Sunday, August 27, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 8/28/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 8/28/17
8/28/17 is the number 10. There is always power in change and change is not the easiest to navigate because inherent in change is navigating situations with new eyes and not from the place of past patterns that used to work. The world is clearly in a place that it has never been. We cannot overlay old behaviors and choices in this new economic world. Technology takes us to very new places and because of that new rules and patterns have to be learned and implemented in order for us to move effectively forward. Look at the world with fresh eyes rather than the eyes of the past. So many things are progressing so rapidly that humanity has less time for nostalgia. Strong response to this world and the situations that so many are encountering is imperative. That conviction to choice and change seems lacking. There is an almost frozen fear in places of government. That is not good when so many things are in chaos in the world.
The Moon continues its transit of perceptive, passionate Scorpio until 3:48 PM EDT. Mercury forms a hard angle to Pluto, Scorpio's ruling planet, and you can be particularly curious about, or suspicious of, hidden agendas. It can be a good time to get to the bottom of a matter, but you may take this a little too far and miss the point. Watch for stressing out over small problems or spending far too much time on matters of little consequence now. The Moon moves into Sagittarius at 3:48 PM, and you are seeking a deeper meaning in your personal life. But now it shifts because of external circumstances to much bigger and potentially global issues. You might wrestle with overthink things this evening. However, after that you will find it much easier to enjoy yourself.

Looking ahead to September. Next month begins with Mercury still retrograde until the 5th. The interesting thing about that is that the communications planet turns direct at the same degree of Leo as the August 21 solar eclipse. Relationship planets Venus and Mars also pass over that sensitive degree in September. It is like the solar eclipse lasts longer because the same sensitive degree keeps being hit. We shall have to watch for greater meaning regarding that. All of the planets out to Saturn are now direct, so that picks up the pace and helps you move forward.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Never attempt to discern the truth
from a person’s words.
From that angle you will never
get the whole truth.
You must feel into a person’s
intention and integrity.
A person who cannot see beyond themselves
cannot feel into your heart.
A person who lives without integrity and honor
should not be given your respect.
Seeking those deeper truths
will always lead you
out of the darkness into the light.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Sending much love and light to those in the flooding in Texas. Praying for the poor animals that have been left behind and to those that are attempting to rescue all those in need. I know that the compassion of America is alive and well. Let this disaster remind all of us of the strength and compassion that is what our country is about.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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