Saturday, March 26, 2011

Is This The Right Moment to Shift Things in Your Life?

I will be on my spiritual journey to India, Nepal, and Bhutan from April 6th through May 29th, 2011. I am so excited about this trip. I have been waiting my whole life to have this experience.

What I will experience, I have no idea. I am just going with an open mind and heart.

I have been watching movies about these areas just to get a pulse on the energy and patterns that I might experience. Needless-to-say, it is going to be beyond my normal realm of life. That is probably a very good thing. I have felt for a while that I need to step beyond what I know about myself to be true and find out another place for my energy to flow and expand.

I so appreciate my basic understanding of astrology and the support from great astrologers like Ralfee Finn and Christopher Renstrom in helping me through last year. I knew, going into 2010, that the eclipses that had been really breaking my chart open were going to totally flip over the game board of my life into the potential that had always been there but held back until the right moment when not only the stars align but I align with my true nature.

I know from the nature of my work and the extensive studying throughout my life that there are times when regardless of how you want to hang onto the old self, the universe has another idea. It is as if you are caught in a giant wave of change and regardless of the costs of time, energy, or money you have to take that risk and jump into the middle of that wave or you know you will miss a great opportunity.

Those opportunities do not come along all the time. And when they come you find an inner strength to go for it in ways that can surprise even yourself. I love being constantly amazed at how adaptable and strong each of us can be when confronted with the power of the truth in a moment. That truth cannot be denied and even when you cannot see the other side you will choose to risk and find experiences and expressions of your soul that have been hidden away from yourself until that right moment.

There is a feeling about this time and these astrological aspects that are big, for not just myself, but for everyone. There are moments when it is as if the whole world comes to a new place of awareness and choice. This seems to be one of those moments. For some of you it is hitting on a more personal level. For others, we notice the gigantic changes in the external world situations and governments.

With all this energy in Aries from April 10 through May 12, it is like a global fire of change. Suddenly many of us have the energy to do the impossible. For some it will be breakthroughs in perspective, willingness to change careers, creating a family, letting go of past patterns that have caused a withholding of who we really are, or any number of other options. For others, they will come together and do the impossible by opposing governments, dictators, and monarchy’s that have manipulated the money and prosperity of the common people in favor of their own power, greed, and ego. Each of these beings is to be commended and acknowledged. The risk is high, the pathway to freedom and change unclear, and the potential for failure right there staring you in the face.

But what an exciting time to live. Rarely do we get moments when we can see, experience, and participate in an extraordinary moment or event. So whether this energy is hitting you on a personal level or on a more community level, feel that bravery in your heart. Feel the fire of inspiration ignite you into leaping beyond your commonplace life. Choose to let your expanded self out.

You remember who that is. He or she is that person who trusts in the flow of life and does not want to live an unexpressed life. It is that part that knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that inside you is a spark of divinity yearning to come out and find expression.

Each of you has a potential waiting for its right moment. Is this the right moment for you? If that answer is “Yes” then allow the courage in your heart to expand and find the doorway into a new place and life.


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