Friday, December 12, 2008

Patterns for January and Predictions for 2009

Welcome to January of 2009. This is a time of celebration but also great change and stress. For the moment, optimism is the theme and we are looking forward hopefully to a new beginning with a new president.

Remember things are always more difficult then we want to see them. The next year is going to be fraught with major adjustments and shifts that will profoundly affect everyone and the world.

There will be those of you that will feel as if there is movement and the ship of life is heading away from the obvious dangers that have been plaguing us for the last 6 months. The new president will be the brave face for an upset and stressed country. Some will feel as if we are finally breaking out of a rut. Yet knowing that further effort will be needed to actually break out of the destructive pattern that has a hold over us. The anticipation is igniting a fire of hope that is desperately needed at this time and there are those who will feel optimistic and excited for this grand new adventure that awaits.

Then there will be others that want to see that the sky is falling. There are always those that may want to feel like a victim in this situation. And they will find justification for this way of thinking as there will me many things that will cause great worry, delays, and negative feelings at this time.

And both can be true.

One is not exclusive of the other.

In every time there are those that want to fall into fear and gloom. There are also those who want to see the possibilities and are willing to sacrifice in order to allow change to manifest.

Which one do you want to be?

Change is always good. Change is necessary for life. Nothing can stay the same. There are natural cycles of prosperity and downturn for every culture and system that has ever existed on the planet.

So why stress yourself out?

A better option is to look at your life and personal situation honestly and make conscious choices to protect and support the new energetic shifts and trends that are coming into play now. It is time to let go of the pattern that used to be and become clear about what is happening right now. If you continue to live in the illusion of the past in order to bolster fears or weaknesses within, you may find yourself in a very difficult position. But if you become aware and take the necessary precautions then you will be able to navigate this river of change with clarity and a sense of adventure.

A good boatman in the Grand Canyon knows that before a big rapid you stop the boat and take a look at what the temperament of the rapid and river is at this moment and at this place. Rivers change day to day. The pathway to take the boat through last week might not be correct for this week. A boatman knows to get out and take a look, create a strategy, and then run the rapid.

This is the way life should run also. But often we forget and want to run the river the way we did before. Sometimes when you do that you can have dire consequences.

So see this upcoming year as a river with unpredictable currents and many changes in depth and power. If looked at properly, this can be an exciting year with many shifts that can allow us to wake up to the magic and mystery that is around each bend in our personal river of life.

Just like running a river there will be moments when we are going to all have to work together and row in a certain way to make it past the upcoming rapid. There will be moments we might feel as if we are getting thrown out of the boat and are not happy with this turn of events. And there may be moments that you just have to let the river take you where it will. If you allow this to be okay, you will feel more awake and alive, as you will have to stay present with the constantly changing circumstances in which you find yourself. It could be a very exciting time to be alive.

Prepare for unexpected twists and turns in the game. Have a back up plan. Let go of your pictures and allow your soul to show you pathways that your ego would not have considered in the past. Listen to your intuition. Do not suppress negative feelings, as they might be the warning of something coming your way. But also do not allow fear to overwhelm you. Do not go into the fantasy that everything is fine and your situation is going to stay as secure as it has always been.

There are going to be moments this year when you are going to have to take action and be as aggressive as a badger. And other moments when you will need to listen to the subtle and soft voice of your guides and angels that are trying to assist you in finding the subtle doorway towards abundance and happiness.

Expansion is ahead no matter what. You can make this fun and easy or scary and miserable depending on your attitude. And as a reminder, this pattern is really going to last two to three years. So I highly recommend the more positive attitude and learn how to see beauty and happiness in the small things in your life. Happiness can be found anywhere and at any time if you are willing to seek out the love and light that is everywhere.


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