Friday, August 05, 2011

Expansion and the Allowing of the Energy of August to Bring You Inner Peace.

I thought this fun/crazy hair picture from Hawaii last year would be fun to put on the blog. I seem to have curl when I am in that kink of wind and humidity. Hope you all have a great laugh.

I have finished 95% of the building of my new office extension on my home in California. So right now I am sitting overlooking the beautiful redwoods and Mendocino coast in the distance. I have some of my furniture out of storage and I am feeling more settled and at peace.

What a long and emotional road this shift has been for me. There has been so much happening over the past year and a half. The letting go of the old patterns within myself has been insightful. As a Leo, (a fixed fire sign) I find some types of big changes to be challenging.

I must admit to you that this has probably been the biggest shift I have ever done in my life.

After being tucked in, safe and secure, in Salt Lake City since 1982, the process of moving and letting go of so many things that I had seen as security in my life, has been a tremendous gift. It also has made me question so many aspects of my reality and redefine what is important in life.

I am so grateful to be on this side of the shift but I must tell you that my mind struggled with the complete rearranging of my habits and tendencies. I know it is good to shake things up but the process of admitting to myself that what I had created was no longer serving the growth of my soul was very difficult.

It has been an amazing process to begin to find another pace than the one that I have lived my life by for so long. But I am getting the hang of it now and I am so appreciative to be able to spend more time with clients without feeling rushed. I am finding a deeper intimacy with my clients, more humor and grace, and an ability to feel intuitively into the subtle energy patterns of each person in a new and amazing way.

The result has been clients growing and expanding much more rapidly and a newfound confidence in the intuitive information that I am giving them. It is as if I have a key to a new place within that is allowing me to explain and share information in a way that serves and opens.

At times I have amazed myself! I have been able to feel more depth than ever before. It is as if the redwoods are teaching me the power of stillness and observation.

It is a beautiful thing.

There really is no choice but to flow with this pattern of energy that is here. The breath of the redwoods dominates the entire space. I feel the redwoods call the moisture off the ocean at night and then I watch the mist roll in responding to the call of the trees. The mist bathes everything in magical light. The quiet allows the most subtle sound to suddenly seem large. The trees and forest are like a giant lung breathing in and out. The mountains and forest breathe in and with wind comes up the mountain from the ocean bringing the moisture. Then the wind from the land, exhales and the wind flows down the mountain with its warmth.

It is natural. It is organic. It is peaceful. And I feel it taking over my body and breathing me into its flow.

Then there are moments like right now, where the wind is silent. No wind, no movement, stillness and a deep pause of peace. This energy is regenerative and calming.

How much my nervous system has needed and longed for this place. I find it amazing how a location can change your entire perspective and mindset.

My past life had been a busy, conglomeration of cities, art, culture, languages, philosophy, and metaphysical seeking. I have always loved nature and that is what drew me to move in the direction of the shamanic teachings of north and south America. It is amazing that when you allow a person to go back into nature, how much nature teaches from the place of silence, acceptance, and trust.

In our desire for success and constant movement we can loose site of the things that give us what we are really seeking, which is an acceptance and understanding of our self. We think we will accept ourself when we have success, money, fame, or power. But the first step is to know yourself from a deep place of love and understanding.

How can you connect in a deep way to another if you do not know how to connect with your own deepest self.

I have a client that is awakening to the rewiring of her entire nervous system because of an Asian energy practice.

I am watching with amazement how she is unfolding the dysfunctional aspects of her nervous system and begin to learn how to run energy in a more healthy way for her body. I can see her mind as it wants to yank her back into the old habits. I can see the struggle between organic expression of mind and body and the desire of the mind to continue the patterns of the past.

Fortunately, I know what is going to win. The power of health, balance, and well being is always stronger if the person has the opportunity to find tools that with allow them to experience another way that has ease and grace.

So take the warmth of August and allow yourself to expand and explore new opportunities for yourself. You will find yourself and in doing that the happiness you feel for you will expand and infuse love and light to all you know.


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