Saturday, March 31, 2012

Got this one from Facebook. I thought it was great!

Isn't that the truth! This is a year when if it was not clear that the past was truly gone then it is about to become clear.

So now, in this new space of openness, what is it we want to create?

You are not your past. Your past is but the tool of your consciousness for awareness and expansion. The true value lies in what is ahead. But do not forget the incredible value that is this moment. There are no better moments than this one if we learn to appreciate and open to the infinite that is right in front of us. There are miracles happening all around you right now.

Can you see them? Are you willing the witness the beauty and fullness that is life right now?

In this moment can be perfect peace and devotion. In this moment can be clarity and trust. In this moment is life and love. Are you big enough to feel all that is present in your life?

Let us all join together and find out right now.



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