Intuitive Patterns for the Month of April 2012
We are coming into the home stretch of the Mars retrograde. Yea! It leaves on April 13, 2012 and we will feel as if things are moving forward once again. This particular Mars has been very challenging for many and all of us should feel grateful that at least we had the softening watery effect of Neptune in Pisces helping us through it all.
Regardless is has been a lot to handle. We are not remotely done but sometimes you have to celebrate the small breakthroughs along the way to get the energy and joy back into alignment with your soul.
This month there is a lot of love available if you remember to nurture yourself and others along the way. Just pay attention to what shows up in your space and do what is necessary to keep going. Try not to plan too far into the future as there is monumental flux going on until the middle of the year that it is a waste of energy to try to figure out what the universe has planned totally.
My joke to myself is, “The angels and guides do not always let me in on the plan. Probably because my awareness is limited and I would not believe them even if I was told what the pathway ahead looked like.”
April is a fiery flow of energetic shifts and emotional upheavals. You may feel moments of intense sorrow and then in the next moment you will be able to see more clearly. Sometimes our old emotional baggage blocks us from seeing what is right in front of us. Only by releasing and experiencing our emotions do we create enough internal space that our perception is finally able to become aware of other things. It takes huge amounts of energy to hold down past emotional traumas. This month we need all our energies for conscious constructive forward movement.
The energies of April allow you to let go and to find a new flow. But sometimes releasing emotion looks like a volcano erupting. When energy has been held back and denied expression it builds up to a breaking point. It is important to be very responsible for what you are expressing and to whom.
Remember it is not about what others do but how you respond to others in those situations that make the greatest difference. Sometimes people know that they are lashing out at us and other times they are so caught in their own drama and pain that they are mindlessly spewing the muck out to anyone around them.
That is never pleasant to be around but it again is about taking responsibility for our personal experience.
I remind myself that no matter what, I am going to have to live with myself later. So do I want to feel horrible at my negative over-reaction to situations or would it be wiser to observe and let the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune pass around me rather than through me.
Almost always someone’s reaction is about him or her. Rarely is it about you. You might be the unknowing trigger. Your request might be the straw that broke the camels back but from your perception you just thought that you had a piece of straw to hand the person. Nothing more.
From this place of newfound clarity and internal space find ways to create more intimacy with those you love. Let go of the old co-dependant neediness. Just choose to have fun in sacred and deep ways.
I find life is about learning how to create containers of energy for particular life patterns and circumstances. Containers are the structures that we need to address our wants, insecurities, and boundaries. It is important that you know what you want and need to feel safe enough to move into uncharted territories.
Now you do not always get what you want. But by expressing your truth you begin to weave a web upon which you can have safety for when you take that leap off the trapeze.
Because you know life will make you jump at some point. So if you are jumping let’s create as much support and safety as we can before we go.
That is what consciousness is about. Having the awareness of your needs for this moment. And then sometimes even when you do not get what you want to have the courage to move anyway.
It is not about manipulating others to get your childish/narcissistic needs met. You do not grow from always getting what you want. But you can grow when you express to others that you want to shift even if you are afraid.
When you request certain structures, this will allow your mind to stop fighting. Then others will be able to give feedback about those requests and support the emerging you.
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