Friday, August 25, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 8/26/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 8/26/17
8/26/17 is the number 8. I am grateful that in the day of “grief and loss”, astrologically things are improving for a moment with Venus going into the warm and generous place of Leo. Allow the warmth of this moment to give space, breath, and movement to the deeper sorrow that you hold inside. I have seen inside myself that I cannot do deep work such as grief until I feel very safe and heard. With this astrological aspect, there are those around you that wish to lend an ear and to hear the deeper truth that you have been withholding. You will know when it is the correct time. And when that moment happens allow the depth of your soul to be witnessed by another.
Venus is in Leon and will stay in the Fixed Fire sign until September 19th. During this transit, take pride in the things you love. Be generous with your money to those you deem in need. It's a warm-hearted, teasing, expressive, and proud placement for Venus. This is a moment when others feed on attention, acknowledgment, validation, and adoration during this transit. Watch for extravagance and for overstating your feelings simply for effect. The Moon continues its transit of Libra until 4:53 AM EDT when it enters Scorpio. The Moon in Scorpio is incisive, attached, and perceptive. The inferior conjunction of Mercury and the Sun occurs today, giving you a unique window into the past as it might impact your future. This is a good time for processing recent events and ideas, and for beginning to look at problems or issues from a new perspective and with a new understanding. Significant new ideas can be birthed at this time, and these are likely to have real staying power or importance in your life if you will allow that transformation to take place. How you use words and how you write now has an impact, for better or for worse. However, you may not have all the facts necessary to come to a conclusion, and might later have to revise plans or decisions made now.
~Suzanne Wagner~

I like being alone.
I have control over my space.
Therefore, in order to win me over
your presence has to feel
better than my solitude.
You’re not competing with another
person, you are competing
with my comfort zones.
~Horacio Jones~

The older I get the more I gravitate towards ease and grace. The less I want to be around those who cultivate chaos. There is enough chaos in the world right now and you can even talk about it without allowing that energy to infect your inner state of center and neutrality. Yet, there are those out there that want to pick a fight. And I personally have no need or interest to engage in dysfunctional discourse that is designed to make me change my mind. There are ways to listen to all sides and all perspectives without needing to take on another person’s perceptual bubble as “true”. Truth is relative to the level of internal exploration and awareness that a person has done. I recognize that I have done levels of inner work that made sense to me and that work has evolved and shaped me into this person you see. But my way is not necessarily the way that another person needs to evolve to awaken to their potential. Each person is on a very personal journey. Some lessons are not learned easily. Some lessons are resisted and fought against for lifetimes. But all lessons are eventually learned. I do not need to convince anyone of anything. It is ridiculous to think that you can open a closed mind. The hardest thing to do in these moments in history it to tell the truth in a neutral and non-attached way. Those that are ready to hear what I am attempting to impart will be impacted and affected. Those that are not willing to shift will not see anything I say or they will discount it as the ravings of some projected dysfunctional part of themselves that they cannot see. The enemy inside then is projected outside and they see in me that enemy. But when you know that you are not the enemy and that you hold only the light of truth, justice, and opportunity for all, then you can stand in the strong winds and not be moved regardless of how hot or violently that wind is hitting you.
~Suzanne Wagner~


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