Sunday, August 13, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 8/14/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 8/14/17
8/14/17 is the number 5. What is real? The earth is real. Love is real. Unfortunately hate is also very real. But it is essential to be here now. Be on the earth. That is the lesson of the number 5. Use your senses through sound, taste, touch, sight, and smell. I recently went to a Dim Sum Restaurant with one of my friends and we were in this huge restaurant with lots of people. Many large families with 10 at a table and no one was talking. Everyone was on their phones. Here is this large restaurant and it is super quiet. Myself and my friend were the only ones talking. It was clearly noticeable. And alarming. It is time to really listen to the earth. The number 5 is screaming for everyone to get back to truth, reality, and listen to what really matters instead of being addictively and permanently distracted with mindless things that will not help or save anyone.
The Moon is in Taurus all day, but while you seek out peace and harmony and can achieve it in some ways, the Moon's square to Mars late morning and square to the Sun tonight suggests the building up of friction, resistance, and digging in of your heels. The Last Quarter Moon occurs as the Sun in Leo forms a square with the Moon in Taurus at 9:16 PM. Astrologically right now the world is in a crisis of consciousness. You are at a critical point and this world needs to sort out what works in a global sense not in a personal narcissistic sense. In this moment, we have lost something critical and something dark is attempting to be born once again. Astrologically we are in a time that there is a decreasing light of the Moon and we are descending into unconsciousness places that threaten to pull us back into a barbaric place that we believed that we had moved beyond. It's time to begin finishing up something that is critical for your personal evolution. Venus is moving towards an opposition to Pluto, influencing the latter half of today. Expect fears and underlying resentments are going to reach a critical point of explosion. Keep calm. Stay true to progress. Do not allow your fear to collapse you into the places of your deepest wounds.
~Suzanne Wagner~

When beauty is in your soul
All can see it.
When compassion is in your heart
All feel safe in your presence.
When honesty is your core standard
All feel truth in your calming presence
~Suzanne Wagner~

Maybe if you had truly listened with your heart …  not your head, you would have been able to hear the truth.
Maybe if you had consistently worked to open your heart ….. rather than being right, you would have become compassionate.
Maybe if you had moved through your life with your desire to understand others … you would not be so afraid of humanities differences.
Maybe if you had done all of those things early in your life ….. you would not have become so wounded that you lash out with anger from your own damage, thus damaging others.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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