Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Musings the week of July 17, 2012

Well even under the Mercury Retrograde for most of the month of August (as we will feel the Mercury Retrograde in Leo until about the 22nd of August) there seems to be some positive shifts happening. Perhaps I am slanted a bit as this is my favorite time of the year but I say that with a grain of salt. That is because in the technology world this retrograde has caused some challenges from July 13th forward for 3 and 1/2 weeks, at least. 

I choose to breath and let all the patterns do their thing without attempting to get in the way of the shifting sands of time. 

I think at this point all of us are a bit weary of wanting situations to be different then they are. That does not mean to stop dreaming or to actively work in the direction that your soul wants to move you but it does mean to be more realistic as to the timing of things. 

This revolutionary Aries energy pulling against the resistant Capricorn energy is making all shifts move slower than any of us want. I know and trust that change happens in its own time but it does seem like all of us have been waiting a long time, doesn't it?

It seems many of us are suffering from battle fatigue. We have been struggling with finances, personal issues, emotional patterns, jobs, taxes, etc. and all of us have been attempting to change the way we have been living our lives. Sometimes you just want a break so you can catch your breath and look calmly at things in ways that allow for clear and methodical thinking. 

This does not seem to be that moment. As much as all of us keep trying. On some levels it is better. Perhaps it is just that our expectations are not as high at the moment. Perhaps we have learned to be more in the moment. 

I know for myself I seem to enjoy a slower pace in my life and I am attempting to do things that I have wanted to do for a long time. When things were so busy before, I did not have the time. Now, there is no excuse. I have the time and so there is a new place to sit in quiet and do the writing of my new book that I have so wanted to do. 

On that level I feel very accomplished and a new voice is emerging from having the time to work creatively in peace and quiet. But all the while, I am still hearing the voice in my head that tells me that it wants to be busier. I know that is just my ego attempting to move me out of acceptance into some pushed drama that has worked so successfully for years. I am grateful that it does not work anymore. At least not in the same way. 

I remind myself that I am happier and in a place where my essence can flow naturally into what ever that is. I finally do not have an agenda the way I used to. That is really wonderful. 

So, even though I know these are times that many are feeling discontented, I am attempting to find the beauty and perfection that is this life at this time. In this slower pace I can connect with people on a deeper and more authentic level. I do not need to rush or push information at people so much as now I have time to feel into the authentic flow that is the energy merging between us. I can feel how together we are creating something in this moment together. We are co-creators and dancing with the colors and sounds of this moment. It is precious and simple.

Know that you are all divine. Know that you are perfect right now and that something is whispering to you from the silence of not knowing. Rest in that thought and allow a fresh light to pour through you to manifest your unique qualities that you had hidden away until you needed them. 

They are right there. You just need to get still to let them integrate properly into you present reality. Wisdom does not show up until it is needed and your soul calls upon it. We are there. You are calling it out. Now let the mind go and allow this new awareness to penetrate through the tough shells of your opinions, positions, beliefs, and perspectives. Then you will find that you are what you seek.


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