Osho Zen Tarot: The Rebel, Exhaustion, The Outsider
Medicine Cards: Blank Shield, Mountain Lion, Ant
Mayan Oracle: Kan, Measure, Realm Shift
Ancient Egyptian Tarot: Wheel of Fortune, Ace of Disks, Two of Swords
Aleister Crowley Deck: The Chariot, Sorrow, Princess of Swords
We have made it to 2013 and all of us can be grateful to have weathered another year of the Grand Cardinal Cross. I want to believe that we are coming into the home stretch as this pattern will finally end in 2015 but it has been going on since 2008. I like to think that at this point we recognize that there is no going back and the old world has dissolved into a very different pattern than what we pictured in 2007. We have grown in many ways. We have had to modify and change many of our behaviors and perceptions.
That is not all bad. It has been trying at times and yet we are still here and we are more balanced and grounded than we were before. All of us have become much more pragmatic and realistic. It has been critical to stay in the moment and not speculate too far ahead because so much has been in constant flux.
As I look at the numerology for 2013, when you add it all up you get a number six. The number 6 I like to associate with the Hermit archetype. A “6 “ year is about going within and seeking out your own wisdom. It is not about thinking someone or something has the answers outside of you. It is not about trusting others. It is about learning to trust your deepest self, your higher self, or the divine plan that is your life. The “6” year begins a cycle that lasts 3 years and is a journey of self-discovery.
At the beginning of all journeys you have to feel compelled by something greater and bigger than yourself or your desire for safety and security. That desire or yearning draws you to seek answers to questions that before had never been interesting or worth your time and effort. But now, you have stepped out of the box and are in a new world. That new world is full of experiences that you do not know how to navigate. Therefore you have to drop deep within and seek out parts internally that can make sense out of all these new patterns that are emerging in your life.
If we have learned nothing from 2012, it is that the things that we thought were stable were not as stable as we believed. That has forced all of us to stretch in many ways. If in 2012 you wanted to believe others words and were feeling insecure and afraid you might have at times chosen to believe what was being said in the news, on television, or by others that aligned with your own patterning.
That may or may not have worked for you. If you found yourself disillusioned by others truths that did not pan out then you might be feeling a place that is really seeking to open to a more confident and clear place internally.
This is wonderful! Our path is our path and no one can do the work for us as it is ours to create and un-create, as we so desire.
The “6” year allows you to open to your spiritual self that knows that by practicing stillness and introspection you will find the answer you seek. When the “6” year combines with the fact that the Uranus/Pluto square it creates delays and obstacles. Hearing that you can surmise that nothing will flow easily, swiftly, or gracefully in 2013. We are going to be experiencing the back and forth, push and pulls of these two huge planets for the next few years regardless of what we want and what our mind desires. Knowing that, it is then advisable to go slow and not take things personally when the timing is somewhat off the mark.
Uranus in Aries wants us to revolutionize and make changes. It wants movement and to leap forward into the excitement that is progress, openness, acceptance, and balance for all. Pluto in Capricorn wants to do it the way it has always been done. It wants things to move more conservatively, cautiously, and not upset the established rules and patterns of our lives.
Notice, which groups you, might fall into more.
These are huge energies that are affecting all of us. These planets will be dancing around in our lives constantly for the next few years. There has to be a way to bring both into balance. There has to be a way for progress to move ahead and monies to be handled in a safe and secure way also. I believe that the way to get there is for each to speak from the heart about the intent of each plan you wish to present as an option for change. Details are a way that the ego can manifest havoc and chaos. If we stick to the positive intent of others and learn to hear the heart and concerns that are blocking or slowing the situations down, then we get to know the other side better and have less judgment and reactiveness.
Clearly from the cards everyone is exhausted from the fighting, separation, and blame. Nothing can change without perseverance. It is the small things adding up that ultimately manifest greatness. Great things happen slowly over time with the help of many.
When I was working in LA I had a client of mine say, “Stars are not born they are created.”
Now I think it is a little bit of both. There are people and situations that inspire us to step into greatness. We also have tendencies that are from our family genetics and our astrological charts. But ultimately we cannot do it alone. We need each other to offer up their gifts to get us to the places that we dream are possible.
2012 made us feel like there was huge division, difference, and obstacles. Television and politics make us feel as if we have to be either on one side of the fence or the other. 2013 is about realizing that the divide we feel is not really there. By focusing on the differences we magnify the problems and forget to see the similarities. If we are standing out the outside of a fence looking in, at this time you need to notice that the gate is unlocked and you can walk into another place at any time. We can choose separation but why?
Why not be a rebel? But a conscious rebel. A rebel who ignores the boundaries and separation and takes the risk to extend a hand and find the way we can all work together. If we want our reality to change then we have to change first. All of us have to find where we can compromise. None of us will get everything that we want.
Yet we might just make a difference in the world with the small steps that are obviously right in front of us. Yes, we need to have those who have the vision of making a bridge but then there are those that we need to do all the small steps to make that bridge a reality for all.
We are in a place of not knowing how things will look in 3 years.
Perhaps that is a gift. Perhaps that what we want to see is going to seem like nothing compared to where we will get to if we let go and strive forward. Once we create momentum the impossible becomes possible.
I find that the universe seems to be asking in 2013 for us to find our own true rhythm. Not the rhythm of our mind but the rhythm of our joined hearts and souls.
Since 2008 we have pushed and pushed, wanted to believe that by intention alone we could get the outcome that we wanted. But life has a way to manifest that is not always aligned with the mind.
They say that in a workshop, you can only move as fast or as far as the slowest participant in the group wants to go. I feel as if 2013 is attempting to teach us discernment about that. Just because you want it and know it is possible does not mean that everyone in your reality is in your exact same place as you.
If we looked to what the slowest member wanted or needed to feel safe in order to shift then we could move without all the trauma and drama of dragging those people into the place you want. I find that dragging people takes way more energy than stopping and listening to their concerns and giving them the information that they need in order to move. In the last few years there has been reflections of so much intolerance and pushing with our agenda rather than looking at what someone else needs in order to move. Deep down we all want the same thing. Why can we not pull our resources together and find a languaging that serves movement. I do understand the need to confront in order to get our minds to stretch out of boxes but now we need to find words that allow for safety and growth.
The last 5 years has been a lot for everyone. Many are still very afraid and unsure as to what is the best way for them. Actions for the last many years have been fraught with peril, upset, disappointment, and failure. And you wonder why everyone is hesitant?
How can we begin again in a way that serves everyone? That is the challenge of 2013.
As much as everyone wants to be there, if we objectively look at this reality, we are at the beginning. We are but a seed sprouting into a plant. We are at that precarious stage of reaching for the light and not knowing how far we have to go to reach it. We have to find stability but all around there are obstacles that we are pushing against in order to claim our space. But what is beautiful about the beginning is that because you do not know, you have to open your feeling body. You have to feel into each and every moment. That can be blissful and expand our intuitive awareness and allow us to tap into skills that we did not know we have. Feel into the winter energy and allow the old pictures to die. Then allow a new vision to emerge from the destruction of the old self. Let us build an entirely new dream together.
Perhaps our old self-involved dreams needed to die so we could learn that we cannot do it alone and that together we can create something that up to this point was not even a thought or possibility.
Have a wonderful 2013.