Sunday, July 27, 2008

Opening into your true potential.

The energy has been intense, has it not?  As we move towards the eclipse on August 1st, the energetic upload seems to be getting to everyone.  I am noticing clients coming in with many types of stresses and nervous patterns that seem more intense than the situations seem to dictate.  This is reflecting the enhanced astrological patterns that are unfolding as we move towards the change that is leading up to this election.

It feels as if there are going to be attempts politically to undermine the credibility of both candidates.  So, keep your own center and do your own research to discover what is true for you.

Realize that both men hold great honor in their lives.  They have attempted to express their deep beliefs through their work and ideas.  In their hearts they want to do what is right.  That is wonderful for our country.  It is just that their tactics might be very different over time.

It comes down to what your guts tell you is true for you.  Listen to your own intuition and allow your heart to feel into each person to learn the intent and capacity for each candidate.  Do not make decisions from rumor and political intrigue.  In this day of information and technological advances, know that there are those that are technically brilliant whose intent is to deceive and undermine.

You cannot always trust what you hear in the news or on the Internet. It is time for all of us to learn to connect on a deeper level into each other's hearts to know what is true for the greater good.  If you can step beyond your own ego, you can begin to make choices that are about serving everyone.  This moment is not about being right or getting what we want.  What candidate would serve the entire world into openness at this moment?  Only by feeling beyond your own opinions and personal preferences can you begin to make choices that serve the whole.

It takes great skill and patience to know how to move beyond our fears, personal needs, and our body/mind's memory. Our genetic habits and patterns are not necessarily the best ways for our soul to grow and advance.  It takes tremendous conscious clarity to move beyond our DNA and uncover the truth of our soul's potential.

Remember, you are not your body, you are not your mind, you are not your beliefs, and you are not your feelings.  You are something much more vast and expressive than you are presently expressing if you would allow yourself to grow beyond the domain of what you want to be true and find out who is really inside.

Yes, I know that is terrifying.  Which is why there are very few enlightened beings that have managed to not believe the illusion of the material world and live a life beyond the realm of conformity and comfort.

When you stretch, you become very uncomfortable.  How much fear surfaces is in direct proportion to how much you are stretching.  The body/mind loves the habits that you have created that keep you safe.  But safe does not always make you happy.

The key is to take small steps with great consciousness and clarity.  Know that your body/mind will try to stop you and make you afraid to move.  Yet, if you move in a way that allows gentle growth and consistent expansion, you will discover a world beyond the places of your personal experiences.  Once you choose openness over habit and fear something amazing happens.  You realize that you have been in a personally created illusion and you have made the choice to grow up and take your life by the horns.  In that moment you reclaim your power and potential and become more awake to the fact that all of your choices are creating the experience you are choosing to have.

So, what do you want your life to be like?  If you want to be safe, continue your present pattern. Know that the moment you decide to shift, it is going to get very scary and you will need to learn to live moment by moment.  It can be very exciting but also very terrifying.  This type of growth is not for everyone.  If you are not ready, do not do it.  Do not make that shift until the present situation becomes just too miserable to stay in for another moment.

I tell everyone that I would not take my worst enemy through my personal process.  Yet, I would do it all again.

Breaking through my mental patterns that limit the full expression of my soul has been the most rewarding experience of my life.  But it has been a very painful process to break down the genetic patterns of my family and my past life unresolved fears that have not allowed my light and radiance to emerge.

If I can do it, so can you. I suggest first to open your heart.  Practice feeling beyond yourself and then trust your intuition to lead you in the direction of teachers, technologies, or healing modalities that serve you into openness.

No one does it the same way because each person is blocked and challenged in different ways with different lessons to learn.  That is why God/ The Universe has given everyone intuition.  It is your God given right as a human being.  The question is will you use it?  Will you trust something inside of you that is beyond your present knowing to guide you into openness?

Give it a shot! I know that you will grow as I have grown.  That does not mean that you will do it perfectly.  You need to know that you will make what appear to be mistakes.  But there is no way to do anything wrong.  You will learn that spirit is always guiding you and has always guided you. Even when you did not believe or know it was there.  That is what makes it so amazing and magical.

So, let the magic back in.  Claim your gifts and talents back.  Know that you are on a quest to grown into your greatest potential.  You will get there.  It is only a question of how long it will take.  But you are here now and this moment is an opportunity to open to something greater than yourself.  Let it inspire you into something wonderful.  

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Solar Eclipses in August 2008

On August 1, 2008 at 10:14 am there will be a solar eclipse in Leo. This will affect the Leo’s and Aquarius’s the most. But if you have an ascendant in Leo or Aquarius it will also affect you. It hits the Aquarius’s because Aquarius is opposite Leo in the astrological wheel. So the Aquarius’s are experiencing an opposition with the eclipses. The pattern will affect some for approximately 6 months.

Eclipses are associated with metamorphosis and change. I am particularly interested in this one as I am a Leo.

This eclipse will create special opportunities to break old patterns and to make major changes in your life. This creates changes in appearance and how you present yourself. It will also create shifts in business and personal relationships. Sometimes these changes can feel uncomfortable, as you are required to let go of what is familiar and comfortable. Those affected will be required to open your mind and heart for new ideas and ways of being. This pattern will inspire us to take risks and express our inner truth. Leo rules the heart and as such there will be a great outpouring of love and the deep need to give our greatest gift.

Globally, this may have an impact for presidential hopeful, Obama. As he is also a Leo and the eclipse is within three days of his birthday on August 4th. Expect disruptions of some sort. Caution is required for him to navigate this challenging pattern. Security should be tightened and entrances to his events should be more closely monitored.

This pattern also effects situations worldwide. Economic problems, foreclosures, and civil unrest will amplify and create disruptions. The stock markets are going to continue to be off course probably for the next 6 months as the effect of this pattern lasts that long.

There will be a lunar eclipse on August 16th, 2008, which may trigger a stock market meltdown as the emotional pessimism may cause everyone to want out. My suggestion is that if you are personally heavily invested in the market, I would get out and get into safer things until the pattern of this eclipse unfolds and becomes more clear as to the trends that are dismantling.

But everything does not need to be terrible. There are often positive things that happen when you have prepared and opened to all the possibilities that are available to you. During such times you need to be willing to open and change. Stay awake and let go of preconceived notions that you might be holding that are no longer applicable to the present life that is unfolding. When you are not in resistance miracles can happen.