Monday, September 04, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 9/5/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 9/5/17
9/5/17 is the number 6. I am glad that Mercury is finishing up its retrograde at the same time as we are in the number 6 and you need to look at some upcoming completion cycle. But there is a rush to judgment and to attempt to make decisions just for the sake of getting something/anything accomplished. So many are feeling trapped and in limbo-land that the frustration is reaching a new height. Making some attempt to finalize things before there is clarity. Making decisions that have long term consequences in such a tumultuous atmosphere is not always the wisest decision. Take a breath. Take your time. Take a good, hard, long, look at the potential outcomes of the choices you are making and recognize that you probably need a lot more information first before you reach a grounded, integrated conclusion.
For those who must return to work on Tuesday, allow extra time in traffic because Mercury is ending his retrograde cycle (since August 12), so be careful and watch out for others who are not paying attention. At the same time, ambitious Mars is moving into hard working Virgo until October 22. So, Tuesday brings a combination of mental sluggishness and the need to get to work. Needless-to-say, it is an astrologically busy day. The Sun perfects its opposition to Neptune shortly into the day, urging you to find a balance between action and reflection. A Venus-Chiron minor challenge this morning adds to the chaos and confusion. Blocks to intimacy are possible now as ups focus on differences rather than similarities in your relationships. Mars enters Virgo early today, where it will transit until October 22nd, and you have a passion for details and a need to do the right thing at just the right time. The satisfaction of a job well done is one of your greatest incentives when so much is happening and there is a swirl of shifting energies. You are more precise and concerned about external actions and your performance during this cycle. Over the coming weeks, problems with communications and decision-making you may have encountered while Mercury was retrograde should start to improve. Plans or projects that have stalled might now resume. You can be flooded with energies that are hard to make sense of as the change takes place today, however, and thus critical decision-making might be avoided for the time being, as everyone’s thinking is a bit skewed. In fact, with all of these influences and shifts occurring today, there are simply too many distractions and a general lack of clarity to deal with now to make significant decisions. A quincunx between Venus and Neptune this afternoon extends the theme of uncertainty and interrupts natural flow in your interactions.
~Suzanne Wagner~

There is no justification for singling out
and actively hurting others.
There is no justification for hate
and provoking lies that inflame others
to act out in ways that cause
destruction of property
or that cause pain and suffering.
The world deserves governments
with conscience and willingness
to educate everyone on an equal level.
Just because someone has power
does not mean they have compassion.
Just because someone has money
does not mean that they are generous.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Kindness heals.
Love transforms.
When people feel safe
they can accomplish
so much more
than you can imagine.

But you cannot love completely
when you ignore the truth.
You are not kind
when you turn a blind eye
to the suffering of others.

What I have seen is a conscious avoidance by so many who are unwilling to look, absorb, see, respond, feel, and deal with the harsh reality in which we presently find ourselves.
That type of choice (which is enacted because their life has not changed) is a type of selfishness that I did not believe such a large portion of Americans could even stomach.
If Hurricane Harvey taught us anything is that we are all in this together.
We are all one heart and one mind. When one of us suffers, in reality, we all suffer.
~Suzanne Wagner~


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