Friday, September 01, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 9/2/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 9/2/17
9/2/17 is the number 3. The number 3 is the ultimate nurturer and the bringer of Unconditional Love. Hearts break open in deep compassion and there is a deep place of empathy unfolding because of the great need. We are in a time of reconciliation. There are many choices to be made and each choice you make is yours and yours alone to make. We are being asked to find the responsible provider, protector, healer, humanitarian within each one of us. In times of crisis the only choice is self-sacrifice, empathy, and the ability to help and compromise to find solutions to very difficult problems.
Wake up early Saturday morning as Mars trines Uranus, because this is a great energy for exercise or getting your blood circulating early in the day. Uranus wants to do something different than the normal routine. The Moon continues its transit of Capricorn until 4:08 PM EDT, and while you are inclined to stick closer to rules and traditions with this influence, a Mars-Uranus trine this morning wants us to get out of a rut and entertain new methods. This transit is nudging you to move out of your normal bounds or comfort zones. You are being asked to tune into your desire to make positive changes and improvements in the lives of others. Your soul wants to feel freer in thought and action. You yearn to move forward, and to live your life on your own terms now. You are willing to take a few risks because you feel more courageous than usual. There is an overwhelming desire to make things happen. But your inner core will not tolerate judgment, stupidity, or selfishness. The Moon enters Aquarius at tonight, at 4:08 PM EDT. Mars and retrograde Mercury are moving towards a conjunction, exact tomorrow morning, and this can stir up a lot of mental energy. This meeting occurs at the same degree of August's Solar Eclipse, suggesting movement on themes begun then. Expect a bit of a rocky road as many planets this next week hit the degree of that eclipse. Expect many things to become stirred up from the bottom of your old reality.
~Suzanne Wagner~

If you could really look into another’s eyes with total honesty,
you would cry at the difficulties that soul has weathered.
If you could really know the path another walked to be here,
you would never judge another person ever.
If you could see beyond the fear of true intimacy that holds you back,
you would see that perfect spark of divinity that is in each person.
~Suzanne Wagner~

There are no words that properly describe the courage and compassion of the people helping out in the Texas area. I am proud to be born and raised in this state. Texans have always been some of the friendliest people I have ever met. I know this is going to take years to recover. Please send the money in the best way you can to those suffering. Pick organizations that really know how to do this over years and that are accountable. Prayers and blessings to those in this devastation.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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