Sunday, September 03, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 9/4/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 9/4/17
9/4/17 is the number 5. I grieve for a world in chaos and upset with this number 5. I grieve for all those threatened by those with wealth and positions of power that care not for the deeper expressions of humanity. In such times, all any of us can do is be generous with our heart, energy, time, and finances. It is clear that what is saving so many is the generosity of the American spirit. That is something that I believe we can depend upon. Those who hold hatred in their hearts for others and want to cause pain and suffering to those that are different eventually over time diminish. Hate is hard to maintain. Hate takes a lot of energy. Love is effortless. Love is natural. Love shows us that you have to work at hate to keep it alive.
The Moon spends the day in Aquarius, helping you thrive on intellectual stimulation, progress. You are open to unusual or unconventional experiences. There is good energy today for team effort and productivity. Even so, there can be some disconnect between our feelings and our intellect with the Moon's opposition to Mercury. This conflict is exaggerated as retrograde Mercury moves to a station, exact tomorrow morning. As well, the Sun is moving towards an opposition to Neptune, and it can be exceptionally easy to get lost in fantasy as this pattern can make you feel directionless and not very up to facing everyday realities. Willpower is low. This is not a good time for major financial undertakings or formal agreements. The tendency to glamorize others or to put people on a pedestal can cause problems now. This can extend to situations and objects as well!
~Suzanne Wagner~

Each being you meet brings out a unique quality within you.
Each being that is in your life awakens unknown selves.
~Suzanne Wagner~

There is a place where fear lives.
It lives in the places of your unexplored self.
It is that place where you refuse to look.
It is that uncharted ocean
that waits for your ship to sail into
~Suzanne Wagner~



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