeyours along the pathway of life and love, then our eyes do not become clouded by fear and uncertainty. We see ourself reflected back in each other. As equals walking the pathways of karma, love, and life, we can become more creative in how we express truth to others in ways that allow opening rather than closure.
If we could but step beyond the level of attachment and allow the spirit inside each of us to guide us along the pathway to harmony, then we can find a new song, a new vision, and a new way to move that is beyond the old forms of war, conflict, and revenge.
May brings the energy of spring and the ideas that erupt from a fresh new place. Take this month to nurture those new ideas into aliveness. Allow a possibility to emerge within you that has lain dormant for a long time. Reach out to others that can feel your heart and intent. And love those who are not ready to see the fullness that you are becoming.
It is only by example that we learn to trust and understand other ways of being. Your good intentions will be blocked by those who are not ready and do not understand. You cannot force your beliefs on others. You can only live your life in accordance with the deepest core truths that move you and motivate your heart to love.
We are preparing for the Grande Trine in Water on June 25th. We are beginning to feel into the flow of a completely different possibility. We do not know what it will look like. We are not moving into air but water. This month you will feel the tide turning and the shift happening. All you have to do is follow the flow of your heart and creative spirit. Let something magical move you into uncharted waters. Feel the wind fill your sails and know that you are embarking on a new adventure that is taking you, beyond your mind, beyond you knowing, and into a place where you store your deepest self.
May is the month of preparation for this shift. We cannot continue in the old way. It has become too exhausting. You do not want to be Don Juan fighting warriors that are illusions. It is time to get into the heart that beats your soul into aliveness. It is a beautiful heart. It has great knowing and wisdom. Trust it and it will show you the miracle of who you are.
This month I would love to end with a favorite phrase from the Dali Lama.
You must not hate those who do wrong or harmful things; but with compassion, you must do what you can to stop them — for they are harming themselves, as well as those who suffer from their actions.