Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I'm back from vacation

I had a wonderful time in Hawaii. I always go at this time of the year. It is great. I take each of my neices and nephews when they turn 17 or 18. It is a wonderful time for them to get away from their routine and stretch their wings.

This year I took my neice Kaitlin. We all had a great time swimming with dolphins, snorkeling, and playing in the wind and waves of Hawaii.

Now, I am back to work and will be teaching a Tarot workshop this weekend at my house. If you are interested please call my office and register at (801) 359-2225.

Here is a poem that I wrote while in Hawaii. I hope you all enjoy. I will write more later when I have the time.

Earth Movements in the Now

Shifts happen as spontaneously as rainbows in storms.
They are intimately connected.
I am becoming one with the self within.
Cultural anchors become clearer.
Yet, they evaporate like mist in the dawning light of awareness.
Today breathes me.
Inward, outward the pulse of my heart reminds me.
Relaxing into the pushes and pulls of life I begin to flow.
Everything is beating to life’s demanding rhythm.
It will continue beyond humanity.
Beyond the beliefs and perspective that limit us.
We dance in the in-between.
That space that exists between birth an death.
So brief is that time, yet so vast are the possibilities.
Infinity exists in this moment.
Do you feel it calling out the options your mind rejects?
Life’s gift is not in the power but in the recognition of moments.
Each as precious as a snowflake in its uniqueness.
Each a jewel that can be revealed with calculated strokes of the master cutter.
Tomorrow does not exist when one connects to the ever present.
Light reminds us of the possibilities now.
To be like the plants and to not wait for tomorrows sun.
That is a good goal.
We are the pushes and pulls.
We are a part of this world regardless of the illusion our mind tells.
Yet, we can only move beyond by embracing what is.
Listen to the flow.
We are not separate.
Yet, we are infinitely more.
Fear stops us.
Mind refuses to move without answers.
How silly that seems in the greater pattern of life.
Surrendering into the now is as easy as breathing.
But it is difficult to breathe beyond self.
To breathe into everything and everyone in the letting go of separateness.
That is a game to challenge the dynamic force of the human spirit.


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