Thursday, March 24, 2011

Intuitive Patterns for May 2011

With the coming of spring there is an intensity to jump forward and take leaps of faith into the void of the unknown. This can be a very exciting time but energy can shift quickly when the focus is undefined.

So this would be a time to create a clear picture of what you want and where you want to go. That does not mean that you will get your picture but you need a place to start in the creative process. Often you need to make some decisions and then the guides and angels know how to support your process and how to proceed in manifesting the little coincidences and magic that make change fun.

If you feel as if you are afraid to make a decision because so many of your dreams have come crashing down around your head over the last few years, take a deep breath and know that the breakdown of our egos “ideas” is a necessary process to allow a deepening and expansion of your souls true potential.

These last 6 months have brought about the realization of many conflicting beliefs and dualities within you. That awakening and awareness has brought about a radical shift in your wants and desires for the future. This felt like a bolt of lightening hitting that has woken you up with a start and bought about a complete reversal of some aspects and priorities in your life.

It is as if the universe said, “Oh, you think that is so important? Let me show you what is really needing to be addressed or dealt with.”

Life often has its own flow and agenda. Sometimes we are not allowed into the deeper secrets until the last minute.

That is what this has felt like for many.

The major about-face of this energy has rocked many of you to your core. Life suddenly has taken over and now some new dawning of what has been percolating below the surface is finally becoming clear.

It may feel as if you are being thrown over a chasm by some unseen force to the opposite side of a cliff. You did not see the chasm and you did not see the energy that was throwing you. You find yourself propelled into an unknown space and landing in a new territory with no idea of how or what got you there.

But when you got “there” something seemed very different. There were new people to connect with and new understanding and acceptance.

Are you willing to surrender up your old shame and guilt to allow the universe to create a completion in your life unlike anything you have ever experienced? Now is the time. By the middle of the month all the hard work will finally feel as if it is paying off. A gentle compassion, acceptance, and understanding will move you towards a new balance that you had previously thought impossible.

Allow this change of envelope and enfold your spirit. Allow the grief to be released as you find a place beyond pushing from your mind or ego. Know that you are enough.

Use what you have learned to create appropriate boundaries and expand your intuitive capacities. Trust life. Trust your crazy hair-brained schemes. Trust the flow that is going to take you to a new place whether you like it or not. So why not surrender to this thing that has taken over your life. After all you have a choice to enjoy and appreciate the journey through the eyes of your inner amazed childlike archetypes or you can allow your ego to tell you how horrible and difficult all this has been. Remember, “Bitching is Bragging” in the consciousness circles.

Lets find a way to be so present in the moment that this month’s experience is one of awe and amazement.


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