Saturday, August 12, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 8/13/17 - Plus Personal Blog

Numerology/Astrology for 8/13/17
8/13/17 is the number 4. There are difficult and unpleasant tasks in front of us that the number 4 (the stabilizer) is going to attempt to handle. This is the number of neutrality but to find the middle ground is not a place that is easily found when there is so much anger and hate running around. Our fate is in the hands of those who are in power and that right now is not something that seems comforting. To find the center in a world spinning out of control requires great leadership and everyone standing together. But there are those that would rather be right than to compromise in any way. This is a moment that requires the practiced discipline that does not seem to be available in any way right now. Co-operation is the “door to illumination”, but no one seems to be willing to do that. This is a moment when rules need to be adhered to and self-discipline must be brought back into a place that creates patience and endurance. This number 4 when it is out of balance becomes argumentative and suddenly aggressive. People are being pushed beyond their patience and endurance. Impulsivity becomes the way of forward progression and that makes clear judgments fall into the clouds of anger and suffering.
The Sun is trine Saturn on Sunday afternoon, making this a good day to have those challenging conversations about boundaries or your core needs in this life. Because the Moon is in Taurus to start the week, you will want tangible results for all your effort. Just remember that Mercury just turned retrograde last weekend, so allow room for adjustments later on. The Moon ends its transit of Aries at 6:41 AM EDT when it enters Taurus. A Taurus Moon will attempt to bring stability and focus the energy on the practical. With the Sun and Saturn forming a trine, there is a desire to bring productivity, groundedness, and common sense back into the mix. You feel stable under this influence, making it a good time to lean or pare down the areas of life where you have been excessive or have too much going on. You are more able to tune out distractions and concentrate on what matters, although there is a sternness in your voice and actions at this time. You are facing a reality that did not seem even remotely possible a year ago. You will want to stick to a particular task to make headway and movement. Productivity may be slow, but hopefully it will be steady. This can be a time where those that refused to change will have to eat humble pie and listen to good advice. With Mercury newly retrograde you may shy away from a full commitment.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Many hands are bleeding
from crawling out of the hole
that the hatred of this world
keeps digging.
That hole is becoming deeper
than most will be able to crawl out of.
Perhaps this is what is necessary
to awaken those out of the egoic stupor
of self-righteousness.
~Suzanne Wagner~

The balance of life is not existing at the moment. I feel as if we are all in the Star Wars movie where Obi-Wan says to Darth Vader, “You were supposed to bring balance to the force, not leave it in darkness.” Sometimes to bring balance you have to show the dysfunction and imbalance. I personally fear for the world which is in such verbal chaos and teetering on the brink of insanity. Where are those with a clear mind and a non-reactive objective clarity that can ratchet down this dangerous game of words? I cannot see even one person with the power in our government to make something shift back to balance. And what is even more scary is that we do not have those in Congress that are willing to put our system of checks and balances into this crazy game either. How did we get to such a place where there are not enough people with morals and ethics to stop the executive branch from destroying our world?

~Suzanne Wagner~


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