Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Tiger Has You In Her Sight

Waking up on this day, something could not be kept at bay.
She opened her eyes and leapt out of my face. Taking a good look at this space.
Is it time to be totally let out? She had to see for herself without a doubt.
She coiled her muscles and sprang forth. Out of my face to stand center court.
Sizing up this space and time. Testing the air and smelling the pines.
Powerful forces rippled through the air as she looked down at her life and stared.
In one felled swoop she let go with some force. Something powerful but to her it was sport.
Then she was gone. She moved back into the shadows. But she is sill watching in the darkened hallows.
I watched in awe as she orchestrated this dance. It was her moment a place to enhance.
It got my attention. Of that there is no doubt. Something beyond me had decided to come out.
Some things sizzle. Some things burn. She is ancient full of wisdom well learned.
Her strong presence singles a turn. A clock strikes the hour. A key is turned.
Lineages come and concepts turn. A doorway opens and time is no longer firm.
In this moment the sands do shift. Yet out of the desert emerges a gift.
Folded papers uncurl in her fire. Revealing much about light and desire.
We are but paper caught in the fire of life. Struggling to survive in a hopeless plight.
The fire will consume you one day, you know. Why resist when there is only one place to go.
Endless chatter ignores the truth. We are one fire caught in this loop.
The loop continues as long as you resist. Surrender the fear and just open in bliss.
You are the fire you try to suppress. You are that light released in your best.
You are the heat the powers the sun. You are the force that moves as one.
When you deny all that you are. You curl into ash and never ignite into stars.
It is your choice. Resist as long as you can. But this has been the way before there was man.
You can be the next great wave of change. A fiery ignition to transforming pain.
Pain of loss. Pain of fear. Pain of trying. Pain of tears.
You are not the pain. You are all God. We can become conscious awareness emerged from frogs.
Take this moment to step beyond your mind. You are the endless bliss for which you pine.
The wait can stop. The joy can begin. It is up to you to allow the burning to begin.
Burn up the past. Release the light. Of which you have held onto forever so tight.
Who are you with no shame or doubt? A gift of consciousness and ego without.
Without the ego you see no despair. You are all wonderful full of depth and care.
Why do you look for anything but this? In this moment is eternal bliss.
Step outside and breathe in the fresh air. You are ready and the earth is right there.
The earth is ready for you to step up. Stand on this ground and let it rise you above.
Without this place the game would be no fun. You need the resistance to feel the freedom to run.
You want to run from the truth of yourself. But it is too late you are revealed and felt.
I feel you all and you cannot escape my grasp. I have you in sight and finally in my grasp.


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