Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 8/16/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 8/16/17
8/16/17 is the number 7. Is your strategy getting you anywhere? Are your choices giving you the results you want or not? This world is in a critical position. It is important that you consider the implications of your actions. Never has how your words are expressed and the energy behind them been more important.
The Moon is in Gemini all day, but while this influence is typically light and airy, a Mars-Pluto quincunx perfects this morning, and it can be difficult to let go of problem areas, concerns, and frustrations, particularly if you have been holding onto anger. Resentment or competitive feelings can be operating just under the surface, and it can be difficult to know how to manage or express it adequately. There is a strong desire to prove yourself or your point. Everyone needs to get off their soapbox for a moment and listen more rather than talk so much. This is the issue at the root of confrontations and bull-headedness at this time. You might second-guess your first impulses and honestly that might be a good strategy. Think first before you react. Avoid forcing issues if possible. You are moving towards a Venus-Jupiter square, exact early tomorrow. This influence can have the effect of exaggerating or expanding your feelings, and this state of mind can lead to overdoing, overstating your feelings, and overindulging in the emotional trauma drama. There is enough reactiveness right now. Exercise restraint and help this world more that way.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Words are weapons more powerful than many realize.
Some are like arrows that fly past your head and only spook you.
Others find their mark and tear the flesh open and can leave you in pieces.
~Suzanne Wagner~

I fear for the fate of this world.
I fear for the fate of this country
I fear for the safety of those that hold hate in their heart.
I fear for those that will stand for the rules and laws of our Constitution.
I fear that we have passed the tipping point for many things.
I fear that there are not those in power who will listen to the people to make the changes necessary to create laws to change the trajectory that we are on.
I fear that greed has won again.
I fear that those with wealth have become so caught up their childish games of power that they no longer care for this world, nature, or humanity itself.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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