Saturday, December 18, 2010

Announcing the Return of Carol Lessinger - Feldenkrais Practitioner

Announcing the Return of Carol Lessinger to Salt Lake City

I am so happy to announce that Utah's favorite Feldenkrais Practitioner has returned to Utah. After working for years at Eslan Institute, teaching and working in California, Carol Lessinger is back to work with those willing and wanting to explore consciousness through their body. She is an amazingly gifted practitioner of many methods of movement and intuitive flow.

A session with her is like no other. You will find your brain awakening to the held patterns within your body that are no longer serving you. As your awareness connects to your body, magically your body will unwind and rebalance itself into a new pattern of homeostasis.

Individualized sessions - known as Functional Integration (FI) - are performed with the client fully clothed, usually lying on a table or in a seated or standing position. At times, various props (pillows, rollers, blankets) may used to support posture or facilitate movements in patients who have limitations. Through gentle touch and a series of guided movements, a practitioner will develop lessons that are tailored to a patient’s unique structural needs with the goal of expanding flexibility and coordination.

To reach Carol Lessinger, you can call, (805) 907-6875.


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