Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Ralfee Finn's Weekly Astrological Report for Feb 29-March 6, 2012

Here is Ralfee's Weekly Forecast. Enjoy!

Start your backups, now. And don’t procrastinate. On March 12, Mercury begins its first retrograde phase of 2012, a phase that lasts until April 4 and a phase that runs concurrently with the continuing Mars Retrograde (which we already know doesn’t end until ten days later, on April 14).

Because Mercury and Mars drive the mechanics of daily life, we tend to feel the effect of their simultaneous retrogrades quite keenly – so keenly, that non-believers often convert into astrological zealots. Mercury represents travel, transportation, commerce, and every little thing related to communication. Mars signifies mobility and movement, from moods to muscles to meetings. When they both seemingly travel in reverse, life on Earth resembles an obstacle course of technicalities and trivialities. Patience is a must during any retrograde phase, but especially this one. Skins, already thin from the grueling, yet subtle, effect of the last six weeks of Mars Retrograde, are likely to grow increasingly sensitive over the course of the coming weeks, as Mercury Retrograde kicks in.

While most of us know the Mercury Retrograde drill – review, reflect, and reconsider plans and projects already in motion – this Mercury Retrograde has a unique signature. Mercury goes retrograde in a conjunction to Uranus – a dynamic interaction that begins this week and continues for the first three weeks of March. I love this conjunction because it symbolizes the ability to “think different.” Uranus signifies invention, independence, and revolution; it catalyzes whatever is stagnant and in need of a creative shift. When it combines with Mercury, it stirs mental processes that help the mind to free itself from the shackles of convention. Until the retrograde begins on March 12, this conjunction is going to have minds moving at a breakneck pace. Just don’t lose sight of the speed bumps ahead. By March 9, as Mercury starts to slow down in preparation for its “turn-around,” many creative excursions could run into roadblocks.

This week, we are in the grip of a Sun/Mars opposition that is exact and separating on Saturday, which means we will be feeling its presence well into the beginning of the next workweek. This is a tense interaction that fuels egos and then temper tantrums as a way of assuaging frustrated ambitions. Unless it is really worth fighting over, just let it go – it will be good practice for the coming weeks, when frustration levels are certain to be challenged. Mars doesn’t make direct contact with Mercury during their shared retrogrades, but we will still feel its assertive presence.

Use this week for preparation. Back up everything, and don’t forget to include your tax information. Most importantly, do whatever it is you do to maintain an even keel, and if at all possible, help your fellow travelers to do the same.


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