Thursday, November 20, 2008

Looking to the Upcoming Patterns for December and the New Year

I want to begin this blog with some astrological aspects that are going to affect the future for a while. There are some major changes coming psychically and energetically for the planet and as such this will cause much stress and upset if you are not forewarned and prepared for them. I do not believe any pattern is bad but there are patterns that it is helpful to know ahead of time what you are in for so you can make the adjustments slowly rather than be surprised and shocked into the shift.

First of all I would like to commend everyone on an amazing election and two great choices to direct our nation forward. McCain was an honorable and gracious man and he is to be commended on his impeccability and sincerity in what he has accomplished.

Let us talk about this election and the new president. Obama has some amazing aspects that supported him winning this job and those favorable aspects continue until about March or April of 2009. At that time there are some planetary patterns that definitely will put a crimp on the economy and the stress of Americans will increase. This puts any president into a difficult pattern. Finances will be tough. People will be cutting back and jobs will be at risk. Many may want to blame the new president for this upset. So just remember it was happening before this election and to unwind this pattern will take years.

Yes, I said years.

So everyone needs to become aware of spending and become more conservative. Pluto in Capricorn is conservative by nature. So the excesses of Pluto in Sagittarius are over. We cannot go back. We must look to new ways of being and learning and integrating technologies that will serve us in the long run rather than support the old guard and money people who have not allowed certain systems to be implemented earlier because of power, control, and greed.

We have no choice but to become the innovator of this new way for the world. It will cost us a lot in time and money but we really do not have a choice.

Astrologically this integration lasts for 3 years into the presidency. So people are going to be critical that the changes are not happening fast enough. We will not be able to have the lifestyle that we had before. This does not mean the sky is falling and everything is going to collapse. It does mean that you need to become more aware of your patterns and excesses and protect your family and money situations.

But after 3 years some much better patterns remerge and the hard work over the last 3 years will finally seem to be paying off. Businesses will flourish and money will be increasing again. Everyone will feel happier and more hopeful at that time and Obama will look like he has done a good job.

So just remember this pattern will take three years. This would be true of anyone who got this presidency at this time. The pattern we are dealing with is a global one. We are not separate any more. We are going to be forced to learn to work together.

So step out of any upset you might be still holding onto about not getting the president you wanted or believing that world problems are going to be solved because you did get the president that you wanted. The pattern that is unfolding is perfect for this time and we all are going to have to work together to make it happen. Remember it will take time. Lots of time. Do not have unrealistic expectations on our government or president.

So for 3 years it is going to be more challenging regardless of who is president. Let us all stop blaming and looking for everyone and everything to fail and stand shoulder to shoulder and show the world how it is done in the American way. We are the leader of the world. We are the trendsetters. We are the pioneers. We have survived rough times and everyone that came to this country took great risks to get here. You are the product of your ancestors. That spirit runs in your veins. Breath in the adventure and join hands and together we can once again create something that will stand the test of time and allow change and growth to enliven the world.


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