Friday, June 03, 2011

Intuitive Patterns for the Month of July 2011

All we have in life are our choices. Each choice propels us down a pathway that becomes the unfolding that is to become this life. What life has chosen to manifest for us has many contributing factors, such as: what did we come into learn and accomplish in this life, what past life experiences color and mold the flavor of this life, do we break through issues of emotional blockage and break through to an authentic expression of our being, learning acceptance and trust in the flow of appropriate timing for our soul, and have we become appreciative and present to the magic that is constantly reflected in this life’s expression?

Those are huge issues to learn to navigate while somehow managing to survive, make money, deal with the complexities of children, be responsible, contribute to life as a whole, and plan for the future.

There is a fine balance between knowing that what is supposed to come to you will manifest and actively working on becoming aware of patterns and issues that need to be healed, let go of, modified, and matured.

The astrology of the past few years has hit everyone in ways that have changed us in a big way. You probably do not feel the same way about your self and your life.

Illusions and delusions have dissolved. That has been replaced with a more mature view of reality that has required a tremendous amount of patience, communication, planning, structure, and owning of the responsibility that is your life.

That doesn’t sound so glamorous, does it? I am sure it has not felt as fun as living in the illusion of “What if?”

Though what is does give is a taking charge of yourself in a way that serves not only yourself but also all those you touch. When your head is not in the clouds you project a more grounded, reliable, and stable possibility for others. You become a person upon whom they can depend.

There is peace when you are in the present moment and not chasing cobwebs in your mind. There is also a slowing down that comes with acceptance of this moment as perfect that allows you to enjoy the simple things and just be.

Do you want to live a life where you are constantly trying to get somewhere and never feeling as if you arrive?

Of course not!

In life there is always one more thing to do, one more issue to address, or one more problem to solve.

There is no “there” to find.

Life is just a constantly evolving equation of choices and actions that become the description of your life.

It is you that has to find the meaning in each of those actions. When you can find meaning in your choices and actions, then you arrive at some degree of wisdom. When you can hold your own wisdom in the present moment, you can then impart that wisdom to others and assist them in also finding their own truth.

It will never really be your exact truth. They may not come to the conclusion that you did. They have their own energetic patterns to unravel and understand. That is what makes it so interesting.

I personally love hearing about what others discover about life, consciousness, and truth. It often enhances my own understanding, even deepening it. Sometimes it challenges me to take another look at a perception or conclusion that I believed to be true.

No matter what I know that I have to stay in the present to gleam the bits of awareness from others and integrate them into my life.

Or not.

I know that my way is not the only way. However, sometimes I am not able to completely connect to someone’s experience in a way that I can integrate successfully into my own patterns.

Historically I have found that things that made no sense at one point will often make sense later on, often years into the future. That is when I get those breakthrough moments and my brain suddenly understands. I love when I can experience the sublime momentary clarity for the complex dance that is my life. I then can appreciate what I had to do in order to have certain personal, physical experiences before I could come to a place of understanding.

There are no quick fixes. There is only the pathway that aligns with your present state of awareness and your willingness to accept it and move towards your own flow.

Listen to that calm place inside and know that you will find the way.

Trust life and your heart to follow a pathway that allows for your continued growth.

Let peace and presence become the guiding force of your being.

"Tantra says that there is nobody above you whom you have to follow, through whom you have to get your pattern."


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