Saturday, August 19, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 8/20/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 8/20/17
8/20/17 is the number 2. I am grateful that as people we are less superstitious about such things as eclipses. Science has saved humanity from the blindness that folklore and mythologies around religion have placed humanity in for thousands of years. Now humanity understands things scientifically and that allows for the stories of old terror and fear based realities to become exciting rather than frightening. So don’t allow the negativity to overtake you because you have facts and knowledge to pull you up and out. The worlds duality has never been more pronounced. It is your response to it that is going to make or break down your own personal karmic suffering. Ultimately the number 2 is about bring together the duality into oneness. I pray that this is a time when we come together and find ways to create partnership rather than separation.
Sunday is very active as we build up to the total solar eclipse. The Sun makes a fun trine to Uranus, so you can meet new, different and even eclectic people preparing for the big eclipse. You are being energized by a Mars-Jupiter sextile, encouraging enterprise and confidence for taking action on your convictions, as well as an approaching Sun-Uranus trine, encouraging you to embrace change and progress. While these are energizing and motivating influences and you should take advantage of them to inspire confidence in your plans, the Moon is Balsamic as the New Moon occurs tomorrow and is a total Solar Eclipse, and you should make some effort to wind down. New directions are in the works, and today's new beginnings may not pick up wind. A Mercury-Venus semi-square can point to some difficulties focusing and getting the right message across. You can be hypersensitive, and you may lack mental discipline now. However, you are enthusiastic and open.
~Suzanne Wagner~

There is nothing poetic
about the ways in which
this year has tried to
drown me, smother me
and devour me whole.
But, there is something
so beautiful to be said
of the ways I have

It is time for all of us to look at where we are being true to our core and holding to the sacred laws of this world. If you are out of alignment then you are getting ready to become extinct because certain energies will not be allowed to continue. Certain beliefs and mindsets are no longer in alignment with the greater good and as a world we are finally in a place where more separation will not be tolerated. And that is a good thing but those that continue to do that will find that the world is no longer willing to fuel things that cause more hurt and pain. I am grateful that we are finally in this place. Now how it is going unfold I have no idea because each choice and decision going forward shapes this new world. How are you contribute is also up to you.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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