Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Ralfee Finn's Weekly Frequency, April 4-10, 2012

Well today Mercury is officially not retrograde. Thank the Stars! But I am feeling exhausted in interesting ways. I am working on my new book, Becoming Authentic - Lessons in Tantra. I am very excited by it and I wrote 15 pages on Sunday.

Yes, I was on a roll. Then I had a busy day on Monday with work and yesterday I managed to write another 8 pages. All great news!

Today, is slower, some editing and planning out chapters that need to be written, stories that I want to include and placing some structure into the flow of the book. I think it is going to be really wonderful. I just want a bit more juice to spur me forward.

I was grateful reading Ralfee's weekly update because then I didn't feel so bad. Seems I am right in the astrological flow! Ha!

Sending positive energies out to everyone in this challenging time. We are all counting the days till some of the retrogrades decide to go forward finally!

I hope that my workshops come together that are coming up in April. I will be sharing some of my new information about relationship with my Relationships Class in Orem in June 30-July 1, 2012. I hope to see some of you there. It is going to be a great class!

Enjoy Ralfee's update below!


For the next several weeks, the planets are rearranging their positions, providing a rare opportunity to experience the Wheel of Life in motion. And although it can be argued that this great karmic turning is always taking place, we seldom have a chance to witness as well as experience its recalibration so potently. Many of us could feel pulled in a new direction, as if caught by mighty undercurrents and powerless to override their strength. Others, compelled by new inspiration and aspiration, could experience an overwhelming desire to set their personal course toward what previously felt unachievable. Still more are likely to feel their feet on the ground for the first time in what has seemed like too long, and that grounded-ness is sure to give birth to a new sense of purpose and enterprise. Wherever you find yourself along this spectrum of adjustment, know that you are in process. The current astral rotation occurs in its own time, and there is no pushing it to hurry up nor negotiating with it to slow down.
Mercury Retrograde ended on April 4, at 6:11 a.m. EDT. (I can hear that sigh of relief.) Mars Retrograde ends on April 13, at 11:52 p.m. EDT. (I can feel the anticipation.) But that doesn’t mean that either planet will gain forward momentum quickly. Mercury takes until Monday to resume its normal quicksilver pace. Mars takes much longer; it won’t be up to its competitive capacity until the end of the month. So continue to be patient and don’t expect any one area – especially the area you most need to budge – to move at a satisfying rate.
The last several months of retrograde review, reflection, and reconsideration have been uncomfortable and disconcerting for several reasons. Mars, retrograde in Virgo, focused on details that couldn’t be overlooked or finessed, no matter how huge the effort to sweep them under the carpet. Mercury Retrograde amplified that Martian review, and added the extra element of instability, as Uranus helped to spotlight stagnation and atrophy. If you haven’t identified that one persistent repetitive pattern—or what I like to call the karmic red thread—that has held you hostage to patterns you’ve tried repeatedly to transform, keep looking. Use the forward, yet deliberate pace of the next few weeks to isolate that theme. Many of us have experienced it as that one issue of truth that must be faced. For some, that thread appears to be financial, but don’t be fooled by surface appearances; money could symbolize deeper issues of personal worth. For others, the theme is all about betrayal, but again, penetrate the depths of your despair, and be willing to explore your role in the dynamic. For even more, the retrograde red thread been deeply emotional, surfacing issues of longing for connection and meaning through love, home, and safety, as well as the longing to be seen and received fully by family, friends, or lovers. From a spiritual perspective, many have simply yearned for the deeper truth of the heart.

Mostly retrogrades are about frustration, especially when Mercury and Mars—the two planets that drive the mechanics of daily life are both in “reverse.” But nothing that occurs in the sky is ever solely about superficial indications. The shifts of the coming weeks allow all of us an opportunity to witness what occurs when individual responses to persistent personal themes coalesce into a collective mood. Gather your strength and hold true to your vision of what’s possible, and continue to put your soul power to the karmic wheel.


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