Saturday, December 15, 2007

Blinding Light Song-Lessons in Tantra from the Dakini's

Blinding Light Song

In the blinding light of crisp snow, the wind spoke like dewy clouds into my mind. I closed my eyes to listen more intently to the subtle lingerings of loves light upon my body.

Oneness permeated everything in a transparent gaze caressing the delicate hairs on my body in energizing touches and whispered passions. How I love that feeling of expanded beingness beyond the known mind or body. I felt the presence that is God, that is all. I noticed the separateness that is such a strong illusion within the realm of consciousness. But illusion nonetheless.

An interesting thought arose. I yearned to dissolve into the timelessness of linear time. To become that which is Maya again for the joy of suffering. To become the dance of density to cut the cords of samsara binding and blinding man to their preoccupation with self.

The wind whips around me intensifying the transformation of pristine awareness. I see five paths converging in the future place, becoming one. My body perched above the sacred mandala between the desire realm and the realm of formlessness. Feeling the clarity of consciousness and the power of being merging into humanness.

I see the future as a maze of beings that have focused their power and light into one or more paths. I see each path in of itself lonely for something of which it knows not what. Yet, in that future space each path connecting to each other. Weaving a sacred damaru to bring each path into mergence with each other. None being more important than another. Each being honored and allowed to be their gift and doorway to love. Each path a mudra of the hands dancing together in the oneness of bliss and life. As the drum beats the paths expand into a concert of hearts and minds merging.

Preparation and accumulation, the flow of hands learning how to grasp and work.

Application, the teaching of what you know through showing and supporting others.

Vision and seeing, the inspiration of hands as they expand beyond self into the bliss of divine connection through healing and touching of body and soul.

Cultivation, being the compassion to instruct and support the journey of every soul and the allowing of the sacredness of each person’s process in their own time.

No more learning, being the stillness and total acceptance of knowing that all things are perfect and in their proper place and time. Hands beyond grasping or need. Total openness and the transparent transmission of light without obstruction. Dharmaadhatu complete again.

Energy and vitality aligned and reignited.

Light moves me. Love opens me. Winds curl the light in waves of love and pleasure through beingness. I am this symphony of physicality being conducted by the pulse of loves heart. Never separate. Never lost.

Concussive forces pound below my feet. Density not wanting to be denied. I lay my feet on the head of mankind’s attachment to thought and self. I place my head on the feet on those suffering and asleep to the magic that is ever present.

I am of time and of timelessness. Ever watchful to the dance that has always been.

Three roots flow out of my body into the ground showering blessings, transformational gifts of awareness and magic, and inspirational impulses that expand consciousness to humanity.

My heart pounds to the beat of the suffering. My spirit soars to the quiet of understanding and acceptance. My body weaves in the waves of life all around it. My breath inhaling the light into form.

Again and again I swirl in the rhythm of the four joys. Heart bones flowing like sand from my fingers into the desire realm for those who wish to become one.

Dance with me. Dance in me. Allow my heart to dance you into beingness.


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