Thursday, March 08, 2012

Intuitive Patterns for the Month of March 2012

Welcome to being deeply in the Mars retrograde for the month of March. Each of you will respond differently to the burden of details that this pattern confers. So remember to take breaths and to do one thing at a time. Do not expect much progress or to have anyone notice how hard you are working. Try to not panic about the financial situation and plan ahead if at all possible.
Have a financial reserve or a back up plan and you will navigate this energy better. The value you will get from holding firm and not getting caught up in the drama unfolding around you will come later after this astrological pattern releases in April and May.
We do have a windfall from March 12-18, as there will be a grand trine in earth between Virgo, Taurus, and Capricorn. This gives a much needed financial boost to the earth signs and a bit of help to some other signs if we know what to do when the opportunity presents itself. Every bit helps in these moments of intense stress. So keep an eye peeled for doorways when you least expect them.
Just remember that what goes around does come back around eventually. Since that is the case it is best to watch what you say and my motto is, “Don’t let 85% of the stuff in my mind get out my mouth!”. Everyone is feeling at his or her personal edge and it is not nice to push anyone beyond the point of no return.
This is the moment to turn inward and to find the source that is within you. You can focus on the fact that you feel dragged down and feel as if you are stuck in a pattern that you may never get out of or you can calm down and begin to analyze the situation with a calm mind and heart.
If you just look within, you would realize that you are a whole, beautiful, and amazing being. That in of it self might be just what you need to have the courage to keep on going when the going gets tough.
Do not let your mind drag you into the hopelessness of past situations and challenges. You were in that pit all last year and where did it get you? So let’s try something different.
This month is about moving forward, perhaps an inch at a time. Pay attention to what you choose to focus on. Whatever you focus on, your mind will magnify that thing, pattern, or perspective. It is important to not let your mind make you into a wasteland just when we are so close to an internal and external shift that will allow a calmed and more powerful expression of you in the world.
The key word for March is “gentleness”. In order to be gentle you need to find a place of stability internally. When you are loving and gentle with the monumental shifts you have done over the past few years and have come to a place of acceptance then you can allow others the luxury experiencing your gentleness in the face of their upset and chaos. The greatest gift you can give anyone is the reflection of love and acceptance. Be the face of someone who understands and has walked through the fire also. Now here you are in front of them and you are showing them that there is a way through and you are the reflection of wholeness and peace. If you can do it so can they. Your presence can give them the courage and reference point to keep going when they believe that they can’t go another step.
I remember many years ago when I had a friend dying. When I entered the hospital room he was so frightened. He was panicking and acting out in ways that had the staff and nurses exhausted and frustrated.
I walked in and took a deep breath and dropped into the place of compassion and understanding of the circumstances in which he was. I felt into the place of how I would feel if I were him in that moment. And I felt the place of connection from his heart to mine.
Immediately he looked at me and something in his brain shifted. He stopped acting out and stood there as if he was suddenly rooted to the ground.
He was.
I was connecting him to the earth with my heart, my compassion, and my understanding. He was dying and he was frightened as he was letting go of this earthly existence. He felt lost and ungrounded.
Somehow my presence, acceptance of him, and compassion allowed him that moment of connection and that gave him the stability to become himself again.
This month we are experiencing the need to find stable ground in tremendously difficult situations. For each of us that challenge will be different. But we can remember to turn inward and ground into our internal source.
Within us, our soul is a small nuclear power plant. We have tremendous resources if we just would practice the patience to go within and uncover the vast potential we hold.
Once we have that awareness grounded in place, they we can see the needs of others and we can have compassion for their journey. It is our presence that changes another’s experience. Not necessarily the words we speak.
So this month, speak few words. Let those words be generated from a grounded compassion from your heart for everyone and everything.


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