Friday, August 11, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 8/12/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 8/12/17
8/12/17 is the number 3. Yes, you are on the cosmic roller-coaster again. I am sure everyone is getting tired of this ride and wish there was some way to get off of it. This number is the Empress card and she is a reminder to nurture and take care of yourself and those you love. This is a time when you will feel that faith in others is not warranted but you do need to have faith in yourself. Something is growing. What are you growing in your energy field at this moment? This is a place to learn how to harmonize destructive energies that are attempting to take over and smother you in dysfunction and chaos. This is a number to harness the mind. This is also a number focused on the proper use of words. Communication is an art. Pick your words carefully. Do you use words to share joy and enthusiasm for life or to be used as a weapon and in destructive ways? It is always your choice as to what you create in the external world. The problem is that you are not alone and others are perhaps using words in ways that work against the greater good.
Mercury turns retrograde Saturday August 12 until September 5th, 12 degrees Virgo back to 28 degrees Leo. The interesting thing about this retreat and revise energy is that the cycle ends at the same degree of Leo as the total solar eclipse. Certainly, the Virgo part of this energy will help you work on all those fix-it projects that need to be completed before the change of seasons. But Leo likes to play as well. Mercury’s nature is short and quick, so that means quick projects and quick getaways. Venus perfects its trine to Neptune shortly into the day, asking you to be accepting, sympathetic, and yielding with others. This can be a romantic, creative, and imaginative time. The Moon transits Aries all day, however, demanding some action or a fresh start. Mercury stations and turns retrograde today. Mercury's retrograde lasts until September 5th, beginning in the sign of Virgo and ending in the sign of Leo. During this cycle, your thinking is turned inward and review and re-assess matters. Mercury retrograde periods can be times of heightened inner awareness, when meditation, journaling, reworking old plans, and reviewing past work are favored. Minor breaks in the mechanical aspects of communication and transportation can re-connect you in more productive ways if you allow it. It is time to observe and review rather than making critical decisions with this shift since we are also between two eclipses.
~Suzanne Wagner~

An angel will be the first to tell you that its wings grew in the dark.

I am tired of arrogance. I am tired of hate.
I am tired of the mouths that cannot keep it straight.
I am not an idiot; a lie is a lie.
No matter how many times they try to deny.
It is such people that tear worlds apart.
They want chaos because they have no heart.
Those with no soul seek only power to fill
The empty void inside with the frightened shrills
Of their victims that they have lured into their den
With promises of glory and wins, again and again.
When the world is right at the edge
Will you then step up and make a pledge?
A pledge to life? A pledge to love?
Will you pick up your heart or throw down a glove?
I cannot make that choice for you.
I cannot help you to undo
The damage you will do to your karmic soul
If you make a choice that wreaks havoc and takes a toll.
On this earth and on all of life.
I pray for your mind to end the strife.
It is your unresolved conflict that has manifested this hell
It is your own energy that is building your own cell.
I hope that there are those that recognize the devil in disguise

That has hooked you into believing those lies.
You still have time but not much anymore.
The darkness is knocking on your front door.
~Suzanne Wagner~


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