Monday, August 28, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 8/29/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 8/29/17
8/29/17 is the number 11. This number is associated with the archangel Uriel. The angel of right livelihood and work. Uriel guides you to the truth and nurtures an organic balance in all of life. It is the Justice card in tarot and so it is important to remember that balance needs to be brought back into alignment with the reality. This moment is a turn as you are looking at the beginning and the end. Only when you can see the outcome to choices and actions can you learn and grow into a place where you can make better choices in the future. An 11 moment is often a difficult time but that is where heroes rise up and places of humanity really shines.
Tuesday has minor energy bumps, but no problem as long as you do not try to go too fast. The First Quarter Moon occurs this morning when the Sun in Virgo forms a square with the Moon in Sagittarius. This astrology should make you feel compelled to take action. You are being made aware of how your actions affect those close to you, perhaps through trial and error. Whatever project or initiative you began around the New Moon/eclipse is now off the ground, and it may face its first obstacles. The desire to take care of business and pay attention to details is at odds with a need to expand, explore, and experiment. The Moon spends the day in Sagittarius, and the Sun forms a semi-square to Jupiter, Sagittarian ruler. You can feel some levels of discontent and you are inclined to overcompensate by taking on more or by going to excess. There can be elevated but unstable moods as they may not be based on reality. It is time to grow, improve, and expand, and it may be necessary to push some boundaries now, but it's best to do so gently.
~Suzanne Wagner~

You cannot sell dreams and illusions
when others are in a nightmare.
~Suzanne Wagner~

When you are in a nightmare you have to confront that darkness so that you can shift that energy back into a dream. But it is often nightmares that wake us up to the patterns of our deep subconscious that have been trying to get our attention. Learning to lucid dream is about remembering that you are sleeping and not completely awake. When you recognize that you are not awake then you can learn to alter and shift the nightmare into something that brings the unconsciousness conscious. I remember many years ago when I was in a nightmare which had me in an old overgrown zoo. I knew that I needed to make sure all the animals were out and free. I walked through this dark and scary place and most of the doors to the cages were open. But one was still locked. I looked inside and opened it. I went in attempting to see if anything was still in this place and alive. I could not see anything. So, I walked out but then I knew that something was following me. I turned around and a big King Kong monster was looming over me, attempting to frighten me. I realized in that moment that I was dreaming and that this was a part of my disowned self. Since I recognized that I was dreaming I knew that I could change everything in the nightmare because nothing was actually real. So, I sent pink love out from my heart to the Giant King Kong and he burst into a billion butterflies, expanding in the wind. Knowing that this last piece was free I calmly walked out of the zoo.
Right now, we are all together in a nightmare. It requires each of us to wake up and take responsibility for the monsters that we have created. Only you can shift those monsters. What you see is what you have created. What you confront are the aspects that you have not yet learned to love. Only you can change the nightmare into a dream. I am proud of my home state of Texas with all the kindness and regular citizens that are leaping into the fray to help. Texans are some of the kindest people I know. And Texans support their neighbors and friends. Once again, this event shows what “Real” Americans are all about. This insane government is doomed to failure until they come back to the principals and values that made this country the miracle it has always been.
~Suzanne Wagner~


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