Monday, January 17, 2011

Intuitive Patterns for the Month of February 2011

February comes in with the tide turning in favor of greater simplicity, exploring pursuits that align with finding peace within your own nature, and the desire to go within.

The moose is classically about exploring self-esteem. But when I looked at this card I intuitively saw the solitary nature of a male moose. The feeling for February is about looking at what it takes to be still, in the present moment, and at peace with what is. Sometimes you must accept situations as they are and muddle through them with as much conscious dignity as is possible.

As humans we often think that if we could just figure out the right way or the right answer, then everything should work out. That is not always the case. Some things need to be accepted in compassion and peace. Sometimes there is no “right” answer. That is how life is. That is how this moment will feel for this month.

You may try to get overview from the hawk. You may try to aggressively push through oppositions and be angry with everyone and everything like the badger. But in the end what does it get you? This is where the moose seems to lead in the equation of understanding for the month of February.

A moose moves slowly. It is a big animal and rushing is not in the nature of this animal. Expelling too much energy during times of hardship is not going to work. A moose moves at the pace that is required to get you somewhere without wasting your life force and energy that you will probably need later.

We are in the depth of winter. The cold months call us to think, reflect, and calculate appropriately for our circumstances.

If you have had the opportunity to see a moose in the wild, it is always a startling event. It is amazing that the moose obviously knew you were there before you did. It is often hidden in the trees looking like a part of the branches of the forest. It is quietly watching. It makes no sound. It observes and watches to see what you are doing and if you are any threat. If it feels threatened it will definitely make itself known. But as a counter point a bear will attack before you know it is there. Not the moose. It is thinking about the options. It will always choose the path that will require the least amount of energy rather than the most.

This is where the moose has enough self-esteem and confidence in its abilities that is does not need to waste time or energy needlessly. A moose’s stance is one of maturity and control.

This is the path to take this month. You will see a lot of duality and options. But you must have the confidence that you are the master of your own destiny. You are mature enough to make a choice and stand by the consequences of that choice. There is no right or wrong. There is only the way that seemed the best option at the time based on your experiences and history.

Just remember that sometimes things are outside our realm of experience and then you have to rapidly choose and try new things. And sometimes that is the magical way through a challenging experience.

Know that you are going to be challenged in areas that are beyond your old reference points. Know that you are able and mature enough to find a hidden door by listening to your deep, inner self. You may just find that the correct approach is to allow others to observe you and know that there is actually no threat. Perhaps you will not have to fight the way you have had to in the past. Perhaps you will not have to figure out the right way. Perhaps you do not have to do anything and the situation will resolve itself right in front of you. This might be the moment when you find that you can actually relax and just be.


At 1:09 PM, Blogger Perfectly Imperfect Paige said...

Just had to pop in....felt the need to be in the mountains on my day off, so took a drive up the canyon. On the back side it started to snow...beautiful....only car on the road, went around the bend and there was a moose....she looked and me and I looked at her...a very powerful moment. This morning, I pop onto your blog....thank you for helping me clarify the message.

At 7:00 AM, Blogger Suzanne Wagner said...

Thank you for your lovely comment. I appreciate it when someone says something. I do not feel as if I am talking to myself.




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