Predictions for 2010
In doing predictions there are moments as a psychic that you must try to find the diamond in the mud. This year is one of those moments.
On one level the year 2010 gives us a Gift of 10/1 in numerology. This is not a bad pattern but it is a pattern that can move from the 10 to a 1 and then back again. The 10 is about power, leadership, autonomy, independence, and determination. That is a very helpful energy that is desperately needed during this economic downturn. But when too many egos get involved and there are power struggles, things quickly erode any forward progress and the 10 dissolves into a 1.
The 1 is about humility or being humiliated. So this is a year that we all must learn to stay as humble as possible. We must attempt to make forward progress that supports everyone; not just our own agenda or egos.
This pattern also gives us, for the year, a Path of 11/2. This is about expansion and contraction. All of us are attempting to find ways to expand our self, our money, our work, our confidence, and anything that gives us a way to define meaning in our life. There will be moments when things are going to seem to expand but just as quickly they can contract down in ways that you may not see until it is too late. In those moments of contraction, it is important to not panic and make a mountain out of a molehill. 2010 will be filled with lots of both. It will be important to know which one is which or you might just stress yourself into a complete frenzy.
The year as a whole adds up to a 3. The 3 is called the roller coaster year. It may feel like you got on a ride at the carnival and want to get off but the ride seems to go on and on. The 3 year is about learning how to reframe the negative to a positive. That is going to be challenging this year because of some tremendously challenging astrological patterns that will influence our attitudes and finances.
One of these challenges is that Uranus, the disrupter planet, is going into Aries - the god of war on May 28, 2010. No matter how you look at that pattern is does not sound good. Disruption in warlike areas is going to cause great upsets that cannot help but effect economic situations on a global scale.
So whether it is Iran wanting to blow up Israel or China’s economic crisis causing them to take a financial nosedive, we are all connected and somehow we are going to get effected by any upset that rears its head during this period. And Uranus in Aries lasts for 7 ½ years approximately. So take a deep breathe. This could take some time.
Uranus is always about change that is sudden, radical, and new. We definitely could use some of that change at the moment. It is obvious that this is already happening, though we cannot seem to come to an agreement at the moment.
Saturn and Uranus have been in opposition, which has been causing most of this financial upset over the last year plus. That is because Saturn is conservative and about money. Uranus is about change and new directions. You can see how that may not completely align easily. The tension is going to increase through July 2010. This will cause some major changes in medical issues. Insurance but also research and new innovative techniques. It will also cause new economic patterns to be discussed and eventually implemented. Some of these may take years to complete.
Some of that slow development is because of Saturn’s tendency to not be willing to move until it understands all the details. You can see this problem presently in the Health Care crisis being bantered about in the House and Senate.
Another important thing to remember is that Pluto in Capricorn, officially landing on November 26, 2008. Pluto is conservative by nature and so for the next 15 years there is going to be a trend towards conservation, self-reliance, and wanting to depend on our own resources. This is good but it will seem much less exciting than when Pluto was in Sagittarius for the last 12 years. That pattern caused all this excessive spending that we are now having to deal with. This Pluto cycle is a generational pattern, so it changes the entire mood of a generation. Much like the “Depression” changed my parent’s generation.
Anywhere there is a lack of integrity, that pattern will be revealed. Old structures will fall and new innovative structures will be put into place. Some will work and some will have to be re-worked. Regardless, we are embarking on new patterns that will eventually find a solid place in our society.
As Jupiter goes into Aquarius this does bring hope for the future. It also give us a bit of an illusion that things will get better quickly. It has the effect on of us that we seem to be wearing rose-colored glasses. This quality does bring innovation and inspiration, but when it does not work the way we perceived. It can also cause confusion and resentment when things do not move as quickly as we wanted to believe.
So the bad news is that nothing is going to move as quickly as anyone wants. We are dealing with a fixed Cardinal Square until 2015. We all need to know that we are going to feel somewhat trapped by the circumstances in which we find ourselves. It is important to remember to take things slowly and methodically, as nothing is going to move very quickly at this time. The changes being made are going to totally shift how our world moves and how governments and economies are going to evolve to the next level of consciousness.
This pattern of Jupiter can cause excess of anything, including sadness so make sure to not overreact to situations when they arise.
There is also a pattern of Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto that can indicate the loss of a popular leader. At this point it could be anyone’s guess as to who that might be.
Because this is a time of extremes we also have to watch for excesses especially with water. Tsunamis, floods, hurricanes, tornados, extreme weather patterns of snow, etc. Excess in water elements also causes fear to increase and people to react in ways that seem over the top based on the situation.
What is wonderful about this pattern is that you will find that communities will come together and we will become more self-reliant as individuals. We will finally understand that we cannot rely on our government to have the answers at this time.
Forward pacing the United States chart a bit, there is a Uranus square Pluto in June 2012 through March 2015. For that 3-4 years an extreme spiritual, psychological change will dominate the shifts in consciousness in the US. This can be an explosive, transformative time in which old secrets spill out into the global conscious awareness, radically changing our identity. Things that have been hidden for long periods of time will become public knowledge and will force our perceptions to expand and alter. For some this will be a difficult time, especially if you are holding on to antiquated beliefs and not wanting to deal with the truth when it is presented to you.
So even though Uranus is going to blast us out of our old comfort places into a new and radically changed reality, we do have a protective pattern of Jupiter giving us some soothing moments to take a breath and regroup.
This next year is going to be challenging enough without tormenting your self with daydreams of disaster, gloom and doom.
Notice where you are afraid to show your authentic self for fear of being rejected or loosing love. Stay conscious to where you hold your self captive with your own fears and inner criticism. This is going to be a difficult pattern or readjustment. These times are always challenging when you are attempting to free yourself from the illusions and limitations of your past.
You may make mistakes in the confusion and chaos. Remember to have compassion with yourself and know that you are learning totally new skills and behaviors. And have that same compassion for others. You will find it will be a year of broken promises, pandemonium, and collapses of old alliances. It is the way of life that things have to be broken down in order to be rebuilt better and stronger.
Try to remember that you are laying a new foundation for a stronger economy, government, and world system. That takes tremendous effort and sometimes frustration. In the end you will find a way through with any venture you chose to begin at this time. Do not waste your potential or talent in fear or despair. Take all advice to heart and stay open. The next thing you hear might just be the opening door that you have been seeking.