Friday, March 23, 2012

Question posed from one of my clients. And my answer. I thought it might help others.

This was a question I got from one of my clients. It is a great reflection of what I am hearing from lots of clients right now. So I thought I would put it out for everyone. I hope it helps others in similar circumstances.

My Client said:

"What is going on? my whole life is Up , Down, Down , Up. I am in tears, I cant make anything go right, I cant keep a job, I cant raise this child, I have to move I am broke, I can't even decide where to move to and everyday the dynamics of my life are different. I'm so sick of doing everything on my own. I have never felt this way. I keep thinking if I just hold on a little longer it will get better but it doesn't, then it does for a few days, then it doesn't. And as usual I look around and I feel like everything else is fine, and everyone else is fine. So what the hell Is my problem. Why am I such a mess."

My Answer:

Well, first of all, no one is fine! I got 40 voice mails the other day with everyone in a panic. I tried to warn everyone in 2007 that no one has seen this pattern astrologically in 300 years. I had people screaming at me and telling me the good times will always roll.

I told them the good times never always roll. But no one would believe me and projected all over me because I was not telling them what they wanted to hear. It was so hard it made me sick on and off for over a year. As you know, I am the optimist, so being the bearer of challenging news is not what I like either.

Then the downturn hit and **** hit the fan for 3+ years. And I have watched practically everyone I know loose most or everything. My clients are coming back and apologizing for dumping all over me and saying, "I should have listened more closely to you."

At least now I do not feel like I was completely crazy.

I listen to the news and the announcers say, "Oh, we are coming out of this recession."

My question is, "Really! Do they actually believe what they are saying?"

Most of the people I know in their 50's have lost so much that they will never be able to retire. Most people are so down that they are getting sick from the stress.

It has been an intense for most.

So you are not alone.

Right now is particularly challenging because we are having 6 retrogrades in 6 months. If you think people are grumpy now, just wait till the eclipse hits on May 20th. Then you will see revolutions or revelations. Things will start to crop up globally as everyone has really had enough.

Right now we have Mars retrograde in Virgo. That translates to that we have no energy, drive, vitality, or gumption in the areas of our body, work, or our desire to serve others. That will change April 13th and trust me everyone is counting the days. At least we will feel as if our energy gets back into a more normal motivational flow.

We also have a Saturn retrograde until June 25th. Saturn represents father figures, bosses, and authority figures. When Saturn is retrograde it feels as if timing is off. So no matter what you try to get going it is difficult at best and at worst it will just not work at all. Sometimes with a Saturn retrograde, the delay will end up helping because right now you cannot see clearly anyway. You might miss a critical piece and only later will you be happy that you waited to get all the information before you jumped.

I remind myself right now with this aspect, "If you don't know, then don't go!"

Then we have a Mercury retrograde and that creates miscommunications and delays. Now there are other aspects that indicate that things are being kicked forward but that is not because of Mercury.

In April we are going to have Pluto go retrograde for months but a Pluto retrograde will not be as bad as the rest of all this right now. But we do need to watch out for those eclipses on May 20th and June 4th, those are really going to take a hit for some folks. Particularly the Gemini's, Virgo's, and the Sagittarius's.

In our own lives, an eclipse may point to an area of imbalance and raise our consciousness to this so that we may respond, resulting in more satisfying conditions. Eclipses are the universes great course correctors. So if you are off course you will feel an eclipse move you into new directions. How forceful that eclipse hits depends on how direct it hits your chart personally and in what location of your chart it is impacting. But also you have a choice to resist or to go with the flow of the change being initiated. If you resist the change then it can be a painful process. If you allow the flow to just take you over and surrender into the current that life is taking you, it will hurt less.

Here are the eclipse dates for the remainder of 2012:

Solar Eclipse, May 20, 2012 at 0° Gemini

Lunar Eclipse, June 4, 2012 at 14° Sagittarius

Solar Eclipse, November 13, 2012 at 21° Scorpio

Lunar Eclipse, November 28, 2012 at 6° Gemini

We are also having the beginnings of some nasty squares between Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn. The last time we had these aspects was the great Depression. I expect no matter what happens that there will be some big global events that will effect all of us in some sort of way.

Here are the squares and the dates to be aware of:

This global square aspect that lasts overall from the years 2012 to 2018 – has an amazing seven (7) exact squares that form between 2012 and the year 2015:

1. June 24, 2012 – first global square at 8-degrees Aries/Capricorn

2. September 19, 2012 – second square at 6-degrees Aries/Capricorn

3. May 20, 2013 – third square at 11-degrees Aries/Capricorn

4. November 1, 2013 – fourth square at 9-degrees Aries/Capricorn

5. April 21, 2014 – fifth square at 13-degrees Aries/Capricorn

6. December 15, 2014 – sixth square at 12-degrees Aries/Capricorn

7. March 16/17, 2015 – seventh square at 15-degrees Aries/Capricorn

Uranus/Pluto square to one another from Aries to Capricorn features radical and sometimes dramatic changes in how society functions, putting pressure on the basic objectives, desires, objectives, or goals of all groups, organizations, and countries.

Sometimes things have to get this bad before we make the hard choices and take a brutally honest look at our life, our self, and our choices. Misery is a way we finally tell our self the truth about what is working or not working. It can be a hard wake up call.

2011 was the worst for me. I do not think I have ever had a year like 2011. It never seemed to want to end. Thank the stars that I know about astrology and the unfolding of patterns. It helps to know when some pattern will end. I always say, "I can do anything as long as I know for how long."

So I did what I know to do in such situations. I sat in the misery of it. I know that sounds horrible but sometimes that is the only thing to do.

I sat and observed the misery of what I was feeling and I kept reminding myself that I am not this misery. I am have a feeling of misery but it is only a feeling. I reminded myself that I am not what I feel, I am not what I think, and I am not this body, that my soul is bigger and vaster than this narrow representation of DNA and circumstances that I am presently experiencing.

I asked myself the question, "What is the value of going through this pattern right now?"

The answer for me was to see the resentment and anger that I had buried for a long time. Perhaps lifetimes. Only because of the circumstances in that moment in time, was I able to see what was really going on internally. I could not be my high self. I got to see my negative human self. And she was not happy and she was not pretty to see. But I knew that what I was feeling was very old. Past life old and I needed to see it to shift it.

I started looking at all the times in my life when I had avoided this anger and resentment. And I chose to accept my anger and resentment and love myself anyway.

It took me over a year to do it. But then it finally cleared.

These patterns we are in are astrological. They are cycles of time. They always shift. You just sometimes need to know when they are going to shift. That is when I fall back to my astrology. It clearly shows when doorways open and close.

So, what do you need to tell yourself the truth about? What is the misery you have been avoiding feeling? Remember you are not this emotion. You are just experiencing this emotion temporarily. What is the value of it? What ego pattern needs to be broken down in this way?

Then stop fighting. Surrender into the larger flow of your soul essence. Say to the universe, "Okay, you win? Show me the truth and then show me the doorway through and I will jump, no matter how scared I am. I will trust in something bigger than my ego or mind."

Then wait and listen for an answer.

There is always a way through that you often cannot see because you are so close to the door.

My favorite phrase through this time was, "I do not need to see the door to feel the doorknob."

Right now you cannot see because you are in the dark. But the more afraid you are, then the closer to the door you are. Obviously the door must be right in front of you.

Take a breath, slow down, feel into your heart, trust that the universe is actually trying to give you a life that is a better reflection of your authentic self.

You know the way but you are just afraid of change. Who isn't? Perhaps a Guru, but none of us pretend to be there.




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