Intuitive Patterns for the Month of November
It is election month and it is going to be a wild ride. There are going to be “Doomsayers” no matter who gets elected. The trend is towards monumental change and a shift out of the old guard.
The next president is going to be someone who can implement change and keep a commanding presence during this transformative time. The good news is that both men are good men. They have good intentions and now it is going to be up to the people to decide who holds the energetic pattern that will assist the United States to get to the next level of growth and prosperity. But the trend is towards Obama winning
It is going to be a difficult six months for all of us. Not difficult in the way that it is all gloom and doom. But difficult in the way that we must actively move in new and uncomfortable directions. Complacency is not going to work here.
There will be those who want to totally contract and go into fear and dread. But it is really not that bad. We all will have to look at things differently and learn new methods of conservation and balance. The trend of excessiveness is finally over. Such patterns cannot last forever. They are out of balance with the reality of human existence.
We are going to learn new ways of sharing and connecting with others. We are finally going to step out of being so self-absorbed. As a country we are also growing up. We have been such a young adolescent type of country. We have been full of energy and innovation. That is great. But now we need more maturity and responsibility as to how we affect other countries and how they affect us. We are not an alone superpower anymore. We are realizing that we must become an innovator into ways of bringing global economies together. We are realizing that we need each other and that we cannot do everything.
New creative projects and environmentally friendly products are going to set us back on our feet financially if we are ready to really embrace this potential. This will allow our economy to recover in more healthy and well-rounded ways.
After all, we are the country of innovation and invention. Let’s get back to that. We are great at coming up with ideas whose time has come. If we allow all of those fertile ideas to be looked at seriously and applied, we can economically recover faster.
We all need to support companies who are attempting to make energy friendly systems become the norm. That will allow the costs to go down and then everyone wins.
Nothing that is happening right now is terrible. It is just change. And we are the country that has always been on the cutting edge of change. We are birthing something new and wonderful. We have the potential to see clearly through this haze by going higher and looking at things from an overview like a hawk. From that perspective things will become clearer.
But first we must begin here with our fellow countrymen. If we can make it work here then we can show those systems to others and teach self-reliance.
We need to dream and we need to share.
We need to love others and we need to reflect on what has not been working.
We can do all of these at the same time. It is time to expand the love bubble to include more than just yourself and your family. We are a global family and we can and do have an impact on each other.
So, do not contract in fear. Do not close down. Take a deep breath and open to the new. Let in the exhilarating energy of the new possibilities. This could be a ride that you really enjoy. Just get in the car and know that together we can do something amazing.
No matter who gets elected, let us all come together and figure out a new way. Let’s listen to all the options no matter whom they come from. Stay open and you just might find something that can change your perspective and allow you to embrace your life in more complete and fulfilling ways.
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