Friday, November 28, 2008

Tis the Season for Triggers

In my life I try to stay aware of what things might trigger me around the holiday season. Families are the reflections of our greatest love and our greatest triggers. We have created so many telepathic agreements with those close to us that we begin to bump into our judgments and patterns that are difficult for us to navigate internally. These are often aspects that are shadow aspects within us. It is always most difficult to see our own shadow patterns. So naturally the universe will use family members to force us to engage with our narrow perspectives or disowned parts.

The challenge comes when you are triggered. In that moment you need to find a way to stay calm and navigate your own emotional patterns as well as find a way to shift the existing family dynamic into a hopefully more healthy pattern.

Sometimes during the holiday season the movies and television shows do not allow us to find healthy ways to navigate our own family patterns. The movies are often about families always coming together in the end. In real life that result can be hard to come by.

During this holiday season take time to honestly look at at your family with an objective eye. Do not look at them from the pattern that you want them to be but from where they actually are. In life, we have to look at the obvious limitations of human consciousness. As human beings we will all make mistakes. Those mistakes often come when we are stressed or extended beyond our boundaries. We then hit a snap point and go into defensive reaction to protect ourselves. The problem is that my defensive posture is always my ego flipping me back and forth between telling me that I am wonderful and then telling me that I am worthless. Ego loves to keep you off balance. If it can keep you off center then you will not realize that you are already enlightened and home. So ego's will constantly use whatever thought will keep you into extreme polarized patterns. We live in a world of duality. But the big joke from the guru's is that once you become enlightened you realize that you always were.

Families are really great at knowing what your internal weaknesses are and what insecurities will cause you to snap. On top of that the generational patterns, as well as, our DNA are programmed by our experiences and we literally get caught in difficult, defensive ruts that we do not know how to interrupt.

The trick is to become very aware of the patterns that you are triggered by and then consciously attempt to create a different response from the habitual patterns that you have established with your family.

Often upsets are about others not feeling appreciated or acknowledged for what they have believed they have contributed. I like to start to shift patterns by looking at the people who are the most unhappy and feel into their heart and uncover what it is that they need or want to be acknowledged for. Sometimes all you have to do is to directly ask what it is they they would like to be remembered for when they are dead. The answers you get will amaze you.

I have found tremendous openings spontaneously happen when one person finally gives someone what their heart really needs and desires. It can be really healing for everyone involved. When the most stuck person finally gets the energy and attention that they want, everyone else will open in response to the energy shifting in the one person. Then a wonderful wave of love and release can transform the densest energy into something healing and expandive for all.

Take a look at the patterns in your family members that disgust you. Disgust is a difficult energy to integrate. We often want to deny and ignore those that disgust us. That is why we turn away from beggars or street people. We don't want to see them. The fear is that if you actually acknowledge them that some of their bad luck might rub off on us.

It is a silly thought. But we use it to validate ourself and feel that at least we are not as bad off as that person. But in God's eyes every person is worth more than your spare change. They deserve your love, light, energy, and support.

So what do you have to confront internally to see everyone in your family as vehicles to your expansion and enlightenment. Everything that triggers you is a pathway to blocked energies that your ego uses to keep you feeling separate and alone. But you are not alone. If you feel beyond your own ego mind you cannot help but feel the love, suffering, struggles, and joys of all of life.

So enjoy the holiday's. Use these moments to catapult you into totally new ways of seeing into your own shadow. They are not disgusting. You are disgusted with aspects they reflect to you internally. When you can love your disgusting parts then others being disgusting will no longer be a trigger. This will free up a lot of energy that has been blocking your life force from coming fully out.

Enjoy the Season of Giving.


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